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Posts posted by fargosioux

  1. Say for instance the Sioux win tonight and finish #4 and the Gophers finish #8 or #9. Would they really send the Sioux to St. Paul? Because if brackets match up, then #4 should play #5 if they both win first game and #1 (BC) should play #8/#9 winner. It seems to me like you lose a lot of bracket integrity by placing the #4 team with the #8/#9 teams. And hasn't the Committee harped on bracket integrity the past few years where the overall #1 seed should play the #8/#9 winner. Last year was pure bracket integrity but if the Sioux go to St. Paul in this scenario, you lose bracket integrity across the spectrum.

    I haven't heard this scenario discussed yet.

    I was thinking the same exact thing. I think there's a chance they would move #2 Michigan to St. Paul for more bracket integrity. I think we could see UND & Denver battling it out in Green Bay again, even if the Sioux win tonight.

  2. This entire season is why I have been such a huge Sioux fan for such a long time. The coaching job I have witnessed Hakstol do this year is one of the best I have seen at any level of hockey in awhile, we have been dismantled by injury to the point where our captain is playing with a defender on his right wing, another defender is a 4th line forward, and there isn't even enough players to field a full team. It's like watching a maestro conduct a sympthony on how he is matching up against each team and just the level of puck control that this team has displayed, because if honestly look at the talent on this team after injury, we should be lucky to even have a chance at the playoffs not be contending for a #1 seed.

    Also props to the Captains and leadership on this team, this could easily have been a season where it just fell apart, but it didn't. Everything we love about the Sioux Hockey program and tradition of excellence is being displayed right now in front of our very eyes, and I could never be prouder as a fan,. Basque in the glory of this everyone because it is a site I won't forget for a long long time!

    This is why tonight's game is so important for this team's chances to get to Tampa. As a #1 seed, we'd have the last line change, and I like our chances a lot more when Hakstol can set up the matchups he wants.

  3. Pattyn is a better player than Mario is right now without question. I love how he plays. Tough, physical, in your face. Personally, I think Mario is one of the worst players on the team skill wise. As far as Jones goes, if he comes here you deal with a log jam in the dcorps. Its one of those good problems to have. We had the same problem last year and it worked out pretty well for us. Many teams would love to have 2 dmen that are considered studs. We could have 4 or 5 with Jones.

    Let's not forget what Mario brings to the table on the penalty kill. Also, his faceoff percentage is not far behind Corban. Might not be a pure scorer like others, but I love the way he plays the game. He knows what his role is and he fills it very well.

  4. Bracketology predicts these brackets as of today:

    Northeast Regional

    1 Boston College vs. 16 Western Michigan

    8 Union vs. 9 Massachusetts-Lowell

    West Regional

    3 Minnesota-Duluth vs. 14 Michigan State

    6 Minnesota vs. 11 Maine

    East Regional

    4 Miami-Ohio vs. 13 Cornell

    5 Boston University vs. 12 Denver

    Midwest Regional

    2 Michigan vs. 15 AHA Champion

    7 Ferris State vs. 10 North Dakota

    I'm ok with that.

    Is this from USCHO? I didn't see that Moy made his picks for this week yet.

  5. It's unusual to be drafted before your senior year though so its something that can get missed. I remembered because everyone was wondering why he wasn't here already that year. He aged out of the NTDP because of his birthday. Mattson did as well, hence the reasoning for going to juniors.

    I thought I had a better handle on this rule, but apparently not. So if he comes back for his senior year, does he automatically become a free agent, or does Montreal still hold his rights until shortly after he graduates?

  6. Kristo's 4 years expire at the end of this season. He was drafted in the summer of 2008 after playing with the NTDP U-18 Team.

    2008-2009 Omaha Lancers

    2009-2010 North Dakota

    2010-2011 North Dakota

    2011-2012 North Dakota

    Same situation as Gregoire

    My bad. I thought Kristo came to UND right after his draft year.

  7. What? That doesn't make sense. You are drafted in high school. He got drafted out of the NTDP. Played his senior year in Omaha.

