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Posts posted by WYOBISONMAN

  1. What would be worse if Mohler played and lost the game or start Jensen and have him lose the game. I think if either happens Bohl has a mess on his hands.

    He will, but if he starts Jensen it will show that he is trying some different looks to get a sputtering offense working. If he starts Mohler he will convince many of the fans who believe Bohl is stubborn, that he indeed is. There seems to be a lot of discussion about whether or not Bohl is so inflexible that it is a major coaching short coming. Many fans are totally convinced that is why he kept starting Mertens for as long as he did.

    Like I said earlier.....If he start and plays Jose for the game and the Herd looses, you will see pitchforks and torches coming out of the stands....it will be very ugly.

    I gotta say...I think Bohl is a decent coach and I would not want to see him get canned this year. I want to see how his recruits are looking next year. That is probably a more reasonable criteria on which to judge him. But.......fans of any team are a rather impatient bunch and can turn damn nasty very fast.

  2. I think it could be a competetive game, but I hardly see the Yotes rolling over NDSU. I like their chances, but it is difficult for me to believe that this year's Coyote team is vastly superior to last years. I know, I know they beat UMTC, and hats off for that accomplishment, but NDSU also beat Kansas which is probably alot better than UMTC. And both of those schools are probably near the bottom of FBS, espececially UMTC.

    The big unknown is what will the Bison offense do. So far I have not seen anything horribly impressive and lots that made me want to puke. Can the O-line hold up against tougher D? What will Jensen play like if he takes some hard hits? No one knows.

    All I know is NDSU will likely fare much better against USD than will the game I am actually attending. Air Force will likely pummel WYO. Something about run up the middle, run left, run right, punt.....that is so predictable. Another long Saturday afternoon at War Memorial.

  3. Why wouldn't you support your own coach. If Bison fans would skip spouting about UND and who we play maybe someone there could provide a link and they can vote for Bohl.

    Bohl is not a contender for coach of the year. We need to see how he recovers from 2 loosing seasons.

  4. How about this senario...USD crushes NDSU at the Fargodome then next week UND crushed USD in the DakotaDome...wouldn't that just heat up the Sioux-Bison not playing rivalry even more.

    Not sure about that.........but it would mean Bohl probably should get in contact with the Secret Service and see if he would be able to get around the clock protection. The fans would be going crazy. Note that on Bisonville there is not one thread about Liberty Mutual Coach of the Year. That tells you a good bit about the tentative mood of the fans.

    Actually, I am not too sure why you guys are pushing Muss so hard for it. He has not been horribly impressive either.

  5. Bohl is still not saying who the starting QB will be.......but I will tell you this.....if he starts and plays Mohler and the Bison loose......Bohl better be running because the pitchforks and torches will be coming out of the stands!

  6. Good god, what an embarassment for Brewster. He is a dead man walking.

    DaveK will probably be weeping on Sunday when the front page of the Forum talks about how the new QB Jensen shredded USD. And damn.......I just feel soooo bad if Davey is upset....... ;)

    • Downvote 1
  7. I know I sound like an old bastard when I say this, but the students are different today. Geez......during a home game when I was in school, the dorms were empty. Everyone was at the game. It is especially noticable at BB games that the student attendance at NDSU is maybe 1/4 to 1/5 of what it was when I was in school. Football is better, but then again, now the students are stuck with not the greatest seats.

    Anyway......eventhough I am an old bastard, a college game of any kind has no atmosphere without students.

    .......end old bastard rant.......

  8. And we post the truth about the Bison Program - the Best Buy program - on our own board and we get blasted!! :lol:

    How many DUIs are still in your program?

    You gotta research that your self. I doubt that any Athletic Department in ND will publish that stuff like they did at WYO.

  9. I posted this over on Bisonville too......

    U WYO is getting agressive in getting the students out to the FB game. I think it was just short of 5,000 students at the Boise State game. They have started a new program called "The Stampede". It is basically a student fan/booster club that you can join for $10 a year (and you get a t-shirt). This seems to be working and it is probably a good way to develop students into potential donors to the University once they graduate. I have not seen anything like this at NDSU and it may be worth looking at.

    Here is the linky to the U WYO web site....


    This is all a part of the Dept of Athletic Marketing.

    Click on the link called "The Dirt" and you will see this kind of information:

    The Players:


    # 5 Jason Robinson- This criminal is exactly the kind of player coach Peterson loves to recruit. He broke a man

  10. And this from egriz too....

    Yes basically a 4-3 but I have seen some 3-4 also. He moves guys around so much it's tough to tell sometimes. Yes they play cover 2 alot of the time but they also blitz a safety from time to time which is very dangerous out of a cover 2. I think the defense is multiple, I don't know any other way to describe it.

    It sounds complex with a lot of shifting. I think it was too much of a change at NDSU and that is where he ran into trouble.

