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Posts posted by darell1976

  1. 5 hours ago, jdub27 said:

    Regardless of what "side" you are on, this type of commentary does absolutely nothing to help the situation.

    That’s like saying “I will watch what I say so I don’t piss of the FSF, hockey only crowd”. She picked a fight with Kennedy and the university when she ran to the Herald and spat out a bunch of BS, and for what, to get her 5 minutes of fame, to get more money from the school? The situation will be better in twelve years when the university controls their own ticket sales of ALL UND programs. Seemed to have worked well prior to 2001, I’m sure it will work well again in 2030. IMO I have the utmost respect for RALPH Englestad, HE gave us the arena. I have NO respect for his daughter. Ask UNLV if they respect her after pulling funds for a med school. 

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  2. 3 minutes ago, Benny Baker said:

    Yes.  And thank you for acknowledging that over the past ten years, UND football hasn’t averaged 10k fans a game. 

    Meaning what they aren’t worth getting 100% of their ticket sales? They aren’t relevant? Attendance fell towards the end of the Muss era and has since rebounded nicely. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Benny Baker said:

    For the 7 seasons from 2009-2015, there were only 2 games that even had attendance reach 10,000.

    I'll let others decide what details are important . . . .

    So you pick the Muss years of our GWFC days, and 2 years of Bubba’s tenure that was preceding our playoff trip. Try attendance from 2016-2017 which had 6 games over 10k alone.

  4. 25 minutes ago, fightingsioux4life said:

    Well said, my friend. Thank you for saying it so articulately. I let my emotions take over on this issue and it doesn't come out right.

    We need to think outside the box when it comes to athletics fundraising. We need to get creative when it comes to raising money for FB, MBB, WBB and all the other sports we have not cut. And yes, that means "spending other people's money", but it will be money that those people VOLUNTARILY gave to UND athletics to make us stronger as a program. That is how intercollegiate athletics is funded today. If people have a problem with that, then they should rethink their own support for these programs. The Athletic Department, the Alumni Association and others should get together and figure out how to do this. Otherwise, we should just move back down to D-II and the NSIC.

    PS: Once September 2030 comes around, we should hire the firm that runs the Alerus Center to run REA. And make sure KEM has absolutely nothing to do with how the arena is run or who gets what sum of money each year.

    4,455 days until Queen KEM is dethroned.

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  5. 6 hours ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

    Like your sights down the road! These P5 games do bring some bacon home and are exciting to have on the early schedule.

    As long as we stay competitive with Washington the game will be fun to see. 

  6. 6 minutes ago, TRex said:

    IIRC NDSU started their playoff run and ultimately their title streak coming off a 3-8 season 9 or 10 years ago.    A bad season or even a few of them shouldn't sink a program.   However a bad coach or a series of bad coaches sure can do it.   

    They blamed that season on injuries and a bunch of “close” losses which counts as wins to them. I hope last season was a glitch due to injuries but if we can’t get at least 7 wins then it may be time to shake up the coaching staff. 

  7. Just now, petey23 said:

    You are too dumb for words sometimes.

    Your little girl story was dumb. Don’t worry I am sure you will have another poll about 4 people wearing Sioux gear that hate the Hawk logo that no one is wearing. Carry on.

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  8. 3 hours ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:



    This 2000 article sheds some light on initial ownership. 

    ENGELSTAD ARENA: Cost to top $80 million

    Architect working with want list, not budget

    By Michael Benedict 
    Herald Staff Writer

    The new Engelstad Arena is expected to cost in excess of $80 million.

    The price tag for the arena was estimated at $65 million to $70 million in September, and the estimate before construction started was about $50 million. Interviewed Monday, a principle with the architectural firm that designed the arena said Ralph Engelstad never mandated a $50 million budget for the arena.

    When Engelstad, a UND alumnus and casino owner, announced a donation of $100 million to UND in December 1998, he said then that half of the money -- $40 million to $50 million -- would fund the new arena.

    Engelstad and UND didn't know then where they would spend the remainder.

    The casino owner declined to talk to the Herald for this article, but through a spokeswoman, he did confirm the arena will cost "$80-million plus."

    "All I know is we're trying to build what Ralph wants," said James Kobetsky, the principle with the building's design firm, Schoen Associates. "We didn't really have a budget. (He) was telling us what to design."