    Big A HG did a good job of summarizing the rule earlier in this thread:

    I believe this is how it works. After your 4th season after you have been drafted, you can sign with whomever. Most people equate this rule to being after you finish college, you can become a free agent. Since Gregoire was drafted in 2007, he played one season for Lincoln (USHL) and three with the Sioux, he used his four years after being drafted and was then able to become a free agent instead of having to wait for four years at UND. There is some confusion with that rule because most people think that it means you have to play all four collegiate seasons when it just means you have to play four non-professional seasons after being drafted.

    Kristo's 4 years of having his rights held by Montreal wouldn't expire until after his senior year.

  8. Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if Kristo left. I've heard he's not a big fan of school. Also, I thought I read that Kristo could use the loop-hole Gregoire used to become a free agent. IF that is the case, he's more than likely gone. I would be happy to be proven wrong though. :D

    Kristo can't use that rule since he came right from high school. His rights will be held by Montreal until after he graduates.

  9. I see us taking out St. Cloud, Minnesota, and Duluth in order to win another Broadmoor, and coupled with the sweep of the Beavers, the DQ Cup as well. :lol:

    Then we go to Worcester to take out BU & BC to win the Beanpot like we did in 2005.

    • Upvote 1
  10. There is no question in my mind that part of the job expectation of the Fighting Sioux Hockey Coach is to win some national championships.

    Hak has done a great job in some areas - recruiting, developing NHL talent, giving us a unified team that plays Fighting Sioux Hockey, and this year squeezing a ton out of a depleted line-up. However, we need a championship soon. I'm not buying the argument that it is almost impossible with the format and also because of the quirks of fate that have been against us. Of course it's hard. That's why it is special. When can we be the team that steals one with a hot goalie or that comes up with a game plan that disrupts a superior team? If it takes so many breaks to win one then the Gophers, Denver, and BC must have been off the charts lucky to go back to back. I hate to see our view of National Championships change from something we expect to happen to something that will only come if the stars align. During Gino and Blais's tenures we won at a rate of about 1 every 5 years.

    I am not saying Hak should be fired. He's getting great talent and giving us good teams. Just time to make one more step. We have the best program, fans and facilities in the country. Time to get it done.

    I don't remember BC winning back-to-back titles.

  11. Facts are facts. Hakstol has never missed the NCAA tournament in seven tries, including five trips to the frozen four and one championship game appearance.

    Now the Sioux, even though they are very young and riddled with injuries, are sitting in a position where they just need to win 2 of 3 at home against a team they have historically dominated, especially at home, and they're likely into the tournament for an eighth time.

    Anybody who looks at these statistics and comes to the conclusion that Hakstol is not an elite coach in college hockey needs to go be a fan of almost any other team in college hockey for a few years (other than Boston College) and then tell us how you feel about Hakstol.

    He actually has 2 championship game appearances. Took them to the title game against Denver in his first year.

    • Upvote 1
  12. If the Sioux get into the tournament and lose the first regional game, this year will still have been Hak's finest coaching job as a head coach.

    Totally agree. But if that happens you'll still have some people here resurrecting the "Fire Hak" discussion.

  13. Two things ...one Bjugstad is far and away more NHL ready ready now....it's not even close.

    My point on Why I think Kristo is gone is that it is my understanding of the free agent clause that gregoire and wheeler? Was it, used was that it had to be excersi send after their junior year, if the come back they give it up and are retained by the drafting team?

    Am I wrong on this? If not what I mean is that to basically have the opportunity to shop all NHL teams for the right fit and finances, it just can't compare to a senior, IMO.

    Hextall didn't take that route he just straight signed with Phoenix, so I can understand the second guessing, Gregoire, I would guess he makes the same call to get out of the islander organization 100 times out of 100.

    But again if I am incorrect about that clause only being actionable after the third college year, please correct me.

    Gregoire played one year of juniors, so his rights were retained by the Islanders only through the end of his Junior year. Since Kristo came to UND right after High School, Montreal will hold his rights until June 1, 2013, which is 4 years after his draft year.

  14. Moy has this week's Bracketology completed:


    St. Paul

    16 Air Force vs. 1 Minnesota-Duluth

    11 Michigan State vs. 7 Minnesota

    Green Bay

    14 North Dakota vs. 3 Michigan

    10 Maine vs. 8 Miami


    15 Merrimack vs. 4 Ferris State

    12 Northern Michigan vs. 5 Boston University


    13 Denver vs. 2 Boston College

    9 Union vs. 6 Massachusetts-Lowell

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