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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. Are we Italy yet? I’m now unemployed and waiting patiently. My work laptop was disconnected immediately after my meeting with HR and now I’m forced to use my 5G phone too. Is it any wonder that my testicles, er, tentacles hurt?
  2. I won’t have a job to go back to.
  3. MafiaMan

    The Herald

    When all is said and done, I will be STUNNED if Forum Communications is not 100% digital within the next few months.
  4. Add me to the list of unemployed as of noon yesterday.
  5. MafiaMan

    The Herald

    In the interest of full disclosure, I worked for Forum Communications...until about noon yesterday. I can confirm that NO businesses are advertising right now and this is among the FIRST things that businesses cut. You know who is LOVING this pandemic right now? Facebook, that’s who.
  6. MafiaMan

    The Herald

    In the TC area, the subsidiary company is shutting down the Hastings Star Gazette and The Bulletin (Woodbury and Cottage Grove). MAJOR cuts were made yesterday.
  7. What was “controversial” about it? Are you suggesting that Governor Evers executive order suspending the election was somehow allowable under the Wisconsin Constitution?
  8. Will being on the 5G network help my chances of staying employed with my company after 10:30 am tomorrow morning? I can’t imagine a video conference call with the publisher and HR is a good thing.
  9. Yea, that was not included. However, 1 in every 100 boxes will have a bonus Bill de Blasio figure in his YMCA workout gear!
  10. I am looking at the box now...kind of disappointed because it seems that it's short on toilet paper pieces.
  11. My kids are busy building this today...
  12. Yes. I’m proposing that St. Thomas Academy compete in the private school class...all by themselves.
  13. My sister and family are on the 1/2G network in Fairfield.
  14. MafiaMan


    More time than ever before? Anything big happen that I missed?
  15. MafiaMan


    @01grad DUDE...you’re alive!
  16. I sent you a PM with a list of reasons about me - it’s pretty long!
  17. Lighten up a bit, sheesh.
  18. Carried over from the other thread...carry on!
  19. Nice!
  20. Agree on that point. I’m not sure I’d like it as much seeing a half dozen different Blackhawk logos on the banners. This is a case of “close enough” for me to be happy. I’m just glad the Brien logos are gone from all of the national championship banners. Nice logo, but didn’t mean anything to someone on the 1959 team!
  21. Wrong. UND is pretty much using the 1996 Blackhawk logo on the 1980’s banners. While it looks better, it was not the one that existed a decade earlier. Further muddying things is that jersey “uniformity” then is not what it is now. You often had Sioux players on the same team sporting different crests on their jersey fronts due to different vendors supplying the school with patches. CRAZY!
  22. At the risk of being banned from this site, I have an issue with #23 being retired, but that’s just my opinion. I do get misty-eyed, however, at the new era-specific banners hanging in the rafters. They’re gorgeous.
  23. MafiaMan


    By golly, I think you're right! Maybe my grammar is slipping due to being "safer at home."
  24. MafiaMan


    It’s my own OCD kicking in on the spelling error “gotta be accurate to...” should be “too.” Agree with you 100% on jersey accuracy.
  25. Wasn’t Perunovich arrested in Duluth this morning for intentionally coughing on residents at the local nursing home up there? Disturbing, if true...
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