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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. Actually, it's Blake, not Breck. Two different schools.
  2. Someone please cue the Naked Gun video... Doctors say there's a 50/50 chance they're all gone...although there's only a 10 percent chance of that. Naked Gun - Watch from :52 to 1:10 Mark
  3. I don't know about that attendance-wise. Go check out the numbers from the 1998 regional hosted at the Great Dane. I debated going but figured I'd never get a ticket. Imagine my stunned surprise when I turn on the Sioux/BC game and see about 500 people in the stands.
  4. Trust me, it's Nanne. I'm surprised he didn't bust how "hey, no one can beat Edina when they play like they play when they play."
  5. Or, if you hurry, you can watch the Favre press conference!
  6. I agree totally. Let's hope Wisconsin falters and doesn't make the tournament. Who's up for a road trip from Minneapolis to Madison in a few weeks?
  7. I loved Lou Nanne going on and on and on in the second period about how the team with the best chance to score was Blake and that St Cloud Cathedral just didn't have any firepower. After about the 30th time he mentions it (about 11:35 of the second period), a Cathedral player scores on a wrap-around shot (11:30). At no point afterward did he address his previous statements (or mis-statements). Maybe Lou should stick to trying to convince "family friends" to reneg on commitments to UND and give up broadcasting?
  8. Highest Rated Televised Hockey Game in a Decade! Despite the fact that Michigan and Florida were playing in a New Year's Day bowl game at exactly the same time, the ratings for this game were still excellent. Do you really think not a single new person who tuned in to the Penguins/Sabres game has not watched a game since then? I bet they have. This idea can't be overdone though. Once, twice, three times is cool. Once a season? Marketing gimmick. Things go in cycles. The NBA was hot for Jordan...cold since about 1999. The rise of LeBron has changed things a bit and since the Lakers and Celtics are prime teams again, it's hot. I'd love to see the NHL rise to the level of popularity it had in about 1994 but it's going to take some work. Contract a few teams and let's see teams with not just one star but two or three. Hopefully Bettman finally wakes up...
  9. I was fortunate enough to score a ticket to the Holy Angels/Edina sectional semi-final game at the Bloomington Ice Gardens a few weeks ago. Anyone attending a lot of Sioux games in the next few years is going to enjoy watching Danny Mattson and Joe Gleason play.
  10. Want me to get ahold of a certain Jason Notermann and see if he'll fill in? Quick, someone get him a screen-name!
  11. You are preachin' to the choir, AZSIOUX! I'm a huge Michigan football fan and it was painful to turn away from either the UM/UF football game or the Penguins/Sabres game. UGH...what was Bettman thinking? Speaking of Ovechkin, did you see the game the other night when Washington lit up Boston for SIX GOALS in the first period and Alex had the hatty in 20 minutes? AWESOME! And it's about time the Capitals wore some decent looking uniforms too and got rid of those dreary colors now sported by only the Washington Wizards! I believe the hottest rumor regarding an outdoor college hockey game is still Wisconsin vs Boston College at Camp Randall, isn't it?
  12. Not true. Chris Chelios only played the 1981/1982 and 1982/1983 seasons with Wisconsin.
  13. If you watched the Winter Classic, you would have noticed that the whistle was blown at the 10:00 mark of each period and the teams changed ends. It wouldn't have mattered if Sidney Crosby was at center-ice on a break-away at the 10:02 mark. Unless the puck had been in the back of the net at exactly 10:00, the whistle would have blown the play dead. A gimmick? Maybe. But I don't think 80,000 people in Buffalo can be termed "suckers". Personally, I loved it, and if it brought some new fans to the NHL, bonus points!
  14. It's about time. Kudos to the family for looking at the "good" to come from finally getting this award instead of giving into the media and other people who would like to look at the "why did this take so long?" negative view. It's about time, though, and Master Sgt. Keeble's family should be proud.
  15. I'm glad I could assist you with your daily chuckle. Good times!
  16. There is NO WAY 7 WCHA teams make it and 9 teams from the remaining conferences fill the rest of the slots. For all the talk about how weak the CCHA is, Michigan State is the defending national champion. The game is played on the ice, folks, not in power rankings and "our .500 seventh place conference team is better than your .750 1st place conference team because our conference is stronger" b.s.!
  17. I second that motion!
  18. Well, since the Schwan's gig went so well I didn't have to man the concession stand but I am putting in about 4-5 hours this weekend selling chuck-a-pucks!
  19. I'll probably swing by at some point after the mites game on Friday night and my volunteer stint at the rink on Saturday. Save me a spot?
  20. I'm still trying to find information that backs up your point of Republicans raiding dollars earmarked for past transportation expenditures. Help me out here. In a land controlled by the DFL, one Republican governor seems to be blamed for an awful lot.
  21. Lots. Regardless of party affiliation, getting the 35W bridge back up and running will garner votes. Putting a stadium in Bemidji? Some votes, yes, but not enough.
  22. Maybe if we gather together in a peace circle, hold hands, and sing old Beatles tunes, the problem will just go away? Or maybe we can convince ourselves that light rail really is the answer and that people will board trains taking them from Rogers to Maple Grove, at which point they exit the train and board a bus which will take them to downtown Minneapolis to work.
  23. OK, so Friday's out...if the Sioux win Friday and CC loses, will Saturday's CC game be shown at JS?
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