  11. Here is a reply I got from my inquiry over on egriz. It sounds like Breske is trying some complex defensive stuff.....

    Of course it is different from last year. We did not blitz a tenth as much last year, and for what type of defense it is, I can't say. Most of the time he has a four man front, but he drops linemen, and brings whoever, so you really can't say he uses a 4-3 or a 3-4 or sometimes he uses an 8-3, and I mean that seriously.

  12. WYO, is Montana running a 3-4 now. I know thats what Breske liked in Wyoming and there was talk in Fargo about the Bison switching to it a little last year. If they do run that the 3-4 is a complex defense and switching over to it can take time.

    I don't know. I posted over on the Griz board to see what they have to say about him. There is a part of me that thinks we ran him off far to soon at NDSU, but then again, it is clear that the switch back to the Tampa 2 as worked at NDSU. I really thought he would go to Missoula and give them a solid D, but it sure does not seem to be happening. And.....I am eating some crow over on Bisonville. Oh well.....I guess I called that one wrong. But....I still think that Breske can be a good DC, otherwise how the heck could have the Cowboy D been so decent all those years.

    By the way.....Oct. 30th I am going over to Ogden to see the Griz play Weber State. After that I should know more firsthand information.

  13. That's no joke, I watched most of the game on a big-screen at the Outback and afterwards my eyes felt like I had stared at the sun for an hour or so, that red 70's shag is brutal. Worst part is the EWU red jerseys blend in a little too well, makes it hard to pick their players up, you have to see it to get the full effect. Like the blue field in Boise...this one not at all.

    Grizzlies this year...great offense, no defense. Bet the over until further notice.

    ......and interestingly, the Defensive coordinater for Montana is the dude that was D-coordinator at NDSU last year. I always defended him (Mike Breske), and thought we made a mistake by making him feel he needed to leave. But......maybe he isn't very good. He was also the D-coordinator here at WYO under Joe Glenn and while the Cowboy offense was sputtering, he always had a very solid defense. It surprises me he can't get it together now.

  14. Idaho - 30

    UNLV - 7


    Wow. Maybe WYO will beable to win against UNLV this year! After the disaster I witnessed against Boise State tonight, I was thinking WYO would not win another game this year. The were horrid!

  15. Glad I could help you laugh and thank you for calling me a joke and fyi I don't like mushrooms. Now to explain, flagship university is a common word and I found a definition for it if you want to reference my original post. Secondly, UND is still known as the Fighting Sioux...we are allowed to use the nickname this year as it has not been officially retired yet....we are in the process of it. There will be a new nickname, so deal with it.

    I normally am fine with you, but next time...please try to read all of the conversation before you butt in.

    Sorry.....I didn't mean to give you too much grief.......I tell you what ....... this issue is for sure one that we can all agree isn't going to make any headway. I do have to say that while I disagree completely with Bill's idea of combinin the 2 schools, his intentions are honorable. He does indeed care about ND. Perhaps something good will come out of this discussion such as enhanced transportation within the state. So I support his right to raise the issue........just completely disagree with him. (This is like getting the Hatfields and McCoys to shack up together).... ;)

  16. Um, no...a vote of the people of North Dakota can not change the definition of a flagship university.....sorry. And yes, a vote of the people would overrule the SBoHE..but in all actuality how many people in North Dakota actually want this? You have 10 people listed for your group, 9 of whom live in North Dakota. That is not the majority at all and really, if it is going to take money from the schools in their area....I don't see a whole lot of people going for this.

    Flagship University? LMAO......you are a bigger joke than this issue that started this thread. Man.....you must be eating some damn fine mushrooms.......... :lol: Hell, you don't even have a nickname for your team!

  17. Unfortunately, the Bison swept us tonight - 26-24, 25-21 and 25-19. I was only able to watch the end of the second and all of the third. It appeared the best team won but it was close. I had not watched women's college VB for many years. It is amazing how good they are!

    I will never forget the first college VB match I went to at NDSU. Until then my view of VB was basically the crap we played in PE in high school. I had never seen a real game. I remember being stunned when I saw how fast and how damn rough it was. Those VB players are some dang tough athletes. It sound like the Sioux played a tough match against a seasoned Bison squad. The matches were a lot closer that the final score indicates.

  18. Anyone want to start the pool on when Brewster is fired and who the next head coach will be?

    My guess is Monday, 9/13 and Mike Leach :)

    I am not sure Maturi would whack him this early in the season.......but, he really is a horrid coach!
  19. 3rd quarter:

    Nebraska - 31

    Idaho - 3

    4th quarter:

    Kansas - 28

    Georgia Tech - 17

    Looking for some rope now. My wife hid all the sharp objects from me in the house.

    I still say the jury is out on the Bison until I see what happens at UNI.

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