    At the end of 1998, Engelstad also didn't know what such a facility would cost, said Earl Strinden, emeritus chief executive officer of the UND Alumni Association and Foundation.

    Strinden said Engelstad came up with the $40 million to $50 million total based on other university arenas he toured before his donation announcement.

    Strinden said the new Engelstad with its 11,400 seats won't be the largest university arena in the country.

    "It will be a facility that will be the finest in the world," Strinden said. "It will be a diamond."

    He said UND President Charles Kupchella and Engelstad continue to discuss the remainder of the $100-million gift.

    Among highlights that weren't included in initial thoughts, a building connected to the arena that will contain an indoor, Olympic-size ice sheet for practice and other community needs.

    The extra building cost several million dollars, Strinden said.

    "Ralph and UND wanted to get everything in they wanted," said Kobetsky, adding material costs are lower here than in other areas of the country. "At this point, we're getting very good value for the money.

    Another highlight is a 3-foot-high, 900-foot-long video screen that wraps the arena for instant replays, scores and "more excitement."

    Called dasher boards, the boards that will surround the main building's NHL-size rink also are spring-loaded. The boards flex four inches on impact, which will lead to fewer hockey injuries.

    In large construction projects, there are always add-ons, but, with 95 percent of the building's contract bids now final, Kobetsky said he doesn't anticipate costs will continue to increase.

    "These are the kind of things (Engelstad) spent more money on," Kobetski said. "He knows exactly what he wants in the facility to make it more successful."

    Through his Arena Construction Inc. and Ralph Engelstad Arena Inc., Engelstad technically owns and operates the new arena, but he does plan to give it to the university soon after it's completed, said Strinden.

    For charitable tax reasons -- to prove the property valuable -- Engelstad's lease agreement with UND, however, state's he can own the facility until Sept. 30, 2030.

    "His full intentions are that it will be turned over to the university in the very near future," Strinden said. "I do know in my visit with him, he will turn it over."

    Any profit the facility makes in his ownership, Engelstad plans to donate to UND athletics.

    Grand Forks Herald, October 17, 2000




    What went wrong or maybe right since the beginning ???????  

    The lease continues. Ralph Engelstad never gave the building (shortly after completion) to UND. It now won't happen till September 30th, 2030, why? The ND State Legislature was not eager with the responsibility of possible paying for potential operating financial shortfalls of the Diamond. Imagine that? This concern eventually brought Ms. Kris McGarry into our lives?

    Issues? Would the hockey program and building still be top tier if UND owned the building shortly after it's completion, and would UND be diverting funds elsewhere? Would The Betty have ever been built? Or, maybe the state legislature should of should said thank you for The Ralph?

    The whole initial $100 million that Ralph donated to UND went into the arena plus $4M. The building was paid for before the first puck was dropped, amazing!

    Why? Maybe the nickname issue plays a big part. It started in 2005 with the NCAA’s list and Engelstad told Strinden he could see UND’s name being changed prior to that list coming out (there is a Valley News Live story on it). Now that UND has a new name and logo they are wanting to wait as long as possible to hand it over. No Hawk on the ice, on the outside of the building, or even on center court of the Betty. 

  9. 39 minutes ago, UND-FB-FAN said:

    Darrell, don't act so oblivious. 

    How could UND be further along? Obviously recruit better players in years 1, 2, and 3 and not lose so many of them to attrition. Why don't you take a look at what Jay Hill has been doing down at Weber State (he took over a team that went 2-10 in the same conference as UND). Handicapping UND by continually proclaiming "Muss put them in a hole, blah, blah, blah" only feeds into the hysteria that NDSU will always be way ahead of UND. NDSU doesn't ask for excuses like that, so neither should UND and Bubba. 

    Year one Bubba improves team to 5-7 with Muss’s players.

    Year two Bubba improves team to 7-4 (got screwed out of a playoff berth), gives UND their first winning record since 2011.

    Year three Bubba improves team to a share of the conference title.

    Year four, injuries injuries injuries. 

    Year five....coming in August.

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  10. 2 hours ago, Irish said:

    He has some things to learn about keeping and developing his recruits also - I understand the competition but frankly thought we'd be much further along by now.  And We don't need TRex to out recruit these teams, we need Bubba to do it.  That's what he sold us when he was hired.  

