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coach daddy

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Posts posted by coach daddy

  1. UMass has a 17k seat stadium:


    How many high schools have 17k stadiums?

    The minimum average attendance over a 2 year period is 15k to be in FBS. So they already have a big enough stadium to meet the minimum requirement.

    Now that you are telling Rutgers and UMass how to run their athletic departments, will you leave us alone? Both of those schools need you way more than we do.

  2. I don't know what Coach Jones did to fire the gus up ,but that was a very good effort from top to bottom. They could have folded at half after losing that lead ,but they came out and stuck with it and got it done. A very entertaining game for those who stayed for the secong half.

    Is that a shot? :D

  3. Kimbrough was recruited by many, many D-I schools. They weren't small ones either - Iowa State, Kansas State, Minnesota, etc. She is by far my favorite player to watch because she gets excited and she plays with so much quickness and finesse. She has the ideal build for a post, and her talent is mind-boggling. She, no doubt, could have been a star at a big time college. Yet, UND landed her, and the program has maintained its tradition because of her. That's taking nothing away from other players. The program would not maintain as well if Langen, Boese, or Jahner would not have been here either. However, in my opinion, I feel Kimbrough is the best player to play here.

    Jenny Crouse won 3 National Titles and was player of the year twice? nationally, I believe. The list of best players ever to play here begins and ends with Jenny Crouse. Argue over who is the 2nd best player.

  4. Read today that Exxon Mobil recorded record profits of 40 Billion dollars in '07! Yes that is BILLION with a B! And gas is still hovering around $3/gal! ???:angry:

    Edit: Forgive me on the mis-spelling on the topic header

    It's called Capitalism. I hate that gas continues to rise but if I owned stock in Exxon Mobil, I'd probably be a happier man today; and I could afford gas more easily. :angry:

  5. According to the boxscore, Langen played 36 minutes last night. That must be a career high? Pretty impressive. Also, more impressively, she's within striking distance of Jenny Crouse's career rebounding record, and is just 26 points behind Sheri Kleinsasser for number two all-time in career scoring. In my opinion, her career has exceeded all reasonable expectations.

    Can't deny that. She has played at a very high level for 4 years.

  6. There is no way we'd be in this position if we'd hired someone with local ties, right? ;)

    You can say that if you want, mockingly I'm sure, however, Craig Smith deserved an interview. His record speaks for itself. It is too early to throw Coach Jones under the bus but if someone can tell how this team will get any better in the next 5 years with no league, no hope for the playoffs, and a team that is already not very good.....................I don't see it.

  7. I guess the other thing that disappoints me is that we do not use our connections enough....

    All of these players could have helped the Sioux the last 3-4 years, some are on Rich and some on the current staff...

    Corey McIntosh...Augie


    Jadee Jones.....MSU - Darcy Deustch's Nephew-Did not Recruit

    Alto Santos......MSU - UNI ( was not interested in him)

    Nelson.....Northen State- (not good enough out of Mayville..?)

    With Jake and Mac at UNI and Iowa State why are we not using these connections to help ourselfs....?

    Take it back further if you want; Scott Hanson=Dakota Prairie played at Northern (Elite 8 team with 3 starters/key reserves from North Dakota that Rich never

    talked too)

    Kevin Burkhard=Lakota played at Northern

    Kevin Aronson=Crary, played at Moorhead St. and led NSIC in scoring

    Those are 3 Rich, Ben, etc. chose not to recruit. We've looked in other pastures for many years Walrus. Why would this coaching staff do it any differently?

  8. I agree with you 100%

    Definitely Crouse over Kimbrough. No Doubt. I'd put Heisler in the top the 5 of all time. Too many people on this board didn't get to see her play, but look at her stats from her career. I believe she shot over 50% from the 3 pt. line. Awesome player!!!

  9. Indeed, Wahpeton is a beautiful campus with wonderful students and student athletes.

    No reason why Mayville, Dickinson, Valley City and Minot can't be exactly the same way and keep all of their athletic teams. That way, no one would lose an opportunity to compete athletically.

    No kids.

    But if I have any, I'd be proud to raise them in my birth state.

    You know so little about the small colleges in this state its sad you'd even comment. The educational opportunities that exist at Dickinson, Mayville, etc. are important for the rural high school grads of this state. Kids coming from small towns thrive in the environment of small colleges (2 yr. and 4 yr.) This is my opinion, but I believe more of those small college kids stay in North Dakota after graduation also. I'm talking from a percentage standpoint vs. actual numbers. No research to prove it, just years and years of being a part of this state and letting my children attend state institutions other than NDSU and UND.

