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Posts posted by darell1976

  1. Is our team viewed differently to the playoff commission because we are an independent vs being in a conference? I would think a Big Sky schedule helps compared to a real independent schedule. 

  2. 1 minute ago, TRex said:

    Now Darell, if Bubba can't win at least one playoff game this year, then I think we are headed for disaster in our first few years in the Mo Valley FC.  Another thing, our first year in the MVFC is in 2020, so if we give him until the end of 2020 that's one season.   As to the assistants, I don't think it's fair to fire them and not hold Bubba responsible.


    5 minutes ago, Irish said:

    We seem to be endlessly patient - the problem here is that Bubba had a chance to deal with a less than stellar staff and decided all is well.  He'd darn well better produce after endorsing the crap offense we have been subject to.  And in the mean time, NDSU is top dog in North Dakota.  Time to get serious about winning.  And comparing anyone to Muss is a non starter.  He's the reason we are still digging out of a hole.  

    First, I am sure Bubba, like some of us, blame injuries on the season we had, it was a total MASH unit. No one could see us lose that many players throughout the year. Being an independent puts more pressure on this team and on Bubba as we can't win a conference title. As we saw 7 wins doesn't produce a playoff berth, so its 8-3 or better for this team. Can it be done, sure. But playing a Pac12 title favorite doesn't start the season well. But anything can happen.

    I was thinking 2019 because of the NDSU game, yep 2020 is the first year in the MVFC which means Bubba's last year is the next season, he does need to produce wins but saying we need a playoff win or its fire town for him may be premature. NDSU was a powerhouse in the 80's and RT stood the thumping they gave us through 1992 before knocking them off year after year and becoming a NCC power ourselves. 1986-1989 those 4 seasons, zero playoff games and 2 out of the 4 we were above .500. 1990 new defensive coordinator (Dale Lennon) took over, and in 1992 a playoff berth (a loss to Pitt St), 1993 two playoff wins, and a conference title plus we beat the Bison. So in 1990 why did they fire the DC and not Roger Thomas?  What's funny is that 3 win season for RT in 1989 was the last time he was under .500 for a season, and finished his career with 7+ wins 8 out of the next 9 seasons. Just a little history lesson. 

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  3. 1 hour ago, TRex said:

    If Bubba doesn't have a good year this year I think he should be gone.    The minimum should be 1 playoff victory.     In the event that he is gone, you can bet we need to seriously up coaches salaries to attract the right guys, and even if Bubba stays the pay checks need to reflect real world FCS salaries.    This is the first place I would start and then build from there.   You get what you  pay for when it comes to coaches.

    Funny how quick people are to get rid of Bubba after just 4 seasons. Muss lasted longer and did a worse job. Bubba has a 24-22 record, compared to 18-24-1 for Roger Thomas in his first four seasons, and 23-20 for Chris Mussman in a mostly DII schedule. I think we give Bubba a chance to coach in the MVFC. His contract is up in 2021, so I say let him coach til at least 2020, thats 2 seasons in the MVFC. If he can be successful in that conference then keep him, if not then can him. But if this team doesn't make the playoffs can the assistants. 

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  4. 11 minutes ago, petey23 said:

    I don't even know why I respond, but UND's Fighting Sioux logo was nationally recognizable.....in other news we landed on the moon.

    The Hawk logo has been around for two years, and doesn’t have its picture on the front of hockey jerseys or plastered all over a 100 million dollar arena so comparing the two are apples and oranges. You said non-ice sports will likely never have national recognition. And I just pointed out that college hockey isn’t nationally known. People in Texas couldn’t care less about us and I’m sure people in Alabama don’t realize they have a DI hockey team in their own state. 

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  5. 28 minutes ago, petey23 said:

    As I said before. for me I look at the floor or ice or turf initially when their is a new design and after that I don't really pay attention. As far as the Sioux logo vs. The hawk logo, big difference in recognition there and with the non ice sports the Hawk logo will likely not ever have national recognition just due to us being a small fish in the big NCAA pond in those sports.

    Like college hockey gets national recognition? 

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  6. 36 minutes ago, siouxfan512 said:

    Agreed, I’m not slighting football, and am a big fan. Referring to other sports. I’m a UND fan in general but some sports generate more, and those sports have earned having bigger budgets. I do agree football needs more funding, just not sure where it comes from or how it is all allocated out.

    my point was that hockey certainly earns their budget. Not trying to slight any other programs.

    Since football is underbudgeted would that reflect their low win counts in the past 10 years? Or are they underbudgeted because of their low win count? Chicken or the egg argument.

