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Posts posted by WYOBISONMAN

  1. Anyways.....Now that we all agree NDSU was better than Montana this year (and the computer rankings even back it up).

    They also say NDSU has a 90% chance of winning this game.

    I don't believe that, especially with our offense. Where did you find that stat?

  2. So if the state is so hot to have this game happen, authorize an expenditure of some of that excess Bakken cash.........pay $300,000 to the host athletic department and $600,000 to the traveling athletic department. But....do not require the game be played. I will tell you, this thing would get scheduled so damn fast it would make your head spin.

  3. So did virtually everybody else! KU is the Big 12 version of Minnesota.

    Not quite......KU has Turner Gill, who I think will turn out to be a good coach. Minnesota had Tim Brewster who is........well........Tim Brewster.........

  4. I think all schools are much better off where they are than going to the WAC. I suspect after loosing the most pretigious members to the MWC, the WAC is going to loose contracts with bowl and the already bleak bowl options get bleaker. I would hate to see NDSU look at moving to FBS ball in what is the lowliest of all FBS conferences. As for other sports (thinking mostly of BB) NDSU needs to establish consistency in competing for the conference title before looking at a move. Another issue is funding the additional schollies....remember, if you increase the FB schollies you also have to have an equal increase in women's schollies.

    For now, NDSU and UND better concentrate of how to find an offense for the football teams. Somewhere along the way they got lost!

  5. If UND accepts the NDSU offer for every other year the precedent will be set and the UND/NDSU game will forever be every other year. UND knows this and knows that with every passing year the pressure will continue to mount on NDSU until finally NDSU will have to give in and accept playing every other year.

    I'd wait em out if I was UND.

    Yup......for sure a boy from SD is an expert on this.....you make me laugh! ;)

  6. We'll agree to disagree...NDSU is in the playoffs mainly due to a game they shouldn't have won: The KU game. Your same record argument takes into accout that it was a given that NDSU would beat KU. It happened but wasn't a 7th win factored into the minds of Bohl and Taylor prior to the start of the season. You can point to the Griz scheduling a D2 game, which is what it is, but if the Griz beat a cupcake FCS team over a D2 team, like this year and still lose to MSU and NDSU still beats KU...the Griz are still out. Pretty obvious! Montana in the final poll was still ranked higher than NDSU so a non-conference win over a patsy FCS team instead of a D2 team doesn't get you past the fact they needed to beat MSU under any scheduling scenerio you want to propose...again pretty obvious. ;)

    I would agree that no one that is in their right mind would have penciled in a KU win. And.....I bet no one thought the Bison would be making the playoffs this year (except a few kool-aid drinkers). I know I sure didn't. After the end of the regular season, I still didn't think we would get in. I had actually tuned into the selection show to see where they would place UNI after their season finale flop.

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  7. The Griz beat MSU on the last game of the season and they are in and you are out...period. Scheduling arguments are hindsight for a season that is just over. Do you think the KU game was penciled in as a win before the year started? Not even 99% of Phil Hanson wannabe's from Bisonville would of predicted that. So the schedule is what it is this year for both schools. You won a game that 9 of out 10 times you lose and the Griz piss one down their legs vs. MSU. This year the Griz screwed themselves by not beating MSU in a game they should of probably won. This year NDSU gets a win vs. KU that very few thought would happen. NDSU's win vs. KU got them into the playoffs coupled with the fact that MSU beat the Griz. The two games I'm referencing are not independent in this whole playoff scenerio. Frankly, your scheduling argument doesn't hold water IMO.

    Sorry you can't see the obvious.....perhaps an eye doctor could help you with your myopia. ;) Of course the Griz would have been in had they beat MSU.....they would have had a better record than NDSU. When 2 teams have the same record, you need to look to SOS when seeing who has the best shot at the playoffs. The D2 game screwed the Griz. pretty obvious........ :lol:

  8. Stronger schedule...no.

    Self inflicted...yes. If they don't give the game to MSU w one turnover after another, they go and you sit.

