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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. I'm going to rewind my DVR recording of the Florida/Ohio State football game from this past January. You know the one...where THE Ohio State University was supposed to "throttle" Florida and there was no way possible the Gators could win? I'm pulling for the Spartans and Rick Comley...and I hope they win.
  2. I was going to stay out of the fray of this one, but here is a phone conversation I had this week with one of the parents (an avid Gopher hockey fan, from what he told me all season long while at the rink) from my son's mites hockey team: Paul: Scott, would you like my ticket to Thursday's Wild game? In a gesture of good faith, I'm going to give it to you free and hope you've gotten over the Sioux loss to the Gophers. Scott: Thanks for the offer, Paul, but I'm kinda busy Thursday night. Um...I'm over that loss. What do you mean? Paul: What are you doing? Scott: I'm going to Joe Senser's to watch the Frozen Four. Paul: Well, are you doing ok since the Sioux lost to the Gophers? Scott: Um, Paul, you do realize that the Sioux are playing in the semi-finals tonight and that they beat the Gophers in the regional two weeks ago, right? Paul: Huh? Scott: After the Final Five, the Sioux and the Gophers met in the western regional in Denver. North Dakota won 3-2 in overtime and eliminated Minnesota from the tournament. Paul: Oh. I didn't know they were still playing. I thought the Final Five was 'it.' Scott: (laughing hysterically at this point) Nope...there's still some hockey to be played. But not by the Gophers. And Gopher fans wonder why we poke fun at them. I guess we agree to disagree. The Gophers will raise a WCHA champion banner and a WCHA playoff champion banner next fall. Personally, I'd rather have the satisfaction of having made a Frozen Four and having had the shot to play for the national title. I guess we agree to disagree. I guess you'd have to ask the players though, what they would prefer. I'm certainly no expert in their thoughts.
  3. Um...you mean THIS video? Sioux Jersey Pop Blake Wheeler home video? This is a Sioux fan popping off to Mike Carmen and Blake Wheeler after the Gophers were eliminated in the western regional. He's telling Mike and Blake to 'have fun golfing' since their season was over. What the heck were you thinking?
  4. Didn't Steve DeBus turn 45 just before the last time the Gophers finished the season with a win?
  5. Minnesota still hasn't won an NCAA title without some type of foreigner on the team.
  6. Maine again deals with tragedy in its hockey program... Tim Whitehead's Mother-In-Law Dies En Route To Frozen Four
  7. There's a difference between being another in a long line of great Sioux players and being a Tony Hrkac, an Ed Belfour, a Jason Blake, or even a Matt Henderson. It's called being a member of a national championship team. That's what will ultimately cement a player's legacy into the hearts of Sioux fans everywhere. For that reason alone, I think TJ Oshie will return next season. The goal has not been accomplished.
  8. In this day and age of college sports, where athletes head to the next level often after only a year or two in college, I've come to appreciate more the players who stay for four years. It's always fun to watch them develop as players. Today, we'll deal with disappointment, and I'm sure tomorrow night will be more as players and fans think of what could-have-been, but the sun will rise again on Sioux hockey and next fall, we'll greet some of the same players and say 'hi' to some new faces as we look forward to the 2007-2008 season of Fighting Sioux hockey. Remember, until 2001, BC had been in the Frozen Four three years in a row and suffered crushing disappointments as well before finally winning it all: 1998: Loss to Michigan in NCAA championship game (I believe this was an OT loss too) 1999: Loss in NCAA semi-final game (can't remember opponent) 2000: Loss to North Dakota in NCAA championship game (4-2, after leading 2-1 heading into the 3rd period) To the seniors who won't return, good luck to all three of you. You've worn the green, white, and black with pride and represented your school with honor.
  9. Was I the only one who noticed that not long before the Porter interference call, Duncan had dumped the puck in the zone only to be throttled from behind by a BC player? No call! Two minutes later...Porter...interference. UGH!
  10. Go back to your Gopher hole.
  11. Chris Porter had such a great post-season. I was disappointed in a couple of penalties that he took last night. I give a lot of credit to BC, though. At the end of the 2nd, I believe they had 34 shots on goal to 19 for the Sioux and some very good chances. If not for the play of Phil and some lucky bounces off the pipe, the score could have been 5-2 after two.
  12. BC owned the space between the blue lines last night. I'm still depressed this morning. Go Green! Go White! Go State!
  13. I'm normally a Maine guy, but for some reason, I'm pulling for Rick Comley today. He's one of the true good guys of college coaching and Spartan fans have really been rough on him since he came there from Northern Michigan University.
  14. I'd hardly say that losing three straight opening round series to the team that eventually became the Western Conference champion (Anaheim 2003, Calgary 2004, Edmonton 2006) would be considered 'choking'. Now, blowing a 3-2 series lead after your goalie pulls the 'Statue of Liberty' in game 6, then not even showing up for game 7 in a 7-0 white-washing? THAT should be considered a choke! Whoops!
  15. Cue the video, please. 1997 Red Wings vs Avalanche - Patrick Roy and Mike Vernon 1998 Red Wings vs Avalanche - Patrick Roy and Chris Osgood McCarty's Revenge
  16. The only thing more perfect than a Sioux victory and the Goonalanche in the playoffs would be a Sioux victory and Colorado playing the Red Wings in the first round of the playoffs.
  17. Hey, we can't all enjoy the benefits of working at Arby's like you, Rwtd.
  18. Sometimes it's good to be single!
  19. I'm planning on bolting out of here at 2:00 pm.
  20. It's 10:45 am, folks. Is there ANYONE planning on feeling a little ill around 2:30 pm and meeting me in Bloomington at Joe Senser's?
  21. I am frothing at the bit to watch some hockey today. Going to Senser's at 5:30 pm in anticipation of the Sioux 7:00 pm game just isn't going to cut it. Who wants to play some hookie with me and head there at 3:00 pm and watch the Maine/Michigan State game?
  22. The Blues can take a look at that other kid from UMD who's had a pretty good year, too. What's his name...Brett Hull? Stick to football, Howie!
  23. Ish. I think web sites that treat men like nothing more than a piece of meat are despicable. Back in a bit...I'm off to www.wildpartygirls.com!
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