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Posts posted by darell1976

  1. 51 minutes ago, Cratter said:

    Brad Berry wears Fighting Hawks gear.

    Brad Berry publicly  supports the new logo.

    If only Brad Berry would post more pictures of himself wearing his  ”I Love Fighting Hawks"  t-shirt on Instagram, all would be good in Hawker land.

    So why do players say “Fighting Sioux hockey” during intermission interviews? Or tweet #FightingSioux? I am sure if Berry could he would rip that Hawk patch off the jersey in a split second. He is the least vocal of the name out of the five major sport coaches. Berry doesn’t support the new logo it’s more of tolerating it. 3 coaches want a Hawk on center court of the Betty that’s support. Berry not stepping up and saying to put a Hawk on center ice speaks volumes.

  2. 1 hour ago, petey23 said:

    Just pointing out how we got here. I am by no means saying we should go back and restart Kelly's clusterf*ck of a plan. We have a name, lets figure out a way to be able to market and brand it. I know that corporate customers who are co-branding UND don't want the Hawk logo and retail is requesting items and art without it as well. In simple terms, it isn't selling now and in all likelihood won't sell in the future.

    So sales is slow on a 2 year logo that represents a school whose fanbase is strongly divided in supporting a new brand versus supporting the past name and logo so we should scrap the whole thing because Petey says it won’t sell in the future. Have you contacted UND about this? What did they say about your findings? Cause your opinion smells worse than the research farms at NDSU.

  3. 14 minutes ago, petey23 said:

    I do?

    Don’t you? Besides your love for the Bison logo, you haven’t provided a Fighting Hawks logo that people would like. The interlocking ND is the logo of choice to appease the no nickname crowd, so people like Edgewood or is it Rose Creek, would be satisfied with so I figured that would be your answer to a new logo.

  4. 31 minutes ago, stoneySIOUX said:

    Buddy, look through this thread. You're the only one who responded poorly to what he said. It was a simple observation and was in NO WAY telling anyone on here how to feel. 

    Which he didn't do.... again, you are getting outraged over an observation.

    Where did I say you have to like the logo. I want a direct quote or you are just making sh*t up like normal. I wasn’t the only one responding to his worthless drivel about why some girls weren’t wearing the logo. I saw a guy at work on Monday wear a Fighting Hawk hoodie. Cool story isn’t it.

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  5. 18 minutes ago, stoneySIOUX said:

    it was an observation and you're making it sound like he's on a pulpit. Just relax.

    What would have made a more interesting observation is him asking the 4 girls in UND gear...."why aren't you four wearing Fighting Sioux gear?"

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  6. 9 minutes ago, stoneySIOUX said:

    Haha, but I'm not. I've expressed this so many times. I'm on board with the transition as it's what's best for the school that I love. What I'm not on board with are whiners that are telling people how they are supposed to feel. 

    Anything that doesn't fit the narrative and you fly off the handle. 

    Just like Petey saying over and over the logo sucks, its garbage and people aren't wearing it. Any sign of someone who is in favor of the logo and recently of the mascot and not in their narrative, they fly off the handle. 

  7. 23 minutes ago, stoneySIOUX said:

    HE WAS JUST TRYING TO FIGURE OUT WHY THEY DON'T LIKE THE LOGO, cripes! He absolutely did not imply you should do anything with your daughters and asking about the logo at their soccer game. Not even a little bit. It was a frickin' observation. Holy effing crimony. You guys are so d@mn defensive of this. 

    Sooooo d@mn butthurt since it pokes holes in that narrative of yours that the logo is gaining traction. Just ridiculous.

    Just like you are butthurt over the nickname, logo, and mascot? 

  8. 1 minute ago, petey23 said:

    I simply pointed out that out of 8 garments, zero had the horrible logo on it and noted their commentary on the logo.

    Are you really this much of a simpleton? That is a rhetorical question, no answer needed.

    So I should have ran to the kids at my daughters soccer game and ask them why they are wearing the Hawks logo on their shirt? We know you hate the logo, and so does other people, just like some like the logo. So what’s your point that everyone already knows? 

  9. 9 minutes ago, Oxbow6 said:

    So are you insinuating we will be playing in the MVC but will still have the Big Sky logos on the turf until that date?

