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Posts posted by WYOBISONMAN

  1. Like I said in another post Look out Bison they are coming after you next.

    Drum roll please....................and the award for the most moronic post in this thread.........goes to Goon!!! Congrats on achieving such a high level of stupidity!

  2. I am somewhat surprised that NDSU over the last 2-3 years wasn't able to convince a good big man and/or power forward to join this very talented group of players. With some inside strength and offense, they would have really been good. Moorman, coming off the bench, could have been very effective!

    SU fans - don't get excited, my comments were not meant to negative - just an observation! You should be very proud!

    I have thought the same thing many times. I just think that those really good big guys are few and far between and attracting them to a mid-major school is difficult......

  3. so how was attendance for game 2? :lol: ...just asking...

    Down significantly......you could hear the shoes squeaking on the floor. And, the evening session was worse. It will be interesting to see what the Sunday attendance will be. I will be there, and the games should be great games. But, I suspect it will be pretty empty.

  4. I'm not talking about "folks" in general there Jethro. I am talking about Alumni of UND and NDSU and if you think I am in the minority you are wrong. Yes there are "folks" that cheer for both schools but they did not attend either one. By the way, how did that Animal Husbandry Degree work out for you? ???

    It must have worked out OK for me since I am buying the overpriced airline ticket..... :silly:

  5. I also like to see schools like Dicknson State, Mayville, Minot, Wahpeton, etc. do well, but not the Bison. It is different with them and I know the feeling is mutual among most alumni from UND and NDSU. I hope they get blown out so they, and their fans, can come back to reality. :silly:

    I would not say among most. I think the folks that think like you are in a minority at both places. And that is a positive thing.....

    As far as reality.....most NDSU fans know we are underdogs from the start.....but that is what makes this fun. A win at the NCAA would mean a lot for our fans and we know it would be a helluva upset......unlike a Duke fan that is bummed if they don't win it all. I think most of us are well grounded in reality, but we all sure as hell hope for the upset!

    In the end, if there are a few of you that can't cheer for the Herd.....I really don't care, because next week I am going to buy a way overpriced airline ticket (damn...no 7 day advance purchase) and I am going DANCING!

  6. If you went to UND I do not see how you can root for a Bison team of any kind. I would expect the same if you went to NDSU not to root for a UND team. That's just my opinion and I know there are many that disagree with me, but who cares. I know there are many that root for a team because it is the popular thing to do, I just don't understand that. I live in Fargo and I see the bandwagoners all the time for both teams. Makes me laugh because they just want to fit in and be on the winning side. I have no respect for those people, sorry if you are one of them.... :silly:

    I think it is a matter of being from North Dakota.....when something positive happens for your state......regardless of what school.....it makes you feel good. Hell, I like to see a school like Dickinson State do well in Football and I have absolutely no ties to that school other than being a Nodaker that likes to see them beat a school like Carrol College. There are not a lot of us Nodakers, so we celebrate the national spotlight. It really is a pretty simple concept.

  7. Well, I am heading to Ogden this afternoon to watch the Big Sky Championship (on ESPN2 tonight). Montana State (7th seed in the tourney) is playing Portland State (#2 seed) for the title. A Montana State win could be a pretty good Cinderella story.

  8. What should be noted is that the bisonville "owner" had to post on SS.com that the website is down. LOL

    In then end.......it is all for the State of North Dakota.......we may be few, but we are proud!

  9. Tomorrow (Tuesday), the Bison play at 7pm CDT on ESPN2. They will play Oakland University for the Summit League title and a berth in the NCAA. It should be a tough, tough game. OU stud player Kangas played tonight on a sprained ankle and turned in a dominating performance against SDSU. This one will go down to the wire.

  10. It feels really weird the happiness for the bison and the thank you's back and forth but this is a big deal no doubt about that.. I'd love for the Bison to be in the big dance and i'll be cheering for them if they make it there.

    My god, what is next.......dogs and cats sleeping together?!?!? :lol::angry:

  11. This team grew up a lot tonight. I'm glad my prediction was wrong. I look forward to filling out my Bison/Carolina bracket.

    They gotta get through the Summit Tourney. Not an easy task. It sure seems like this team is putting it together at the right time in the season though.

  12. I really would rather not play UND, but I suspect if Taylor made the offer of a game in Fargo in 2012 (a one game deal), UND would take him up on it. It does seem that the new folks in charge at UND are more interested in building bridges rather than throwing up roadblocks ala Roger Thomas and Kuppy.

  13. I think it's :lol: so-o-o-o-o-o cu-u-u-u-u-ute :lol: when Bison fans:

    a) come to the board of a school they "no longer care about" to

    b) debate conference membership of a conference said "no longer care about" school is not even in, and

    c) in the process, end up ripping each other to shreds.

    That's good stuff. :lol:

    Actually I do have an interest in the Summit...... :lol:

  14. Baptist won't ever be a target of the Summit unless it all goes to hell. We're trying to get rid of Cent., not add schools even farther south!

    Now if UVSU gets full membership, that could be a nightmare as SUU might want them in. But we gotta try to get rid of SUU, too far away.

    You and your turd in your pocket have some really strange ideas. I have never heard anywhere that anyone is trying to get rid of SUU or Cent. Core members are rather important to a conference. What a foolish statement. :lol:

  15. The tough thing about scheduling it every year is that it significantly limits NDSU's OOC scheduling opportunities. The MVFC is big enough that we only have 3 opportunities (most years) for an OOC game. If one will always be a money game against a FBS school then there are only 2 OOC opporunities left. It is hard to see NDSU tying up one of those every year to play UND. I know that most Bison fans would not support that. A 9 team conference really limits you opportunities to see competition from other conferences.

  16. It is just one of those unfortunate things that happens from time to time in collegiate athletics. One incident does not mean that the team is a bunch of thugs, but, unless there are some unusual circumstances, I would guess he will be off the team. And whether you are NAIA, DI, DII or DIII it can happen.

  17. This seems to me to be a desperation move by a few Sioux supporters to get a game with NDSU. What a stupid idea. The ND Legislature probably has a lot bigger issues to deal with than this. like $35 a barrel oil creating serious budget issues for North Dakota.

    The bottom line is playing UND at this time is a negative for NDSU. If it becomes a win/win for both schools, the game would likely happen. But, it should not be played for now.

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