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Posts posted by WYOBISONMAN

  1. A couple question.....

    Who is going to QB for UND?

    Anyone back from injuries that will have an impact?

    How have you and UCD done against common opponents?

    (I would look this stuff up, but I figure someone on here has to know.......)

  2. Just having some fun with you! I'd say it has worked out well for all the schools.

    And just think, now it will be that much easier for you to travel to see North Dakota play!

    The funny thing is, the way airfares are, it is cheaper for me to fly to the MVFC games than it was to fly to Bozeman or Missoula. And now with $86 a barrel oil, driving will be no bargain. SUU and Weber games were close and easy as was UNC. Minneapolis is always an expensive flight from Salt Lake as well. Travel is just going to get more pricey if these oil prices stay.

  3. I have already heard some of the media from other cities (you know who I mean ) and fans from their say UND will never be able to recruit area kids any more. That is really a bunch of bull. Athletes in general will be thrilled to play in the Big Sky and go to some of the locations in the Big Sky. The bottom line is we still need to put a quality product on the field to attract good athletes. As long as we are successful we will be able to attract good student athletes. In fact we will have some recruiting advantages over some of the area schools. That arguement is just bogus propaganda.

    Kids want to play at a good school, with good facilities and good fan support. They also want to win.

  4. Hey WYO, just in good fun, remember this? :


    Yes, and that was true at the time. However, what has happened has worked well for NDSU. It just screws me because I have to travel a long ways for games. However, back then there was no thought of the Montanas leaving theBig Sky Conference and no thought of us ever getting into the MVFC (Gateway back then). The way conference realignment has turned out.......NDSU got lucky and wound up in the right spot. The Big Sky screwed up by taking UNC instead of the xDSUs. If the Sky had gone that route I suspect t hey would be more stable and all 4 Dakota schools would be looking at playing together once again.

  5. NDSU would have jumped at the Sky as a solo act in a New York second, don't kid yourself.

    Back before we joined the Summit.....maybe. I don't really know (and no one does) how tight we were with SDSU. In the end, every school has to look out for their own interests. But, where it stands now, no one at NDSU and very very few fans or alumni would have interest in the Big Sky.

  6. Excellent post Star.

    I see absolutely no negatives with UND being in the Big Sky. I really think if UND markets this right it will be a huge boost for the university. As I've stated in other posts, the Sioux should have a huge recruiting advantage when we go up against the other regional schools. We're talking about 17 and 18 year old kids here so it shouldn't be too hard of a sell for all the sports mentioned above.

    When we're going up against the XDSU's for a recruit in football, the coaches will be telling them:

    - Our home conference schedule includes the likes of Montana, Montana State, Idaho State, Portland State, Sacramento State, Cal Poly, UC Davis, etc.

    - Our home non-conference game is SDSU, USD or NDSU.

    - Our FBS away game is Texas Tech in front of 60,000 people (example)

    - Our away non-conference game is at SDSU, USD or NDSU

    - Our away conference games are in Southern California, Sacramento, San Francisco area, Oregon, Washington, Arizona, Montana and Colorado.

    - Our training facilities are the best in the region

    - We are the only Liberal Arts University in the region

    - We are THE premier tier one research university in the region.

    - We have a Medical School, Law School, the top Aviation School in the country, a top regional Business School, etc, etc, etc.

    Now, we'd still have the academic advantages if we were in the Summit/MVFC, but the schedule, TV games and conference travel location advantages that the Big Sky Conference offers should convince most 17 and 18 y/o kids that they'd rather spend the next 4 to 5 years at UND than at SDSU, USD or NDSU.

    So again, I couldn't be happier to be the Dakota school that was picked to be in the Big Sky. Several months ago all we could do is dream about being in the BSC and nobody would have every believed it was possible. It's been a great last 5 days. :)

    Geez........is there any kool-aid left for the others.......LMAO!!!! :lol::lol:

    Admittedly UND made the only choice it could.........but, as was stated on the Griz board.....you guys got "Utah Stated".

  7. Kinda like how he didn't meddle in the nickname situation? :silly:

    DISCLAIMER: I in no way think Taylor or NDSU have been attempting to fork UND with this whole Big Sky/Summit/USD/MVFC thing.

    You honestly think Gene had a roll in that? I would doubt that. NDSU had nothing to gain from such actions and again, if discovered, could cost Gene his job. I think it is just crazy to believe NDSU had anything to do with that.

