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Everything posted by SiouxForever

  1. Can’t wait to see what’s in store for August, September, October. I predict more fear, more make believe racist issues and protests. Then a media narrative of phase 2 wave of the virus and a must lockdown 2.0 Lot to be greatful in America and some beautiful scenery to expolore. However, in 2020, the price you pay is politics. What a world Thank god NHL and more sports will be back I could see the NBA pulling out
  2. The daily dumbest people on this thread @Redneksioux and @Hayduke1 I pray for your family or anyone associated with you two.
  3. Who’s volunteering themselves to get tested? Where are these being done outside of Fargo? 5K tests is a lot I feel like.... sh^t we have less than a million people in Nodak. Not everyone if healthy needs to get tested. I don’t get it. At thar rate could test everyone in Nodak in 200 days or less.
  4. Correctly by continuous fear and killing many in nursing homes. Basically, abiding to the narrative and plan.
  5. Anyone want to take a gamble on lines now that Rizzo isn't coming?
  6. Anyone want to take guesses on what replaces Hardees?
  7. @mikejm Practice 6 ft like you preach. Shouldn’t be a problem. Not our fault.
  8. Wonder what everyone is waiting for? More tests, test rates to fall, deaths continue to fall, economy to drop for the democrats? Sales surge of masks etc for China? Someone tell me what will be different today (checks calendar, July 17) than a month or 2 months from now. I’ll wait. If you say more people wearing masks to flatten the curve again, well, no sh^t. This is the biggest hoax/scam in our lives. If masks worked then why aren’t small businesses opened? If masked don’t work, why were big box retailers at first allowed to be open for business? Again, this virus is a mystery. So advanced, it knows who can/can’t be open. Knows one should social distance for 6 ft. Knows that one should quarantine for ~ 2 weeks (no science behind this) if one gets it. I could go on.... No surprise after the 4th of July, you started to see liberal universities cancel fall or fall/winter sports. Supporting that narrative agenda. You don’t say? Fear, we’re all doomed, we’re gonna die
  9. Can’t wait to hear that there will be a mask shortage when every retailer and online social media ad is selling masks. Once again, China reaps in the revenue. Brilliant. We’ve been duped twice now by them.
  10. IMO, there’s no reason school and sports in Nodak shouldn’t start. With more mask wearing and numbers dropping its time to move forward!
  11. So Walmart requires masks, great. Watch the fear mongering still exist 3-weeks from now regardless of this large essential big box retailer taking accountability. Ready for the future lies and excuses.
  12. As of July 10, Penn State has conducted a total of 178 COVID-19 tests of student-athletes with 0 positive tests & 31 pending tests
  13. As of July 10, Penn State has conducted a total of 178 COVID-19 tests of student-athletes with 0 positive tests & 31 pending tests
  14. @Oxbow6 What are they building south of the Tavern and east is BNG? It’s a multi floor high building. Almost looks like a mini BNG so to speak.
  15. ZERO: the number of positive COVID-19 cases across the entire 24-team MLS delegation -- players, coaches, staffs, league personnel and others -- staying at the host hotel in Florida from July 12-13. The league tested 1,227 people during this time. Pretty good small sample size.
  16. And somehow someway a new brewery decided to open up in Moorhead . Don’t think this is the proper time to open a new business.
  17. Hopefully season still happens and und can shove it to Covid in April
  18. Washington Redskins still on NFL.com but not on ESPN. Rumor is Dan Synder removed the name but will be a thorn in a bush on creating a new name. If so, I like his move here.
  19. Thats what Bill Nye the science guy essentially just said this morning. Masks save lives!
  20. Let's start with you first. Step away from the basement and and more so the keyboard. Get outside, talk a walk. Look at the trees and the grass, get outside in nature.
  21. Things my common sense brain new before mid-March. Thank God I am a chosen one and not a sheep. Any other brain busters in this thread? Can we kill the masks this masks bs talk?
  22. When’s Black Lives Matters year, month, week wrapping up? I can’t keep up with all the new protests. You can’t have your cake and eat it too. As this evolves this reminds me of the word racist it is so loosely used everyday it’s lost any credibility. I digress. It’s the weekend.
  23. Another good question or statement that needs to be considered is not all masks are the same/there is/was no given standard by leadership. I have to wear a mask when I go to Costco in Fargo or get a haircut, I literally have a super thin mask that I continue to use over and over again (probably should be replaced) when I was given it as I toured a newly built house. It's super thin. I have no problem wearing a mask at Costco etc. as I have noted a few times here in the forums. However, not all masks are the same and they don't protect as equal. Here's the political (not trying to be) joke and discrepancy/ problem with masks as a whole or on a macro level. Ready for criticism is 3...2...1.....
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