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Everything posted by Hammersmith

  1. It's lakesbison, what do you expect? And, yes, we know it's embarrassing and we hate it. He's the most destructive fan we've got.
  2. Dude, you're the one who went on and on(and on and on) that NDSU was going to buy out the SHSU contract because there was NO WAY that NDSU would EVER only have 5 home games in a season. Now you're saying it's going to happen often?
  3. With the FCS championship game moving to January and only four* teams per year actually impacted by the playoff expansion, I doubt anything will change regarding the 12-game seasons. The expansion has been known for a couple years now and no changes have been made to the DI manual. Normally, the NCAA likes to decide things like scheduling rules many years in advance because of contracts and the like. Nothing has been approved by the DI football committee, and I don't think anything has even been proposed. *eight teams will play in the first round, but four end up eliminated, leaving four teams that may need to play an extra game to get to the championship edit: Shawn beat me to it and said it more succinctly
  4. The CAA is getting ready to split. If they get up to 14 and hold it for two years, they can split and both resulting conferences will be eligible for autobids. They'll time the split so it happens the year the FCS playoffs expand to 24 so they can get one of the new autobids(probably 2014).
  5. Montana doesn't tend to schedule FBS games unless they really need the money, and 2013 is a 12-game season. If there were a year where Montana would travel to two OOC schools, a 12-game year would be it. They can travel to ASU & UND and still have six home games.
  6. It's a fair post by Jeff. If it was just the SDSU buyout, Kolpack wouldn't have written it. But some here either don't know or don't remember that Montana did this(buying the return game) at least once per year for about three years. It was a pattern, not an isolated case. Besides the SDSU 2-for-1, Montana also bought out a Cal-Poly 2-for-1 and a home/home from an eastern school(Furman or Wofford, I think). With that track record, anyone going to Montana upfront should not bet their life on Montana returning the trip. That being said, Montana's budget situation is much better than it was during those buyout years. Back then, they had a $1MM debt hanging over the athletic department and they had to do everything possible to pay it off. That was the driving force behind the 7 home game schedules featuring cheap NAIA and DIII opponents. With the debt now gone, they can afford to honor the spirit of their contracts. Still, $100K isn't much of a buyout. If push comes to shove, Montana won't hesitate to pay UND off and take a big money FBS game or buy a cheap home game. Either way, Montana goes from a $100K loss(the cost of traveling to GF) to a $300K+ gain($500K purse - $100K buyout - $100K travel or guarantee). It's a good get for UND, but it carries more risk than is typical for a home/home.
  7. Hopefully either ForumComm(WDAY/Z) or Hoak(KXJB/KVLY) will pick up the SLCTV broadcast of the Northwestern State game on Sept 19th. It's already being beamed up to a satellite, so it should just be a case of negotiating for broadcast rights.
  8. Aim higher. Go for statewide ABC through WDAY/WDAZ. With the local station picking up the bulk of the production tab, maybe WDAZ can get a good deal for rebroadcast rights. You could try Hoak Media(KVLY/KXJB), but NDSU has a home game at the same time and Hoak might end up picking it up along with the Illinois State and Youngstown State games(the Wagner game is our home opener and Hoak might be watching our ticket sales before committing to broadcast it).
  9. Hadn't read that story yet. Weird coincidence. My username comes from a piece of music based on a district of London. It's generic enough that I can use it on just about any board, regardless of the topic. Makes my life a touch easier. Thanks for thinking of me, though.
  10. And as a double-whoops, USD(who they were obviously confusing you with) won't join for a year beyond that. Oh-for-two, dat's some quality reporting right thare.
  11. You got it right. If you come in as a freshman and don't meet the NCAA initial entrance requirements, then you lose one of your five years, can't receive athletic financial aid, and can't practice with the team(e.g. Jordan May). Once you've completed a year of classes, academic ineligibility means you can't compete but none of that other stuff. I don't know if there are any NCAA rules about who can or can't be on a website roster, but I think you're right about why he isn't on there. A roster is for everyone that can possibly play. Since Murray can't, he doesn't seem to belong on it.
  12. Two on KVLY and other ND NBC networks and one as part of the MVFC deal with FSN. The one with MVFC will be either live or tape delayed on FSN-Midwest, FSN-North, one of the FCS channels, or some combination of the three. They are normally live on FSN-Midwest and one of the FCS feeds, but this game(NDSU/UNI) would make more sense on FSN-North because of the coverage areas. It's got a decent chance of being live because there are no Twins or Gopher hockey games scheduled for that day/time, but that's not a guarantee. You are going to learn(if you haven't already) that getting football games regionally broadcast is next to impossible. You've got a shot with an FBS game(indications are that our Iowa State game will be on ESPN2 or ESPNU), but getting on FSN means avoiding the Twins, T-Wolves, Gopher hockey, and sometimes even the Lynx. FSN was interested in two Bison games last year, but we couldn't move the start time of one of the games because it was homecoming, and all the FSN networks were obligated to show the same national game when we were playing the Bunnies. The year before that, FSN also wanted to televise the Dakota Marker game, but SDSU wouldn't let them(it was in Brookings). We hope that FSN is interested again this year and the new SDSU AD will allow it. I actually want Big Ten hockey to happen just so Gopher hockey games move to the Big Ten Network and free up the FSN air time for Bison football.
  13. He was a little odd last night. He posted a half dozen times on Bisonville and was angry in all of them. I figure he had a bad day at work or a few drinks before posting.
  14. Because I'm pissed that a guy made two comments like he did, only one was removed, and no other apparent action was taken - including condemnation from any Sioux posters. When lakes goes off, there are Bison fans that respond and tell him what an idiot he is - myself included. Here, you tacitly approve SiouxMeNow's comments and jump all over the offended parties when they start to point out how hypocritical you've been. We've got embarrassments in both our houses. We punish them up to, and including, banning them. What do you do?
  15. Hell, you should have seen the one that the mods deleted. Nothing like making blanket statements about the sexual orientation of the softball team. Stay classy Sioux fans. At least Tony banned lakes for a month after his last rant.
  16. Considering that at least 5 of the 6(and maybe all 6) are members of the Great West Conference, I'm pretty confident that Faison knows exactly who the five other potential members are.
  17. Intresting idea, but I have my doubts it would work(for both practical and NCAA reasons). Here's the relevant portion of the DI manual:
  18. Pretty sure if she gets any money it will count against basketball. The money might come from soccer's budget, but she would be one of the 15 WBB counters and not count against soccer's 14 scholie limit.
  19. Hammersmith