  8. Who cares about USD? All their leadership has proven is that they have zero integrity, much like the leadership of NDSU and SDSU. I hope they enjoy the Summit League playing against other garbage schools like IUPUI and IPFW. They are their peers after all. I'm still ecstatic we are in the Big Sky. Screw USD, screw the Summit, and screw the MVFC.

    Good for you......you are in a league and very happy I can see. It surely must be NDSU and SDSUs fault that USD bailed from the Sky..... :silly: You better have some more kool-aid.

  9. It's pretty clear that Fullerton did not want just UND. And I don't think it's too much of a leap to think that he sold UND and USD to the Presidents as a package deal. I wonder how the rest of the Big Sky is going to feel about UND now?

    It is Fullerton who spoke to soon.....

  10. And possibly without Montana State. That would be the worst case scenario.

    I do not like where this thing is going right now. I have to say I'm quite jealous of USD. I can't believe they were able to pull off a MVFC invitation. I can't help but think none of this would have happened if UND had waited to accept the Big Sky invitation until USD had approval.

    The conference politic game is pretty interesting. I would have never guessed this. USD better be ready to man up if they are going to battle it out in the MVFC. I wonder if the fact that they got a win over MN made them appeal to the MVFC schools? It also has become rather apparent that the MVFC and the Summit work very close.....closer than I would have guessed.

    Also....for those of you that have not watched the Big Sky until now......Commish Doug Fullerton makes some stupid decisions and it looks like the way they announced conference additions was another.

    Regardless, UND is surely better off than a month ago.

  11. Then I suggest you lose so we don't feel pressured to throw the game...

    Oh, the odds will still be against the Sioux. Your team is not very good and probably will not have to throw anything to loose. It is just that the Griz are much worse that I ever expected.

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  12. I went over to Weber State and watched them play and beat the Griz. The Griz are not that great of a team and they are very beatable. The D seemed very off and at times the Wildcats were getting run after run of 10+ yards. On offense, the Griz are starting the backup QB. This QB is prone to throw some picks and there are huge issues there as well. I would not be shocked to see UND get up for this game and possibly beat the Griz. After yesterday there was no doubt in my mind that it is possible. Obviously I would love to see the Griz pound on the Sioux, but they are surely not going to do it this year.

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  13. As I recall, you are right. I also remember Bohl wouldn't let Walker replace Stauss even though Walker was better. I'm sure the bison have a transfer on the team now that never played last year, even though they needed a qb in the worst way and isn't playing this year either.

    I'll probably get bitch-slapped by some bison troll for this. They seem to want to rewrite their history down there.

    You are absolutely right about Walker. He actually came in as a Freshman in the end of the first GWFC game ever played. We were getting pounded by UNC and were unable to move the ball, and in the 4th quarter Walker came in and daqrn near won the game for us, I still think if he had another 5 minutes of game time the Bison would have pulled it out. The next few games Walker did not play a down. I think it was like the 6th or 7th game of the season that Bohl finally started Walker and then the winning and the Walker era began. Bohl seems very rigid when it comes to making a decision about dumping the QB.

    I am not a coach (nor should I ever be..LOL) but, it always seems that most coaches are far too slow to make a QB change. Look at how we suffered with Mertens, look at Orton in Denver....good god...Tebow is riding the bench with Brady Quinn also riding the bench. Even in that debacle of a loss to Oakland, the Broncos never changed QB!!!!

    But, as a fan it is always easy to bitch about the QB when things are not going well. When a team is not doing well, the most popular player (from a fans perspective) is always the back-up QB!

    I apologize in advance if this response is rambling a bit.....I have had a few drinks tonight......nothing like getting a buzz and then trying to post on the internet! ;)

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  14. I know. I was being a little sarcastic as once again its all UND's fault. Both schools are doing what is in there best interest and I understand that. I was just pointing out that it goes both ways as both AD's have their feet planted firmly in the ground.

    But why let facts get in the way.........carry on with the rhetoric everyone..... :silly:

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  15. Didn't Gene turn down an offer as well?

    Gene didn't want to play every year as it would limit our OOC options. Faison would only do an every year deal. The bottom line is that if NDSU and UND are to start playing agin in football and they are not in the same conference it can never be an every year deal. There are too few options for OOC games to tie one up every year. If UND gets into the Sky that will become very obvious. Both sets of fans will want to see variety and some FBS competition in those OOC dates.

    As for Faison wanting an every year deal....right now the Sioux need good games not having a decent conference. NDSU does not need the game. I can see why that is what Faison wanted, but he held no trump cards. He should have taken the every other year deal.

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