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Posts posted by WYOBISONMAN

  1. Our Griz defense is an abomination against the run this year. Really and truly, it is almost embarrassing. All student-athletes should be applauded for their hard work and dedication, but this year's team is utterly horrid. Even the vaunted 'Home Field Advantage' for the Griz doesn't seem to make any difference this year. With the Big Sky Title streak already ended, our playoff chances are bleak as well. If we do make the playoffs, we will likely be embarrassed by an out of conference foe in the first or second round.

    This years team just could not get it together as a unit, and the coaches certainly could not get it done with trying to implement a whole new scheme this early in their reign. You guys should give us a heck of a game next week, if not beat us down with a bit of a run game.

    I think Mike Breske is a problem. We had him for a year as DC and this year after running him off (if he had not resigned he likely would have been fired) the Bison D is about 200% better. Surprisingly I hear few Griz fand bitch about Beske..........

  2. Yes.......T-Jack is worthless. Why the Vikes got rid of Sage rather than T-Jack is beyond me. It is like T-Jack and Chilly have some sick, twisted and perverse relationship. Give me a guy that texts a hottie a dick picture any day of the week over the T-Jack/Chilly crap!!!!

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  3. Secondary has been our biggest weakness defensively for the past 6 or 7 years. I don't think we need a head coaching change but I do think some position changes need to happen. If I was consistently the weakest link at my place of employement I wouldn't be employed for very long.

    I thought there was a CB yesterday with a couple nice interceptions........was I mistaken?

  4. I just hope the team that played at NIU and Cal Poly shows up and not the team that played UCD, USD, SUU, and Idaho. What a Jekyll and Hyde group! Any word on TV coverage in the Twin Cities?

    They are playing with a backup QB as the starter broke his arm (season ending). This kid is most definitely prone to throw some pics. Watching yesterdays game you guys played, I saw some nice interceptions by your CB.......pressure the QB, get a few turnovers, and you have a horserace. Also, when I saw Montana play at Weber, the Griz seemed to have problems defending against the run......some big problems.

  5. I don't follow hockey and I have a stupid question.......is a loss in OT the same as a loss in regular time or does it count differently? At the end of OT is there a shootout in College Hockey and if you loose in a shootout how does that count against you in either the NHL or college?

  6. An interesting thought was posted over on Bisonville......The deer opener is a killer for attendance at any home game for either school. The suggestion was to play a NDSU/UND game at 7pm the Saturday of the deer opener. Would this game sell out? Who knows, but it would probably put more asses in the seats than any other game. Hell, maybe students would even shuffle over to watch this game. Interesting concept, might work......probably will never happen.

    Here is the linky if you want to throw your opinion in......

    Deer Hunting Classic

  7. What is "the thing" to do? Man, when I was in college, football hockey, and even basketball were must sees. Now, not so much....well, we still have a full student section for hockey. I also sound like an old bastard I guess. It is a little worrysome that the Bison students dont' show when they are in a conference and battling for a playoff spot. I hope our students show when UND is in the same situation in a few years.

    I don't know what "the thing" . My daughter at Wyoming is a senior this year and I am embarassed to say that she has never, I repeat never, attended a basketball game. So, I am a parent of one of these college students and I have not clue one what in life has replaced going to games.

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  8. I talked to some people during tailgating about the lack of attendance. They said that the students don't come when the team is not playing well. There is nothing for them to get excited about. Fair weather/Bandwagon, whatever you want to call it.

    The Bison are still in the running for a playoff spot and the student attendance was pathetic in Fargo. I just think students don't support athletic teams like they did back when I was in undergrad school. (Geez, I sound like an old bastard when I say that). Back when I lived in the dorms, no one would ever miss a home FB game. It was the thing to do on a Saturday afternoon......it seems that it isn't "the thing" to do anymore...... :(

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  9. I would start Hedrickson at QB if I were Mussman. He did seem to get some fire out of the offense. If UND can hang with them and be close at the end, who knows what could happen. I still say Montana is horribly over rated this year and there is a very real chance of UND upsetting them.

  10. Hendrickson sure seems to have some potential. He may be the guy for the next 2 years. The end of this season will give him some important experience. Especially playing at a hostile Montana environment.

  11. That's a killer. Was starting to seem like UND stood a chance, before that.

    It didn't look like Hendrickson's fault.....more the RB not holding on.....

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