    We are officially done with the Big Sky. We are FCS Independents with a Big Sky schedule for two years. We can’t win a conference title but can still make the playoffs. If UND or the Alerus wants to they can start changing the Big Sky logo and put a Hawk on the 50. But I will leave that up to Kennedy, the AD, Bubba and the folks at the Alerus. 

  10. 7 minutes ago, stoneySIOUX said:

    Is the sarcasm there because it pokes holes in the narrative, or what? 

    Petey didn't send this out to try and change people's minds. It was an observation.

    So he observed 1 out of 4 girls wearing Hawks gear. Holy sh*t better start the nickname process all over again it’s a total failure. :silly:

    • Downvote 1
  11. 4 minutes ago, neoflex said:

    In 2011 they came pretty damn close to having there stadium full. So again, winning speaks volume but it's conjecture nonetheless. But If the argument is that branding will win you games and bring people in to watch the team and adore a new logo....by all means then go for it.


    This phrase described what Ralph did when he constructed his building. Why else would he put over 2000 “new” Sioux logos on it? He wanted to brand a new image to UND hockey. 

  12. 16 minutes ago, neoflex said:

    Because when you win 6 national titles in 7 years and sell out every game, you can pretty much insist on most anything....(key factor being you sell out every game...i.e. hockey)

    Then that logo should have been installed in 2018 since that is when they won their 6th title, in July 2012  they didn’t have a DI title (which came after the turf was installed that summer), after their 3 win season in 2010 and didn’t sellout all their games in 2011. So no it’s not because of what happened 2012-2018. It’s because of branding, atmosphere, and possibly what the coaches/players wanted.

  13. 3 minutes ago, nodak651 said:

    Yeah.. was just saying.  Sorry!


    Yes, I know the difference.  I connected the dots using.... logic. 

    1.  People are/were infatuated with the Fighting Sioux logo.

    2.  The nickname finalists were released before the fan vote.

    3.  A handful of "potential" Sioux-like hawks logos were released for the Fighting Hawks nickname.

    4. Social media was abuzz with thousands of people liking and sharing said logos, ignorantly thinking that UND could use a similar design.

    5. Uneducated fans picked the fighting hawks nickname.

    6. Uneducated fans were disappointed when a generic logo was released, even though hundreds of other schools across the country have hawks or other birds for their nickname and logo.

    7. You realllllly think UND fans would choose a generic bird nickname if they knew the head dress hawk was not going to be an option?  People didn't wan't the runner up, Roughriders, because there was one high school with the same nickname.  Instead they voted for a bird logo, just like every other school, because why exactly?

    You mean Fighting Hawks didn’t stand for Fighting (Sioux) Hawks (Blackhawks) with a bird in a headdress? :0

    • Upvote 2
  14. 3 minutes ago, nodak651 said:

    Yes it will.  Atmosphere has been a huge issue at the Alerus, and what have they been doing to fix that issue?  PUT MORE LOGOS UP!  The one glaring omission is the center of the field, you know the place that we actually look at while we are at the game or watching it on tv.  The Alerus Center doesn't truly feel like OUR home field.  The lack of a logo has bothered me ever since a stepped foot in the building, and that was before any of this logo business was in the news.  Give me a break... might as well put the Alerus text in the end zones as well, right? 


    Never mind the Alerus text on the field stretches for 40 years, and it's their outdated logo.


    if logos aren’t important why did the Bison insist the Fargodome put the Bison logo at the 50? 

  15. 16 minutes ago, petey23 said:

    Had lunch at Potbelly in Fargo today. Ended up sitting at a table next to 4 girls all 19-22(guessing), all wearing UND garb head to toe(shirts, sweatshirts, shorts, sweats).

    One girl had on a long sleeve tee shirt that had North Dakota Fighting Hawks on it. The other 7 items of apparel either just said UND, University of North Dakota, or North Dakota on them.

    I talked to them a bit, they all currently attend UND. I made some comment about that being obvious. I asked them why they didn't have anything with the Hawk logo on it and a couple of them scrunched their noses and shook their heads and one said it is an Ugly logo. Couldn't argue with that. Asked about Sioux logo and it they owned any and while a couple said they had some from when they were younger they all considered themselves Fighting Hawks but hated the logo.

    I was at my daughters soccer game and saw a few kids with Fighting Hawk gear In the mix of Bison, Twins, and Vikings gear to name a few teams out there. Kids don’t wear things they don’t like. My son wouldn’t be caught dead in Bison gear, but wears both Sioux and Fighting Hawks gear.

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