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Posts posted by darell1976

  1. 2 minutes ago, Siouxperfan7 said:

    The interlocking logo was at center ice at the old Ralph.  But when a new logo was created, in a crazy scheme to "shove it down our throats" the powers that be decided to put it at center ice as well as thousands of other places throughout the arena.  

    Weren’t people a little non accepting of the  Sioux logo at first and then warmed up to it?

  2. 2 minutes ago, petey23 said:

    Don't know, don't care. It really isn't something I notice more than once. My atmospheric experience hasn't changed in the last 17 years.

    Just would rather not have an ugly logo that we would hopefully be transitioning away from in the next couple years.

    So if you only notice a logo not more than once, then what’s the big deal of having a Hawk at center ice? 

  3. 2 hours ago, Cratter said:

    Kennedy should threaten to sue and pull the team from the Alerus.

    The REA always had a logo on center ice until it came to either putting a Fighting Hawk logo or go with the safety of the FSF fans and put the bland North Dakota on the ice furthering the division in the fanbase. The Alerus Center since 2001 never had a logo in the middle of the field, but has a huge Hawk on the outside of the building, even a screeching noise one year to make it more Hawk friendly to make up for that. We enter the MVFC in 2020 so we will see if a Hawk logo goes onto the field which I am sure it does. 

  4. 1 hour ago, cberkas said:

    It’s to funny how so many people are upset that Vegas has made the Stanley Cup Finals. They blame the expansion rules benefited Vegas and Bettmen rigged the season for Vegas. 

    They are just pissed that their team isn’t having a Cinderella year. Vegas is the Loyola-Chicago of hockey. Sucks my Jets lost but I wish Vegas all the luck to get the cup.

  5. 13 hours ago, Frozen4sioux said:

    I’m sick of you arrogant ungrateful Hawkzi scum and the jealous hate filled BS you spew. I

     I GUARANTEE that yes DONORS to University of North Dakota Athletics have seen these pages, and they have been disgusted by the ungrateful whining and complaining. 

    It HAS effected donations that would have been made. I was at an event today and it was the big topic. The people that were talking about it DO NOT throw around selfish internet tirades, they throw money around, a hell of a lot more than I do, and they were pissed at 2 things in particular.

    1) Kennedy re: manner this has been handled

    2) Comments they have seen from this site about the Engelstads.

    I’m pissed and disgusted after what I heard today, it’s shameful.

    If any of you think that you have advanced UND athletics, with the attitudes presented on here,  are fools, small sad fools.

    But hey don’t take my word maybe just ask around to some of the people that ACTUALLY DO support Athletics with more than just your Hawk logoed  pacifier purchases.  There’s not a quality person involved in the University of North Dakota Athletic Deparment that condones your ungrateful behavior.

    LOG OFF before you do the University any more harm!!

    Joe Namath you’re not.

    • Like 1
  6. 19 minutes ago, fightingsioux4life said:

    If calling for strengthening all of our athletic programs is "anti-hockey", then I am not the one with the problem.

    This is not a zero-sum game. Strengthening our other programs will not make hockey weaker. It will make the entire department stronger. But the hockey-only zealots couldn't care less if the non-hockey programs rot on the vine and die. That has to change. Otherwise, we need to move back down to D-II. And no, I am not being facetious about that.

    Maybe one day we can have a fanbase that cares about the whole school not just one sport at the expense of other sports. 1997-2001 we had 3 sports playing for national titles in that short of years, I bet there was no division in the fanbase and everyone wanted all the programs to succeed. Then the nickname list came out in 2005 and that all went to hell. 

    • Upvote 1
  7. 53 minutes ago, nodak651 said:

    Have you seen the football locker rooms and meeting rooms?


    24 minutes ago, UND-FB-FAN said:


    Disagree. Recruiting is a huge part of winning, man.

    NDSU's facilities are very nice within FargoDome; completely cater towards their football program.

    Does the Alerus need a remodel and have they ever remodeled it since 2001? Recruiting is a huge part of winning but does having the best practice field part of that equation? I would think coaching is the biggest and that goes to your point of salaries. They need to be increased to keep good assistants and or head coaches. 

  8. 4 minutes ago, UND-FB-FAN said:

    They're fine. Salaries and HPC phase II  desperately needed. Without those two things, UND is not a top school within both the MVFC and Summit. 

    Facilities don’t mean anything if we can’t win on the field. We have an IPF while NDSU has a bubble and they win it all while we have only a shared conference title to show for it. It’s a good recruiting tool but that can only go so far when comparing to wins and titles. 

