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Everything posted by siouxhockeyfan11

  1. I agree he will struggle the games a different speed then it is in high school and a year in juniors could help him add to his frame to. I don't think he'll be a four year player for UND but I'd like to get his full ability for the amount of time he is here and I think a year in juniors would help him out a lot. AZSIOUX i'll also agree with Knight coming in.
  2. According to Brad it would be either Mattson or Knight.
  3. As much as I would love to see Danny Mattson here next year a year in juniors might be best for him and I believe Rowney and Knight might be able to be pushed back to 2010. There will not be four forwards in the stands next year.
  4. To those interested the Central Red River game is being televised on channel 15. Though it is awful picture and I'm assuming is being done from a home camera it is in fact on tv if anyone in the Grand Forks area is interested in watching.
  5. Yes..as would I but since they have basically said no thanks already we have to look elsewhere.
  6. I am really between a rock and another rock on this Alabama thing I mean I know Sioux fans travel well to games but all the way to Alabama? With the rising travel costs this would also be another reason to tell them no. That flight from Alabama to Alaska would be brutal. Mabye The CCHA and the WCHA can come to an agreement and let Northern Michigan slide back over here and take in Alamaba. I hate the thought of Huntsville in our conference but part of me doesn't wanna see college hockey suffer as a whole.
  7. The braketology on USCHO is up here and an interesting piece on the side talks about if we sweetp SCSU will they fall out of the top 25? They currently sit at 19 which seems safe to me but if they drop out there would go our two current TUC wins plus the two we'd get from sweeping them
  8. Danny Mattson is a forward Nick Mattson is a defensemen who will be coming in 2010
  9. Found on a cocktail napkin Well i thought this was worth posting a little different commentary to go with the video.
  10. That is something I am absolutly not in favor of and I'd have to think that this would not happen.
  11. And unfortunately usually the latter of the two is the one that occurs
  12. I didn't get a good look at the recruit that I saw. But he appeared to be somewhere around 6 feet for whatever that matters.
  13. Like AZSIOUX always says just keep winning and it will take care of itself. But thanks for the insight into which comparisons we can flip.
  14. UND ranked #11 SCSU bubblicous Power Rankings UND #12 in USCHO poll USCHO
  15. Difficulty cracking the line up is what i heard out of fargo. Though its a move back competition wise sometimes playing time is more important then the competition your playing against.IMO
  16. I agree. I love opposing fans who can come out and have a good time no matter what happens.. I give props to the DU fans who came out again tonight.. you have my respect for being a legitamate college hockey fanbase..thank you!
  17. Recruit at the game, on the bench during warm ups.
  18. link? i'll believe it when i see it
  19. Personally I love the even ground concept to but as is reality right now any game against an FCS would be way better then playing division III football teams. I have a burning dislike for the bison that is only surpassed by the gophers and if we played NDSU in volleyball i'd go watch. Not sure where I'm going with this post but I want the rivallry renewed and if we had to play underdog against them in football a win would be all the much sweeter and a loss well we just wouldnt lose
  20. Unless you missed the roar Johny Toews got last year when he dropped the puck you should know that no one held it against him for leaving early and everyone in the rink was happy that he came back. There was nothing left for Oshie to prove here it was his time to move on if you hold a personal grudge against him thats fine i for one would be happy if he came back it shows he enjoyed his time here.
  21. 15+18=33 sorry AZ had to point it out You were a number off on his assists. His stat line is actually 15 goals and 28 assists for 43 points.
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