  10. Dickinson State, Minot State, Mayville State and Valley City State should be forced by the SBoHE to become junior colleges ala NDSCS.

    NDSU and UND should be the only institutions in the state of North Dakota allowed to grant a bachelor's degree or higher.

    I swear to God, the stupidity of some of you never ends. I don't care if you are just trying to get a rise out of us or not. It feels good to call you STUPID!!!!

    The small institutions in this state are beautiful schools. The campus' have a great feel to them and plenty of kids who otherwise wouldn't compete athletically get opportunities at those small schools. God forbid this state ever forgets the importance of our smaller institutions.

    Of course, guessing by your name, you didn't bother to stay in ND and use your SU degree to benefit the people of North Dakota. State wasn't good enough to be a place to raise your children?

  11. Once again, the people in charge have decided that being a grad, having a vested interest in the success of the institution, and bleeding sioux green for most of your life is not enough to make people believe you can this institution or athletic department. I'm embarassed for Mr. Smith and the work he has put into this University to not be given a chance to lead. Why is the most obvious decision so freakin hard for this school? Kelly might be good but Bruce Smith already is good and his love for this school/community is obvious. Damn!!!! :angry:

  12. I think the following is why many of us are having a hard time understanding how Coach Lennon would recruit a kid known to already be committed to UND. The change in NCAA classifications really shouldn't make that big of a difference. Even had Cavil simply decided he no longer wanted to go to UND for whatever reason, I really wouldn't have expected Lennon to recruit him under the circumstances, because that would seem to be the exact same situation as what occurred with the Anderson kid last year.

    If Coach Lennon brought this kid to campus knowing he had verballed to UND, I'd be very disappointed, not to mention shocked. If this young man called Lennon, Schmidt, etc. and said, "Hey, I want to play for you". Then it wouldn't be Dale's fault for the kid changing his mind. Still, most coaches tell their recruits to stay at the institution that recruited them, not the coach. I can cite how that has been over the last 10 years. It isn't worth writing about now but if this continues, I'll give more details. :angry:

  13. Why people who post of message boards allow themselves to be taken advantage of?

    Just ignore him for Christ's sake. If he's just trying to get a rise out of you, you've given that to him and more.

    If that's the reason he's here, I stand by my statement; Go Away!!!!!

  14. There is no price tag to put on a school's good name and basic integrity. I trust that integrity would follow the donated gift of a ND farmer.

    And there is no justification for a man? from another University to come here and tear down a man who went to Vegas, started his own company from nothing, turned it into Billions of dollars, and then gave back to a place that meant more to him than any other place in the world. Like I said, Go away. Tell to your Bison folk somewhere else.

    Coming to this website to insult the people of UND is pointless.

  15. I am comfortable with NDSU and Fargo having to work hard and fundraise to put the facilities that are needed in place, even if it takes some time. I believe that this method of getting the facilities thing done is much preferrable than being hostage to 1 major doner that just gives you everything you want, and ties strings and loopholes to each donation. Often times the kid that is more successful is the one that actually has to work for his success.

    You can't be stupid enough to believe you can come to this site and take that kind of cheap shot at the Englestad family. If some farmer (lol) offered to build you tools a new arena in Fargo for $100 million dollars, you'd take the offer in a minute. For the 1 millionth time, THERE ARE NO STRINGS ATTACHED TO THE BUILDINGS HERE AT UND. This why Bisonville exists. Go take your stupid ass cheap shots over there where you'll be appreciated. ???

  16. Sioux lose 84-69. This is UND's first 0-4 start to an NCC season since 1995-96, and Sioux men are the only NCC basketball team--men or women--still seeking their first conference win of the season. ???

    Not sure it turns around next weekend either. Mankato and St. Cloud are both good enough to win in the Betty. Can't make shooters once the season starts. Wonder why we don't play both the big kids at the same time and try to shove the ball inside more. Koenig took 1 or 2 shots Saturday and Benter maybe 5? If everyone is going to zone us, we might as well go to plan B. :angry:

  17. UND is currently 11-7, with a minimum of 10 games remaining (nine regular season games plus at least one NCC tournament game). Do people now expect them to finish at, above or below .500? I'm going to guess 14-14. Up until the USD performance, I had really thought that at a minimum, we would win all of the home games except USD, and maybe win one or two on the road. Now, with two of the first three NCC games being very poor performances, I'm not so sure that's realistic. Thoughts?