  7. 3 minutes ago, TRex said:

    Not really.   Look at the seasonal numbers hockey vs football and you'll see who brings in the most.   I'll grant you, hockey has a built in advantage due to the number of games, but that's just way it is.   Hockey pays the bills.

    Hockey also has had stellar seasons basically every year (except last season) where football has had average to poor with the exception of 2016, and 2011 (in the DI era). 

  8. 3 minutes ago, siouxfan512 said:

    Have to remember that their fund comes heavily because they put butts in seats. Can’t fault them for that.

    Football averaged just under 10,000 in 2016 and just over 10,000 in 2017 which for UND’s #2 sport is pretty damn good. 

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  9. 15 minutes ago, Frozen4sioux said:

    I'd be giving statement too if i had to deal with ungreatfull pricks who disrespect the nature of her legacy and continous spirtit of philanthropic donation. 

    I however would not have been nearly as gracious or forgiving as it appears she was in resolving such a shameful display of ungratefulness.

    Ungreatfulness? We all thanked RALPH for HIS great gift to the university almost 2 decades ago. I didn’t know everyone should bow down to KEM and kiss her feet for something that came from her father. MK sure the hell isn’t going to do that and I don’t blame him.

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  10. 8 minutes ago, Frozen4sioux said:

    If they really came together on a contract that truely benefits all UND athletics, expect the terms to reflect an increased REA responsibility in managing a larger portion of the athletics budget.

    Why? How have they helped the football team with their current share of the ticket revenue, and how would their managing a larger portion of the budget help them in the future? 

  11. 27 minutes ago, fightingsioux4life said:

    Why can't people separate the high school and the college? I think BYU has the same thing in their town. I don't think I would have a problem yelling "Go Riders" at a UND sporting event. Now at a high school game involving GFRR and a certain other high school.....that is a little different.:)

    I suppose we could have renamed GFRR the Little Riders, or just plain River Rats is acceptable too.

  12. 1 hour ago, Yote 53 said:

    I just call it as I see it.  I actually do want you guys to get past this nickname thing so when you come into the conference this subject is still not tearing you guys apart.  I just don't ever see it happening with the generic Hawks name.  It is going to take a generation to literally die off for the Hawk name to be accepted, even then it will be "meh", and you guys can't spend another 20+ years fighting over this.  That's why I said sacrifice the Hawk and start over.  Nobody is a die-hard Hawk supporter, they would convert easy, and it would also appease the Sioux crowd who has to realize by now that nickname is never coming back.  It would be an offering of peace as a generic nickname like a Hawk variation is what was feared most by the Fighting Sioux crowd.  The nickname should be relevant to North Dakota, have some historical significance, be an animal or plant, something that is uniquely North Dakotan.  All of the other Dakota schools have nicknames like that.  UND broke their own rules they set up when determining a nickname by going with something generic. 

    You want my personal opinion, I would have gone with Roughriders and not looked back.  North Dakota is the Roughrider State.  It's unique & identifiable and has some excellent potential for logos and branding.  Drawback is there is a local high school and a USHL team with that name, but the vast majority of NCAA fans knows nothing about either of those entities.  That is a drawback that could have easily been overcome. 

    These are just my opinions.  You all have to figure this out on your own though.

    Has USD and SDSU always had the same nickname of Coyotes and Jackrabbits? Even NDSU had 2 nicknames prior to Bison. The problem with us is we had a nickname for around 80 years so any name is going to take time to get use to. People are warming up to the name it’s the logo that the real argument begins. Remember the nickname is 3 years old, while the logo is 2 years old. Our local high school’s nickname is 24 years old and it’s now a household name so it is going to take time whether it’s 5, 10, or 20 years. 

  13. 1 hour ago, fightingsioux4life said:

    I voted Roughriders on all three ballots. But the adherents of the "Climax-Fisher Rule" refused to even consider it. #lostopportunity

    I would have had a tough time yelling, “Go Riders”. Nope can’t do it, and I am sure a lot of GFC alum would feel that way. I entered the name Jets but maybe being too close to Winnipeg was the reason to axe the name. 

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  14. 4 hours ago, JohnboyND7 said:

    Calling Yale "the little guys" in a sport like LAX is funny AF.

    I was going off of what SV said about James Madison. Another FCS school beat the big boys. Yale won their first title against a team that won 3 of them since 2010. Yale 9 appearances, Duke 22. I think you have Yale mixed up with someone like Syracuse or John Hopkins.

  15. On 5/27/2018 at 1:45 PM, SiouxVolley said:

    James Madison won the DI women’s lacrosse championship today.  Guess even FCS schools can win against the big boy or girls.

    Yale win the men’s lacrosse title for the little guys over Duke!! First title for Yale.

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