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The Walrus

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Everything posted by The Walrus

  1. That use to be my job...? Now I have to name my source....? You ever seen Mark Kauk pissed......?
  2. Some of these guys are too young to remember the days of the past glory where at the Hsylop between 74-77 Dave Gunthers teams almost went 3 years at home without a loss something 45-1 at home with guys like Gunhus, Goodrich, and Lindahl..... Then Rich Glas in the 89-94 where they did go two years at home and never lost 34-0 with in state guys like Vonesh, Gully, Gardner, Jacobsen, Boschee..... Those were the days of great rivalries like USD, NDSU, SDSU. Morningside. These days will be the GloryDays of UND Mens Basketball, (IMO) they will never be repeated...... Sorry, but even I am too young to remember Phil Jackson and the boys.... D1 for UND Mens basketball is not going to be a fun ride for a long time, Coach Jones and his staff will have a huge challenge ahead in scheduling, recruiting, and fan support. I will be there, but will the students and the rest of the community is the question....?
  3. Think the schedule is bad now, wait til we hit the D1 dreamland....UND will be on the road for all games of any meaning for at least 3-4 years. then we will be able to bring to the "Betty" such D1 powerhouses like North Texas Institute of Agriculture....?
  4. Nice job to Coach Jones ,his staff, and the UND Mens Basketball team. Seven in a row is very nice, longest win streak since 2000-2001 season.... Schedule has been favorable, however wining is wining and hopefully this momentum will carry on to conference time.....Great Job so far..
  5. Mankato is going to be a little tricky..... They recruited last couple of years to fill 36 schollies, now they need to be at 24 next year...? If it is anything like most D2 programs, that could mean cutting funding for between 24-30 players.....? That may have already been promised schollies.
  6. Just noticed that Appalachian State averages approx 25,000 fans per game in their 16,650 seat Kid Brewer Stadium..... That's fan support..... Apparently they sit outside the Stadium along the hillsides to watch games..... http://www.goasu.com/subPage/19/ http://www.goasu.com/article/11125/
  7. Agree....Higher educational learning is priceless.....embarassing
  8. Which (IMHO) was not needed, win with class.... Fans can do and wear what they want, and say what they want, UND should have control over PA announcements and this was BUSH league....
  9. Born and Raised in North Dakota....Lived in ND for 27+ years, married the Zamboni Driver from REA.......Please
  10. Marney is a Sioux Fan forever....she was kidding
  11. Helmet off good call... 4-2 Sioux !!!!!
  12. Why are th REA announcers making Holy Cross anouncements......classless Win with class UND we do not need that....? 3-2 GO SIOUX
  13. Just for fun...... http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/bo...oinprivategroup Group ID#: 10857 Password: sioux
  14. I do not know why they did not include rookies....? http://asp.usatoday.com/sports/football/nf...amp;player=4579
  15. Interesting find......You can check out all your favorites http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/teamSalary?statsId=16 Surprised the Vikings at #3.....?
  16. If it is called Div 1 and you have to play a Div 1 schedule to quailify, should not Hawaii be #1 and now playing for a National Championship....? The BCS apears to be a joke, nothing more than a "POPULARITY CONTEST" for the biggest, not maybe the best college football has to offer. If the last couple of years have proven anything, anyone can beat anyone. The great thing about the rest of college football, NAIA, Div 3, Div 2, 1AA (FCS) they all have a true National Champion! When will we see a playoff....?
  17. I wonder what this would feel like..... http://www.csp.edu/athletics/volleyball/ Never know now, since we are now a big time Div 1 program in transition.....
  18. The Walrus

    UND v GVSU

    Classy move...? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cY4zwmuvVhE
  19. The Walrus

    Grey Cup

    Scott Schultz gets his Grey Cup..... http://www.canada.com/topics/sports/galler...up2007.html?g=1 Saskatchewan wins 23-19.
  20. I agree..... However if there were not enough FBS teams to qualify, and NDSU did get invited somwhere I would enjoy watching that.
  21. The Walrus

    UND v GVSU

    Is this figure correct.....? http://www.d2football.com/columnist/northc...lconference/c6/
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