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Everything posted by PCM

  1. Our new topless skating cheerleader is almost good to go. He just need a little more work on his Hamill camel.
  2. Me either. That's why I went to SDSU.
  3. Reliable sources tell me that the BC players went on a late-night shopping spree at the Mall of America. Who could resist that?
  4. PCM

    Injury Update

    Obviously. But if keeping Chappell healthy for GVSU was of utmost importance, why not sit him and play Murray against WSU? Why risk additional injury to Chappell at all? Perhaps Lennon was concerned about the message such a move would have sent to the team. I could see sitting Chappell for the second half if Murray was healthy or if Brady was available. But that wasn't the case. With the game still on the line, you need your best players to go out an make plays. And the game had not been decided at that point. Yes, UND's defense was playing well, but if you listened to what Lennon said leading up to the WSU game, he was very concerned about the Warriors' offense. Knowing that all it would take was a couple of big plays to get WSU back into the game and knowing that UND's defense has been giving up big plays routinely, my guess is that Lennon felt the Sioux needed to keep putting points on the board. But you see, using 20/20 hindsight I can say that Lennon was wrong to have played Chappel at all because the Sioux defense played great and all UND needed to win the game was one field goal.
  5. Don't you mean "unexceptable"?
  6. This is where Coleman shows the depth of his cluelessness. He believes that the "rest of the country" is in agreement with his opinion. But in fact, polls have consistently shown that a large majority of Americans and a large majority of American Indians aren't opposed to sports teams using Native American nicknames. If he would have written, "...they have been slow to understand how this looks to the rest of the media in this country," then he'd be closer to the truth.
  7. PCM

    Injury Update

    I agree with Sicatoka, too. Chappell was obviously banged up in the USD game. It could be argued that he shouldn't have played at all against Winona IF you assume the game was in the bag. This time of year, it's never safe to make such assumptions, even with a 20-2 halftime lead.
  8. Who are you going to believe? Diggler or your own lyin' eyes?
  9. I'm glad nobody mentioned spearing or butt-ending. That would have been tasteless and offensive.
  10. Here's the video I was looking for. It features levitating, disembodied, emasculated limbs and makes you wonder if someone was on drugs when they came up with the idea.
  11. Did you notice who cheated?
  12. I still can't believe that the sleeveless flood coverall look didn't catch on.
  13. Some of these guys are really old!
  14. To heck with that. Here's a real man's band to entertain the troops.
  15. I stumbled on this hostile and abusive video while looking for another 80s classic. I long for the days when we could settle our differences on the dance floor.
  16. Now I'm going to pull a Shawn-O and say that I like that song. The video is pretty weird, however. Then again, any video with Boy George in it was weird.
  17. I like the way B.J. Thomas sang it. Hasselhoff...not so much.
  18. Not compared to this.
  19. But such non-agressive logos DO seem to repel Native Americans because neither of those universities has as many American Indian students as UND.
  20. Yes. Just keep watching your TV. It will eventually be on after the power outage ends and the fog clears.
  21. Hey! I resemble that remark!
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