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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. A 6 point victory (40-34) is hardly considered "lit on fire" by most folks...at the end of 3 quarters, the score was 34-31 Montana. How'd that Montana team finish? Oh yea, 5 wins, 6 losses.
  2. And last year's squad smoked a Sac State team that came to GF and hammered UND...and, yes, they gave up 52 points to conference champion Fresno State in the season finale, but put 62 of their own on the board. Everything can change from season to season, though...I guess we'll find out tomorrow night...
  3. Not in the same state...one rival didn't leave the other behind for four years and move up...obviously your points have merit and I certainly wasn't saying that the comparison was exactly the same... About my second paragraph, though...no rebuttal?
  4. That "sub-par, watered down FBS team (that should actually be in FCS)" came within 3 points of knocking off Stanford (at Stanford Stadium) in the season opener just two years ago. SJSU went on to an 11-2 season...Stanford finished 12-2 and was the Pac-12 and Rose Bowl champion that year.
  5. Perhaps "fairly similar" was a poor choice of words on my part. I was simply looking at the fact that they're the only major football schools in the state and one made the jump from 1-AA to playing with the big boys. It would seem that NDSU's thinking (whether or not you agree with it) in not playing UND is similar to West Virginia's logic for not wanting Marshall on the docket. Also, following the logic that some here use, both Marshall and WVU are FBS schools with an equal number of scholarships. By default then, they're on "equal" footing.
  6. Oh, I guess I didn't realize that Pittsburgh PA and Morgntown WV were in the same state... You're quick with a comeback for that comparison...guess I lost you on the Alabama/Duke history lesson...
  7. Here's a good example of a fairly similar situation...check out the demands of West Virginia and Marshall in this "rivalry" as well as the eventual resolution. Interesting stuff. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friends_of_Coal_Bowl
  8. Whoa whoa whoa, Oxbow6...be careful or you'll be labled a heretic scheduled for being burned at the stake like me. Just toe the party line here, comrade, and you'll be ok.
  9. Haven't they come out with an anthracite alternate yet? Everyone else has...
  10. Looks just like Eastern Washington - with grey in place of black and orange in place of red. Even the tire tread pattern is the same.
  11. There was a quirk in the Big 10 schedule about 10-12 years ago where Michigan played at Minnesota two years in a row...but that wasn't because of one school's demands. I've already pointed out the unusual agreement Notre Dame made with Miami a couple of years ago where the Hurricanes and Irish set up a 2012 meeting in Chicago and a second game in South Bend in 2016. Look, I get it, the company line is that NDSU should have scheduled UND in back-to-back years in Fargo and then Grand Forks. NDSU scheduling Weber State in that exact scenario while ignoring UND's request for a similar arrangement was done by design - as a big FU to UND. Be upset at Faison for putting his name on the contract...be upset at Bubba for wanting a game no matter what. It's not as if Thundar burst into the conference room and held a gun to Faison's head and insisted he sign the deal. Or maybe he did?
  12. San Jose State shut out Sacramento State 24-0 in last year's home opener...Sac State rolled UND in GF 31-7 several weeks later...I guess we'll find out if progress has been made soon...
  13. UND travelling to Fargo twice before a return date is set..Eastern Michigan playing at Florida and Michigan State...Weber State opening up at Arizona State...some folks around here are gonna have a heart attack at some point...
  14. Nice piece - thanks for posting the link.
  15. They're awesome! I'm not a Blues fan but they have a great fan base in that town. Nice to see the Blues looking good again.
  16. In his defense, the post making that claim wasn't made by darell.
  17. THAT'S what you deduced from my comments on Colorado, the ACC, and Notre Dame coaches?
  18. A) fightingsioux4life brought up Notre Dame/Miami, not me. B) the claim was that this (meaning two "home" games in a row for one school) would "never happen"...something I promptly refuted and proved to be incorrect.
  19. Colorado's conference is as good as the ACC...so what? Colorado's terrible. I hope Bubba rights the ship. But a certain Notre Dame has had a slew of saviors come along since Lou Holtz....Bob Davie, Tyrone Willingham, Charlie Weis...I'll wait to see the on-the-field product before proclaiming to be on the "same level" as NDSU.
  20. Speaking of laughable...let's look at the Notre Dame/Miami rivalry. After losing in Miami in 1989, Notre Dame almost immediately announced that the 1990 game in South Bend would be it - the rivalry needed a "cooling off period." The teams would not meet again in regular season play until 2012 - at Soldier Field. Notre Dame territory. A second game was scheduled for 2016. Where, you ask? Miami? Tampa Bay? Hell, how about Jacksonville? Nope. South Bend, Indiana.
  21. And what better way to set the tone for a great relationship with your new head coach than by squashing his request to get a certain team on the schedule, right? Your Alabama/Auburn question doesn't make any sense unless Alabama were to move up to FBS1 and leaves Auburn behind in FBS2.
  22. Well you see, darell, Alabama and Duke actually go back a long ways together. Alabama coach Wallace Wade left Tuscaloosa to coach at Duke way before our time. He's such a legend at both schools that the street that runs alongside Alabama's Bryant-Denny Stadium is Wade Avenue and Duke's stadium is actually NAMED Wallace Wade Stadium. In addition, Duke coach David Cutcliffe played at Alabama and was an assistant coach under some guy you may have heard of: Paul "Bear" Bryant. Call it a hunch...but I have a feeling that those are a couple of good reasons why mighty Alabama travelled to lowly Duke in 2010...
  23. So now you're all IN FAVOR of this game despite posting a week or two ago that UND should forget about NDSU and get someone else on the schedule?
  24. Kentucky's SEC in football...Indiana's Big 10 in football...Colorado's Pac 12 in football...do those schools carry the same amount of FBS "respect" as Alabama, Ohio State, and USC?
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