    One of the wins was against a D2 team....sorry buddy, but the Griz screwed themselves. it was down to SOS and NDSU beat the Griz on that one. Our non-FCS win was against a Big 12 team. When you look at that it is damn obvious who will get t he bid.

  9. What a joke. Meanwhile Montana is sitting at home. Maybe they should have moved Minnesota-Duluth into the FCS playoffs. Doesn't the NSIC allow almost as many schollies? Nevertheless, it will be proclaimed by the local media as another historic D-I moment for NDSU, just like that first FCS game and victory against non-scholly Valporaiso. ;)

    If the Griz didn't want to sit at home, they should have played a stronger schedule. The Griz clearly inflicted their own wound on this one.

  10. The conference Robert Morris plays in only allows its members to fund no more than 34 scholarships for football: http://bisonmedia.areavoices.com/2010/11/23/rmu-3-4-defense-but-34-scholarships/

    That sure does not help the credibility of FCS ball. I still say if the Bison want to see a game in Bozeman, they damn well better figure something out on offense or this 34 scholly team could beat us. It is not like the Bison are competent on offense this year. The only worse offenses I have seen this year are UND and the Vikings.

  11. Part of the problem for Muss is the history he is working against. When the program has wins vs SUU, Davis, and UNI; they used to beat the Jacks on a regular basis; then you INCREASE the number of scholarship athletes available to him, you do have expectations that you can beat those type of teams. There were more exciting FBS wins for this program when it was D2. A signature win that everyone can get excited about is desperately needed.

    I think the Jacks have gotten a lot tougher in FB. They used to be a bit of a patsy, but not anymore. The competition is just a heck of a lot tougher in FCS because most the programs you play are fully funded scholly wise. That was not the case in D2, so schools like UND and NDSU that did fully fund had an easier time being dominant. The step up in Basketball is especially noticable also. Wins are earned at the DI level. Much, much tougher than the days of D2.

  12. Taylor with the every other year schedule (meaning UND hosts in 2015) is probably the last and only offer.

    I would suspect that is true. The initial game will be a ways in the future since both schools are now in conferences and open dates are few and far between.

  13. That was a beatdown...plain and simple. Packers are getting healthier and Minny is just a total mess. GB better win the North because I still think the Bears are a complete fraud.

    Even though it makes me puke.....I want the Packers to win. I just can't stand Cutler......he is such a crybaby.

    And my god.......why does Chilly still have a job!!!

  14. There is no doubt this is not a great Bison team. Also, I am pretty stunned we got in and then drew RM on top of that. Still...the Bison better figure something out on offense or it will be one game and out. Saturday was simply putrid on offense.

  15. :lol: I thought this thread was about the FCS post season?!?!? Just because the Sioux struggled to beat D2 level competition must make you a bit pissy......LMAO...... :lol: get over yourselves.....LOL!!!!.......oh....and if you like football.....you can go watch a game in Fargo next Saturday........ :lol:
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  16. Bison in. With everything else this year it doesn't help recruiting but at least gives optimism that next year can turn around in a hurry.

    I am stunned and shocked......but happy. Now....not sure what to do about Thanksgiving. I may have to travel.......

  17. Regardless of NDSU laying an egg today, the Sioux were embarrassed. Where are all the posts by DaveK about how you guys were gonna kick ass?

    NDSU has no room to smack after that horseshit today.....good god!

  18. I would like to be a fly on the wall in the selection committee meeting room (or a hacker on the WebX in todays technology) and hear any arguments for/against NDSU/Montana. Montana has a long p(l)ayoff tradition the NC$$ may not want to turn their backs on. I suppose they could take the $$ for both teams and someone else is out.

    I don't think Montana has enough qualifying wins to make the playoffs.....one win was against a non counter.....

  19. What would really be ironic is if the Bison are still chosen for the playoffs. The win vs Kansas will probably count for quite a bit. Bohl and Vigen getting a playoff bid and stinking up the FargoDome: how many would show for that?!! Bohl is almost certainly back - which I think is very positive for the other Dakota schools. ;)

    They will NEVER get a bid......They just got shut out by a team with a less than .500 record. Hell, one of the most interesting teams to watch make a run now is Bozeman. They looked pretty tough today.

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