  9. 1 hour ago, snova4 said:

     Well, there's a clear answer here then. Shutter the hockey program. It's obvious that only if the rest of the sports could use that budget, and we cut ties with the palace on the prairie, the other programs will start winning natties. ;)

    Since 2001 when the REA was built they have managed 1 national title (2016) in 17 years of existence. UND won 5 National Titles from 1980-2000 in the old REA/Winter Sports Center. Let that little fact sink in about where our program would be without the gift from Ralph, and how hockey can’t survive without people like Kris McGarry, and the REA Foundation. 

    UND hockey was a powerhouse before the palace was built and will be a powerhouse after UND takes it over.

    • Like 1
  10. 6 minutes ago, Davlun said:

    I blame UND for not going out to the two Sioux reservations in ND.  They should be putting on sports clinics and working with the tribes.

    If we would have gotten a positive vote from Standing Rock,  we would still have been the Fighting Sioux. 

    Why don’t you blame the tribal council of Standing Rock for not letting their people vote like Spirit Lake did, if they did we would still be the Fighting Sioux. UND was behind the 8 ball when it was announced we needed TWO tribal approvals instead of one like the other schools. 

    • Upvote 1
  11. 1 minute ago, stoneySIOUX said:

    Lol wat?

    You're comparing the discussion and similarities between two actual logos versus one actual logo and a logo used to mock an actual logo. 

    At the end of the day, the FH and Post Office logo comparison is dumb, too. Is there a similarity? Sure. But I sure don't think of USPS when I see the FH logo.

    I don’t think of that either, it’s just funny how people associate that logo with the USPS but have no problem with a logo used by another university. People bitch that the FH name wasn’t unique? Well neither was the secondary logo of UND.

  12. 1 minute ago, neoflex said:

    Considering there are thousands of UND graduates in Fargo, that's a healthy contingency (a lot of the MD's, RN's, lawyers, etc...are UND graduates). Prior to the name change, Scheels had a healthy amount of sales. Certainly not comparable to today's NDSU, but prior to the run of championships for the football team - believe it or not, the UND sales accounted for about 30% of collegiate merchandise, with NDSU at 40% and the remaining from other local and national schools (again, this was just from a conversation with the clothing manager). 

    For UND's financial benefit I hope the new logo does generate a healthier stream of merchandising

    income. I personally don't new like the logo, but I support the University of North Dakota.

    Sales in retail stores are hurting that’s why you see stores closing everywhere. Online sales is booming and why buy from a Scheels when you can buy online for cheap. Target in Fargo sells Fighting Hawk shirts and caps and I’m sure it’s cheaper there than Scheels. The name and logo are still new and most UND fans in fargo are UND hockey only fans. They are UND hockey and Bison everything else fans. So of course the Hawk name/logo isn’t going to do well with them. 

  13. 1 hour ago, neoflex said:

    I have no doubt it's about the logo too. I'm not sure as to what type of sales the Fighting Hawk logo-name has generated to date, but  the new branding may help, but it's going to take a monumental effort to get it back to where it was. Speaking to a GM at Scheels in Fargo last winter, he said their sales are down about 75% from 6 years ago, (and not from the mad dash of sales when the Sioux name was announced to be retired). They used to have a 200 sq.ft for UND merchandise, but it's now down to about 40 sq. ft. Sales are sales, so even Scheels doesn't sell all the Fighting Hawk merchandise, but I'm guessing it's a fairly accurate assessment of the current revenue stream as a whole.

    So back to the original argument - Yes we do need the KEM and their donation(s). If not just to help fund the other non revenue generating sports, but to help support the educational process as well. We win - there's money  and everyone is winning, when we don't...not as much. 

    Seeing it’s in Fargo, home of NDSU, I am sure the demand is limited and they need the space to sell other things. The logo has been out for 2 years (3 for the nickname), how much of the bland North Dakota gear was selling from 2012-15 (or 18)at the Fargo Scheels....not much would be my guess. It’s still early for Hawk sales and it will increase more and more with branding. Of course the FSF people will say no one is buying it and time to scrap the whole thing. You know typical propaganda.

  14. 1 hour ago, Davlun said:

    I was all on board with just North Dakota.  But that could.not be an option. Now everywhere we go, we see the fighting hawks on the sides of U.S. postal service trucks. That was the best we could do!

    If making fun of our logo makes you feel better more power to you.

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