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Posts posted by fargosioux

  1. On paper, the Gophers and UND are very closely matched. I agree that Bjugstad is a game changer- he is an NHL center- the last college player I said that about was Toewser. Not comparing the two, as they play very different games, but just that Bjugstad is going to have a nice pro career- he isn't as technically perfect as Toews was, but he has better hands- although both are gifted offensively, plus his size will make it difficult for anyone to matchup with. With Budish on his wing, that is two extremely big and strong forwards with skill. I think that Forbert and Mac can matchup with that line, but I do not think any of the other d-pairings have the strength to do it. Not meant as a knock, just physics. For an offensive matchup, you need Knight out there against Bjugstad, if for no other reason than to win draws to prevent Bjugstad and Budish from being able to use their size on the forecheck and force us back against our defensive end wall. Kristo plays that wing, and although he has gotten better in our end, he is still more of an offensive player. That said, the second wing on our first line has to be strong physically and strong in positional defensive play. He also will need to be offensive enough to play with Kristo and Knight- not sure who that might be?? Maybe Rodwell, maybe O'Donnell, maybe Rowney. Bottom line is the Gophs top line is a very difficult one to match up with, and getting that assignment will be a challenge.

    I think that Grimaldi is the real x-factor, and if he comes back and plays at the level he is capable of, and plays center on the second line, it immediately changes the dynamic.

    Like in many years, the games will be decided by depth players, toughness, and special teams.

    I think Brad Berry is the real x-factor!

  2. I am going to agree with Mariucci on this also. Minneapolis happens to sit right in the middle of a college hockey hot bed and has the facilities to host a tourney. Look at the amount of fans this year in St. Paul compared to the other regions.

    Relatively speaking, the attendance was good. But I still think the attendance was surprisingly low. Attandance was actually higher for the regional title game in Denver between the same teams in 2007. Still scratching my head about that.

  3. Eades was and is a very good coach and will find something very soon. I'm pretty sure he bleeds sioux green. I thank him for his time and everything he has done for this program. However, there is a reason why his contract is not being renewed and unless we are close to the program we will never know the exact reason. Hak has his reasons and in Hak I trust.

    Wouldn't surprise me to see him go to Omaha, work under Blais for a year or two, and get ready to take that program over when he retires.

  4. Knight gets the "C"...you don't play 1/2 a season with a broken hand without gaining the total respect from your teammates. Mac is a decent leader, but he took a ton of penalties....many undisciplined. He gets an "A" again and so does Rowney. If they give a third "A"...Gleason over Kristo.

    I'll have to disagree. I've been saying since the beginning of this past season. I think MacWilliam has Captain written all over him.

  5. It would be interesting to know what the "conditional" part of the trade is.

    Could it be that Everett found out he wasn't coming there, and made a trade with Portland to give them a chance to sign him, but the trade is coningent on them actually signing him?

    I don't know enough about how these conditional trades work. Does anybody know if this is a possibility?

  6. Where will the remnants of the WCHA hold their postseason tourney? The twin cities is a natural place for them to hold a tourney too. Facilities may be too large, but it is a central location for them. Tech, Bemidji, Mankato, UAA, who else is in there now? Where will the CCHA go also, or will they combine with the WCHA. This may all have been discussed earlier, but I missed it. Can any one update me?

    I could see the WCHA holding their tournament in Green Bay.

  7. Why would Hastings leave Omaha? He's the heir apparent to Blais and Blais will probably be done in three or four years.

    Seriously, Omaha and the proven commitment to hockey or Mankato and so far just words? No brainer.

    He could still go back to Omaha in 3 or 4 years, after he got head coaching experience somewhere else.

    I see Pearson doing the same thing with Michigan when Red ever decides to retire.

  8. Do you honesty think the Gophers will be preseason number 1?

    With what goaltender? :lol:

    Wilcox and Gothberg are both similar-caliber goalies. They are both NHL draft picks, and are among the top goalies in the USHL. I think both Minnesota and UND will be fine in goal next season. Not sure what Minnesota has for depth, since we didn't hardly get to see their backup this season.

  9. Sorry if this is a dumb question, but:

    Guys like Wheeler and Gregoire...did they become FAs and then basically start negotiating with other teams right away? What I'm getting at is...has there been a guy who was drafted, made it to FA based on the rules, and then played out a season of NCAA before signing a pro contract or do they usually get to FA, and then start negotiating ASAP and give up their NCAA status?

    Just seems odd to me that a guy would make it to Free Agency and play out a year "in limbo" so to speak.

    I believe they have to officially declare that they are leaving school before they can become a free agent under that rule.

  10. At first they didn't seem so bad. The more I look at it, the more the loosely spaced three stripes becomes awkward. I don't mind what they did on the front or shoulders at all. I'll wait to see a colored pic to pass judgment.

    One thing I think people will like is it seems there is a lot more green.

    Can't wait to see them in color myself. Already, I like these way better than the women's jerseys.

  11. You know Jess Myers leaked that picture to stir $h!* up and try to create a distraction for UND.

    That guy is such a smug little twerp.

    Would have been nice if UND would have been responsible for introducing them to the public instead of Myers.

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