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Everything posted by BigGreyAnt41

  1. Yea, it's worded funny and I was reading it wrong (again). Turns out it was Pogo's shot to take based on two different rules.
  2. I'm looking at it again, and I read it wrong. That's saying if it's a breakaway and the goalie displaces the net then it has to be the last player to touch the puck. I'm still digging in the rule book. Found it. Rule 61.1: Tripping - A player shall not place the stick or any part of the body in such a manner that causes an opposing player to trip or fall. PENALTY—Minor. A player shall not trip or foul from behind a player in control of the puck on the opponent’s side of the center red line, thus preventing a reasonable scoring opportunity. PENALTY—Penalty shot/optional minor. If a penalty shot is awarded, the player fouled shall be designated by the referee as the player to take the penalty shot.
  3. The rule actually reads: When a penalty shot is awarded under Rule 67.2 (during the course of a breakaway, a goalkeeper or player deliberately displaces the goal post or a goalkeeper deliberately removes the helmet and/or face mask), the penalty shot shall be taken by the player last in possession of the puck. So it had to be Pogo.
  4. Penalty shot for Poganski.
  5. He held Caggiula's stick, then dove. The only thing Cags could have done would have been to drop his stick and take himself out of the play.
  6. That's what my wife still calls him.
  7. The flood gates are open for Sanderson!
  8. 7pm mountain time. 8pm Central.
  9. I guess I don't know if it's actually going to play, but on my DirecTV guide, Root Sports Rocky Mountain shows the game tonight at 8pm. I have the Sports Pak from DirecTV, so I'm assuming I should be getting it. I don't know why I wouldn't.
  10. Bad Fridays might not matter if we draw the right schedule in the national tournament. We could play a Sat/Sun regional, then the Frozen Four is always Thursdays/Saturday.
  11. What I liked seeing after the ENG was a few players looking like they had just lost the national championship game. That's the feeling they SHOULD have after every loss. They should remember that feeling and try to make sure it never happens again. Work as hard as you can on every shift so you never have to feel that way.
  12. I thought everybody was just talking like we have the best D-corp in school history? Is that not the case anymore?
  13. Stetcher snipes the top corner! Of course it was set up by a gorgeous pass by Schmaltz.
  14. CW in Minneapolis is the game! 681-1 on DirecTV was supposed to be the game, but they're showing some random basketball game instead. The guide says it's supposed to be us, though.
  15. Are they actually chanting "whiny bi*ch"?
  16. It's working fine for me.
  17. Is tonight's game on DirecTV anywhere? I thought I saw it posted somewhere but I can't find it now. I only see that tomorrow's is on American Sports TV, which will be picked up by a few different networks.
  18. We should get 30 seconds of 4-on-3, since they have time left over on their power play.
  19. Apparently since Hammer is done after this season he doesn't care about professionalism anymore.
  20. I knew we'd be alright with Schamltz and Caggs out. Sanderson got the monkey off his back last week so we're fine!
  21. These UMD/SCSU announcers are awful. They're just sitting up there giggling about the 3x3.
  22. Stetcher deserved that goal with as hard as he's been working all night.
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