    How would we be further along with a different coach? Players bolted when Muss was fired, and coming off a 3 win season Bubba had to start in the hole.

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  11. 3 hours ago, TRex said:

    Back in 2013 we got our first commit in mid October, it was Dev Ferguson IIRC.    He stayed around a year or two.   Unfortunately with the early signing date now it moves things up a few months.   I wouldn't panic for a couple weeks yet.   If we don't get something by July, then it's time to ask what's going on.   That said however, I still think Bubba doesn't know how to recruit.

    It’s been an uphill battle for Bubba to recruit people. He has to sell the program who has one DI playoff berth, a rival team 70 miles who has a dynasty currently going, and fight other FCS, and FBS teams in a footprint which we are behind the 8 ball as the new guy in town. This is his 5th season his players are seniors so the word is still out on his recruiting. But I’m sure you can do better at outrecruiting the likes of NDSU, SDSU, UNI and Minnesota.

  12. 52 minutes ago, Siouxperfan7 said:

    And in a crazy attempt to promote their re branding, they had the audacity to put it at midcourt!! ;)


    But we do have the Hawk name and logo somewhere on the court so it’s a baby step for the Englestad people. It’s a lot more then what did on the ice. I guess we have to take it as a small win for rebranding. 

  13. 5 hours ago, SIOUXFAN97 said:

    i would dare say most people would like to have some normal "home courts" as apposed this garbage we have...alerus is still the worst example of a home field in the history of history..

    but...engelstad won't allow it

    but...alerus won't allow it

    but...the sioux forever crowd won't allow it

    Alerus will be getting new turf before we start MVFC play. Let’s see what they decide. Alerus has a big Hawk football logo on the outside of the building they have Hawk’d up the place more than any other building so the word is still out on what the new turf will be next year or early 2020.

  14. 18 minutes ago, UND Fan said:

    I have no idea when you were in school but in the 36 years prior to Jones, UND had a winning % of .641 (very good).  Gunther was 332-177 (.652) and Glas was 335-194 (.633).  In the 8 years prior Gunther and Glas, Fitch and Rodgers has a winning % of .643.  Jones' record is 178-199.  He would have to win 145 games in a row to equal Glas' winning %. 

    For the many on here who say we now accept mediocrity, I fully agree!! 

    I grew up with Gunther and Glas and I remember the constant trips to the playoffs including trips to Springfield, then Jones took over and we are where we are.

  15. 18 hours ago, UND-FB-FAN said:

    Do you know how long Brian Jones has been the head men's basketball coach at UND (hint: it hasn't been only within the "immediate" past)? 

    Do you know Brian Jones record as head men's basketball coach at UND?

    Do you know if UND won their conference this most recent season? Do you know how many conference titles UND has had with Brian Jones as UND's head mens's basketball coach?


    The answer to all of those questions are not up to my standards. I am not going to apologize just because some who support UND are subconsciously immune to mediocrity. Jones has a track record at UND that is not overly competitive save one season where UND made the NCAA tournament. I look at the big picture; it sounds like you do not follow UND basketball closely and are not familiar with the big picture. 

    Jones is the last coach, probably throughout all of our current coaches, from the DII era.

  16. 4 hours ago, iluvdebbies said:

    Speaking of a history of poor attendance.,......





    Yeah, you attending school. Have you passed the third grade yet Billy? 

  17. 6 minutes ago, Teeder11 said:

    I'm actually not critical of the women's game in that way. I certainly don't have the exact same expectations for style of play when I go to MBB compared to WBB. They are equally pleasing to me in their own ways, especially if UND is winning.  Where I depart from WIH is when I see the sense of entitlement that seems to exude people associated with the former UND program that it was somehow different and that it should have been handled differently than other cut programs: wrestling, baseball, M&W S&D, and the privatizing of MG (to include the recent broaching of a possible endowment plan).

    Their (many WIH supporters) vitriol is nauseating even for someone like me who attended almost all of their homes games and cheered them on win or lose.  

    "hell hath no fury ..." :0

    Basketball has basically the same rules and tempo, women’s hockey has no checking which is a key element of the game. Could you imagine if the men didn’t have checking? 

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