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Everything posted by PartTime

  1. Not sure if anyone is aware of this, but the Sioux logo has advanced to the final eight, VOTE!! Visit My Website
  2. Feeds back
  3. Game attendance fluctuates depending on who we are playing, the Winona State games are a good example. I did think though that we would have drawn a little better for St. Cloud State. After this year when there will be D-1 schools coming to Grand Forks, attendance should go up. I also believe that evening games are the key to a larger attendance, there are a lot of people that work on Saturdays. If an evening game conflicts with a hockey game, move it up to say 3:00 or around there, I think that would even help. Just my opinion.
  4. So the capacity of the Alerus is 12,100 or 12,200 and not 13,500? it would explain why over the years since it opened (including last night) that the place looked relatively full and when the attendance was announced, 11,400, a person looking around wonders "where are the 2,100 empty seats". I guess I have always taken issue with the reported attendance at the football games and with using the "13,500" seat capacity number, it just never seemed like it was accurate.
  5. I was thinking they should have put them by the exits at the grocery stores, that would have been a fast and effective way to get them out and all over town, then I read that there was a limited supply and first come first serve and that kind of took care of my idea. Picked mine up at the REA.
  6. Is there much land left on the Bronson property for development after this new hotel goes up? I'm thinking the East side of the new hotel there might be.
  7. It's a nice home, I actually thought that a 900,000 dollar home would have been bigger/nicer though.
  8. Pretty much my take also.
  9. Sounds like they are expecting a big crowd, over 16,000 so far and I think they said yesterday that around 3,000 tickets remained.
  10. That might end up being just talk................but then who knows. Over the years, the high school hockey attendance (championship games) has run between 6 to 9000 +. The new arena in Fargo is suppose to seat 5 thousand, they would be turning people away.
  11. Almost spit my coffee out.............almost.
  12. I thought the Ralph filled slow, Mariucci didn't seem like it filled till the later part of the first to the early part of the second, or so it seemed anyways. Williams Arena is right next to Mariucci and they had a big wrestling match Friday night between MN and Iowa, attendance for that was 7700, so I'm sure the added traffic had a lot to do with it. Question.............Why aren't UND's cheerleaders throwing on their skates anymore? I noticed Minnesota's did skate/dance routines before the game and between periods. During the game they would take three aisles and do their cheers in just those aisles that whole period, next periond they would move to three different aisles...........anyways, I don't mean to compare them with UND's, but doing that looked a lot better than how UND does it by moving aisle to aisle to aisle with each whistle. Just an observation. Edited the word, thankyou for pointing it out.
  13. It's funny a possible Alerus Center expansion hasn't been discussed or mentioned in the Herald or even that it's being looked into. Last and only thing I've heard about any kind of possible expansion was from city council president Hal Gershman and that was a while ago (1-2 years ago..........memory thing).
  14. Looking for four tickets to the Sioux/Gopher hockey game Feb 2nd (Saturday) in the cities. Already have Friday nights game taken care of but having trouble with Saturday night. If anyone can help, pm me or e-mail me at joerr@gra.midco.net Tickets no longer needed, brother-in-law in the cities (gopher fan) came through with tickets for both nights.......thanks.
  15. I was thinking of a couple of new names a while back and someone mentioned one of them "Sodbusters", haven't seen the other one mentioned as of yet unless I missed it..........."Settlers". Have potential? or sound kind of lame?
  16. That, I find real hard to believe. Not fond of the weather in North Dakota? Are you sure your sources are credible? What's not to like about ND weather?
  17. Good points. If his wife was from around here and wanted to get back, that could weigh heavy............plus, he could be the home bodied type himself. Pro's and con's, who knows what all weighs in on a person when making a decision like this and it's different with everybody I'm sure.
  18. It was a great promotion and I thought it went over great. The white seems to stand out better than the green, kinda like how yellow and red does, but I believe there was much more green on Friday night than there was white on Saturday night. People seem to have more green clothing (my family and people I know anyway) than they do white. I had many options for Friday night (green night) and with the exception of my white hat, had no options for Saturday night. Getting the word out and advertising the green/white nights was good, hope it's an ongoing thing all the time for all sports.
  19. Impressive. I agree, it would be good for UND to get him, but he would be giving up a lot. Put him on our wish list along with our facilities I guess.
  20. Yes to the skyway and yes to Hyslop in the background. As for renovating Hyslop into a 6-8k bball arena, basketball was addressed, renovating Hyslop was one of about four options. other options are to expand the Betty, play in the Ralph or play in the Alerus.
  21. Yes they are, which is located on the North side of the football stadium. One ramp is built and the other is proposed, the proposed one when built will not take up the whole existing current parking lot.
  22. Has that ever happened in the past? Has an FCS team with a good record ever been invited to a FBS bowl game?
  23. Why have the proposed stadium opening facing West? why not have it facing East towards our downtown like the U of M does? (my attempt at a little humor). Question though..............watching the coaches show last night after the news, at the end of the coaches show Pat had brought up D1/next year and Dale said he was excited and named a few things he was excited about, i.e. recruiting, etc and he mentioned "facility upgrade" . It would sound to me like an expansion at the Alerus, but facility upgrade could also mean new I guess. Anybody hear of any expansion plans at the Alerus? I know city council president Hal Gershman mentioned a while ago that if the Alerus Center could be expanded and before the city would pump money into that expansion, they would have to have a long term commitment from UND.
  24. How does this proposed hockey hall of fame differ from the hockey hall of fame currently in Northern Mn? think it's either in Eveleth or International Falls or some place like that. Is that one the US Hockey Hall of Fame? meaning hockey basicly at all levels, where this one is the NCAA Hall of Fame which is just college?
  25. Friend of mine (UND alum) who is living in Memphis now and still follows UND sports, e-mailed me yesterday asking for a list or some reference to Sioux players in the NHL. I'm sure with a little research on his or my part we could find it, I thought this would be the faster route though.........any suggestions?
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