    2009 Flood

    Isn't it also possible that greater temps in the oceans will both increase the amount of moisture pulled from the Pacific as the winds pass over it and also strengthen the power of storms that move through the Gulf of Mexico? Stronger GoM storms result in more powerful low-pressure systems that can end up pulling cold Canadian/Arctic air further south than normal. With the way weather works in this part of the country, I would expect that global warming would result in hotter summers and colder winters with periods of extreme snowfall. Or do I have no idea what I'm talking about?
  20. He didn't mention CMU so I didn't address it. Falls in the same category as FSU. There's no precedent until one of the tribes that supported their namesake versus the NCAA withdraws that support. Until that happens, we can't know for certain how the NCAA will react(we can guess, but not be certain). My guess is that the NCAA would use the UND settlement as a guideline and give the affected school one year to win back approval or change the name.
  21. I'm choosing the weirdest positions to defend/debate today, but here goes. Utah and Illinois don't do anything for you because the first is a dead tribe(so they can't give or rescind permission) and the second isn't actually a tribe. Florida State is closest to your situation, but there's no precedent for you to draw upon yet. The only way that would work would be for the Florida Seminole tribe to try to withdraw support and the NCAA refusing to apply sanctions. In fact, the reverse is more likely; your settlement would be used as precedent against Florida State if the Seminoles were to change their position. edit: whoops, thought the Utes were extinct as a people; ignore that part.
  22. I posted the same thing(strangely enough at the same time) on a couple Bison boards. I don't have an inherent problem with NA nicknames or imagery, but I just don't see a way for UND to keep the Sioux nickname in the long run. I can see you winning tomorrow's vote and a vote at Standing Rock, but the last couple days have shown just how ugly it's going to get. There was a chance to save the name at one point, but I feel that ship sailed a decade or two ago. I think your best case scenario is to win the votes and then drop the name, just as GeauxSioux suggested. UND comes out with the clear moral high ground while the anti-nickname groups come out looking as ugly as possible(through their own doing). In this way, you end the debate while you're at your highest point. If you win the vote but wait a year or more before dropping the name, it won't work; it has to be done quickly. Now, I don't expect any of this will happen. The hope that will be generated by a pro-nickname result tomorrow will make it impossible to drop the name without months of talk and negotiations. There's a group of you fans and boosters that would crucify Goetz/Kelley/Faison if the nickname were dropped quickly after a success tomorrow. While I don't think this is a fight you can win in the long term, I wish you the best in whatever happens. If your admins find a way to keep it, I hope they can find a solution that doesn't just delay a worse fight to come. If they decide to change it, I hope you have as painless a transition as possible.
  23. This isn't meant as a knock on you guys or a statement about which side is right(morally or otherwise), but can you all now see why Douple and the Summit presidents don't want to have anything to do with UND until this is all completely finished? If UND was a Summit member, many media outlets carrying this and future stories would include the line, "The University of North Dakota, a member of The Summit League athletic conference, ..." You know that saying about any publicity being good publicity? Doesn't apply here. Now personally, I find these tactics extremely disturbing. Whatever my position(and I'm pretty close to middle of the road on this issue), this stuff is way over the top and should never have been used. The ends do not justify the means, and these actions seriously erode any moral high ground that particular anti-nickname faction had.
  24. Click <My Controls> Click <Manage Ignored Users> (left side of screen, toward the bottom, in the options section) Type the name of the user in the box (it will provide a list of possible names after you've typed in a few letters) Click <Update Ignored Users> and you're done.
  25. Hammersmith

    2009 Flood

    Holy crap; I'm psychic! Thank god I bought that lottery ticket on Sunday. New Fargodome arena, here we come. Seriously, I hope this is an indication that the NWS headquarters is backing off and letting the local and regional branches do their jobs.
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