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Everything posted by UND92,96

  1. I've obviously not been a big Pflu proponent, but I'd take a chance on him over Mills. I don't mind an assistant coach who lost his job because of a total housecleaning, but not one who was apparently forced out of his most recent job due to being in charge of a bad defense. I'm hoping there are other viable candidates who apply last minute.
  2. Not that I think he's the best person for the UND head coaching job, but I feel like it was a travesty what happened to him. He deserves to get back into coaching. I would have no problem if whomever the new coach is hires him as an assistant.
  3. Not surprisingly, Kolpack is mentioning Caruso as a possible candidate for the NDSU job: http://bisonmedia.ar...es.com/?p=89958 Also interesting that he mentions Wash--same situation as Tibesar and UND.
  4. Doubt he'll leave either. Just can't think of any other logical person besides Bubba who fits that description. Plus, it's more interesting to speculate that there is more than one possibility.
  5. It seems to me that could be argued any time a coach leaves or is fired right after the season, given the recruiting repercussions of not having a coach in place.
  6. While of course we have no idea whether he has even applied, it doesn't sound like Pflu is being considered at Weber St.: http://www.footballscoop.com/the-scoop
  7. Nothing has been in the media indicating that he has.
  8. Elson had some early success as head coach at Western Kentucky, but the wheels really fell off in his last two years: http://en.wikipedia....iki/David_Elson Of course, given the timing (FBS transition), I guess that's not entirely surprising.
  9. Admittedly I didn't spend much time on it, but I tried to find the source for the alleged requirement to keep a job posting open for X number of day, and was not successful. Has anybody else found it?
  10. No matter who Faison picks, there are going to be big question marks. This is an incredibly inexact science. When even Florida and USC can badly miss on a coaching hire, you can imagine how tough it is at this level.
  11. I believe this group of seniors has only one non-conference road win period, and that was at Longwood two years ago. I am referring to true road games, and not neutral site ones.
  12. Taylor just announced Bohl will finish season at NDSU.
  13. Honest question, because I really don't know--when is the last time Taylor conducted a national search in a major sport and made an unquestionably good hire? Has it happened since Bohl (who was his second choice after Terry Allen as I recall)?
  14. I think Bohl would finish the season, if asked, out of loyalty to his players. We'll know after this afternoon's press conference whether Taylor agrees. It still sounds very up-in-the-air at this point.
  15. He hasn't even been through a full recruiting season there, so it's impossible to judge him in that regard. Weber was a terrible team, but again it's tough to put much of the blame on him for that given the short period of time he was there. One thing I will say is that if he doesn't get either the Weber St. or UND head coaching jobs, he might have to be content being an assistant somewhere for the next several years.
  16. It's kind of a nightmare situation if you're Taylor. I suspect he would like to just push Bohl out the door now, but that could possibly mean trying to finish out the playoffs seriously under-staffed. But the recruiting conflict of interest issue isn't going away. Bohl isn't going to take the next month off from recruiting for his new school.
  17. My apologies if this has been previously linked in this thread, but here is an Oregonian column from one year ago speculating as to whether Pflugrad was even employable anymore: http://www.oregonliv...ssistant_r.html Obviously he did find a job shortly after this was written, albeit one that would have been considered well below him a year or so before. If he were to get the UND job, that would be quite a reversal of fortune in a short period of time.
  18. From twitter this morning, there are reports that Bohl has offered assistant jobs to five current NDSU assistants, including Klieman and Vigen, and that "at this time", he plans to continue coaching NDSU through the playoffs. Seems like a huge conflict of interest in terms of recruiting, though.
  19. Replace "Bohl" with "Lennon", and you're describing UND circa 2007...
  20. Agreed. I think some were focusing too much on his stats from last year. That team was loaded, and this year he will really show what he can do.
  21. Casper newspaper is now confirming Bohl to Wyoming.
  22. Apple Valley won, but Crandall had 23.
  23. Per Izzo, Wyoming has called a 6 PM press conference for tomorrow.
  24. The fact that WDAY can't get ahold of Bohl says a lot.
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