    To win 14 we have to win 3 conference games. I don't believe we'll win any on the road so we have to win 3 at home. Duluth, St. Cloud, and Augie? maybe, but I am going to guess 13-15. I think Augie beats us at the buzzer; probably the guy from Bismarck!!! :D

  18. I agree with new2sioux2 that Jahner was not a true point guard but was forced to play there. Carissa was definitely 2. If a true point guard looks to pass first then why was Carissa 1-13 in the first round of the national tournament, and I don't think Jossy looks to shoot first. She definitely sees the floor better than any of the guards, and handles the ball better thus she is a point guard. Look at her numbers they don't lie. She is definitely not looking to be a scorer on this team, and doesn't have to be. We need someone to open up those shooters on the perimeter with penetration or getting the ball up the floor in transition for open looks otherwise teams are going to settle into a half court defense and collapse on the posts. Penetration will open things up as I stated before as will transition baskets, but right now IMO the right combination or mix is not on the floor.

    Why would I want a 2 guard who is 1 for 13 from the field? She took 13 shots in the tourney because she had to, not because she wanted too.

    Good thoughts both ways. We'll see. Not sure which stats you see that tip us off to any of them being true point guards. Asst./TO ratio? Doesn't tell us much between any of them as far as I can tell.

  19. I have to say for the most part, I agree with most of the previous posts....some new schemes or something is needed. Roebuck does know the game for sure, but perhaps what has always worked in the past isn't going to now...we always seem to get stuck by the same old things...spreading the floor, lack of zone or a modified zone, (at least he's played some zone this year). I don't understand the foul at the end of the USD game, but perhaps that was not his idea and just an over zealous attempt at defense. Why sit Kimbrough in a tight game with a minute left??? No idea. Why Bergan not playing after her Mankato perfoprmance..no idea.. I too, think she is more of a true point guard and has the quickness to defend those quicker guards (or backdoor drops). Guinn is not a true point, but I don't think Jahner was either..she was a great defender tho. I think of Mallum...she ran the floor like a general and often was directing people where to go. I think trying to move around the guards a little can't hurt and even going back to the 2 low posts occasionally (like last years scheme) instead of having Kimbrough hi or outside most of the time might work. Just some thoughts. I think if they can tweak a few things they'll be fine. The crowd hasn't beenas loud lately either...that's something we CAN affect..so I'll try to cheer louder!

    Just my opinion, but I believe Jahner was a much better point guard than Mallum. Even in the NCC, size is a factor at the point. I also believe that a point guard has to pass first, shoot second. Jossy and Mallum are more shoot first players. IMO, that does not work at the point.

  20. I am not sure which team you are watching "coach daddy" but those are pretty strong words considering she has played well in many situations including last year on the national qualifying team, so to say she is not a point guard at this level is pretty harsh. I think she has been in a no win situation this year, and given the opportunity she may be the exact answer this team is looking for as a true point guard. Because if she is not then we really do not have one because Guinn is more of a three guard and Beck is more of a two, Seay is definitely a three guard, so IMO she is the closest thing to a true point guard this team has.

    You're right, she may be the closest thing to a point guard on this team. However, I don't believe she is a true point guard (Jahner) and I believe that is the problem with this team. I didn't mean to sound harsh in evaluating her, just feel like point guard is not her best position.

  21. I only saw him play a little bit at the state tournament last year, but I thought he looked like he had some potential. He certainly has the size. Wasn't he kind of a late bloomer? A big late growth spurt or something?

    He is at least 3 more years from being able to play.........................."project" is being nice. He is a huge longshot to ever play for UND.

  22. I gave this material to my students one year. Sorry I couldn't just attach it to the reply but I couldn't find an attachment option on this page. This may make the Title IX talk a little more clear to all who read.

    About Title IX

    Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 is the landmark legislation that bans sex discrimination in schools, whether it be in academics or athletics. Title IX states:

    "No person in the U.S. shall, on the basis of sex be excluded from participation in, or denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving federal aid."

    Athletics has created the most controversy regarding Title IX, but its gains in education and academics are notable. Before Title IX, many schools refused to admit women or enforced strict limits. Some statistics highlighting the advancements follow:

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