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Everything posted by MplsBison

  1. Possible but I doubt it. USA will likely stick to the Mobile/Pensacola area, which is about a million people considering Mobile county, Baldwin county (east Mobile bay) and Pensacola all within an hour drive on I10. USM, as the name implies, is the southern Miss area, including Gulfport/Biloxi inland to Hattisburg.
  2. Or more accurately: the top attendance getter at NDSU is football. The top attendance getter at UND is hockey.
  3. Could you live with a 3 year rotation between the Fargodome, Alerus and Metrodome/Vikings Stadium? That might be a compromise.
  4. You're telling me UND students wouldn't drive 5 hours on the interstate ON A WEEKEND? Nice try! What a pathetic joke. That's your best to try and stop this game?! Easily, NDSU and UND students will make up at least 10k of the attendance. 15k is not unreasonable.
  5. Not if the Fargodome and Alerus can't handle the demand. And last I checked, neither can handle 60k. Game will be in the Metrodome. Bank on it. And I could care less if you throw a little temper tantrum. Go in your corner, little baby.
  6. Again, look at the facts: - 30k NDSU fans at the last NDSU/U of MN game. - more living UND alumni in Mpls area than NDSU - both Fargo and GF are reasonable interstate drives from Mpls Maybe 50k is a more conservative number that would be used for planning and TV negotiations. But I stand by 60k actual attendance. If nothing else, consider if any current student of NDSU or UND were let into the game for free as long as they had a current NDSU or UND student ID card, that alone would likely be 10k right there.
  7. Thank you, thank you. But I must admit that this is not my original idea. This was floated some time ago on either bisonville, bisonsports or siouxsports. I can't remember.
  8. You are correct. Both schools will do very well even if they never played each other again. IE, they don't need to play each other in order to do well. Just like: you and I don't need to accept a bonus from our respective boss's in order to have good incomes. We both have good saleries. There is no need to take something extra on the top. But why not? Why shouldn't we take a bonus for a job well done? Why shouldn't NDSU and UND play each other to a guaranteed sold out game? The fact that both NDSU and UND can sell out their respective stadiums for different opponents will never be an argument for turning down a guaranteed sellout between the two teams. It will never work. No matter how hard you pathetic, bitter children try to push it. I for one, simply won't allow that to happen. I won't allow your petty, pathetic, bitter childness cloud the facts. NDSU fans bought 30k tickets to watch the last Gopher game in the Metrodome. And UND has more living alumni in the Mpls area than NDSU does (not by much). With Fargo being a 4 hr all interstate drive from Mpls and GF being a 5 hr all interstate drive from Mpls: GUARANTEED THIS GAME WOULD SELL 60k TICKETS. And that's just all there is to it! Nothing you can say! Because I won't allow it!!!
  9. Believe me, this is not some BS that I pulled out of my ass. Chapman knows full well and good that 30k NDSU fans will show up at the Metrodome to see a game. I don't think that possibility is lost on Kelley either. If this has a chance, Chapman and Kelley will be the ones making it happen!
  10. Absolutely. I can't imagine how many would want to go to a NDSU/UND game when both are DI national title contenders. Could be looking at 30k ticket demand even for a game in Fargo or Grand Forks. I don't think there is a stadium in the state that has that kind of capacity. And it's just not fair to try to squeeze it into the Fargodome or the Alerus.
  11. I know the Metrodome would be cool with it. A 60k college football sell? And they'd probably get a decent amount of money for concession. Easily good to go. The only question really is if the Metrodome is still around in 09 or will they have started tearing it down to build a new Viks stadium?
  12. I am not opposed to having the NDSU/UND games played in Fargo and Grand Forks. I just think it gives both schools a chance to give both of their large Mpls fan bases an easy way to get to a game. Because we all know that not every Mpls alumni can afford to come up to ND to see one. And ND fans have no basis to complain as they will get 5-6 home games in ND to see. I've covered all the angles. Nothing anyone can possibly say. This game is good to go.
  13. That's why I said cabin. You snowbirds high tail it out of here in Nov.
  14. You guys would get your 5-6 other opportunities to drive to GF and Fargo. Only those who truly want to see the NDSU/UND need make the trip to the cities. It will be rockin' all weekend long, that's for sure. Taking over every bar in the metro.
  15. It's still a 3-4 hour drive to Fargo, 4-5 to GF, meaning 6-10 hours of driving if you plan to do it in one day, hotel costs if you plan to do it in two. And with gas prices, forget it. Not all of us have a 3000 sq. foot "cabin" on Minnetonka, like you do Geaux.
  16. You're wrong if you think they'd be losing revenue. They'd both be gaining more revenue than if the game was at NDSU or UND. Obviously the Metrodome has no barganing leverage. They'd get a small cut of the action. But the majority of the 60k tickets sold would go to NDSU and UND. Plus a big TV contract from FSN or whoever. Big money.
  17. That's BS. You guys are going to get to see your teams the other 5-6 home games in Fargo and Grand Forks each. How about all the alumni in Mpls who can't make it up for a game? Why not give them an opportunity?
  18. They wouldn't need to do that. Chapman will go to bat for Kelley once he sees how much more cooperative he is that previous UND admin.
  19. Oklahoma and Texas seem to do alright playing in Dallas.
  20. There are so many fans here in Mpls that would come to a game here but don't have the time to make it up to Fargo or Grand Forks. I don't see any problem with it.
  21. I didn't say scientists are worthless. Scientists create and verify the theory and then engineers take that theory and apply it. Both are needed. It just so happens that the market rewards applications much more highly than theories.
  22. That's right, my gut is telling me that Chapman and Kelley are working to get the NDSU/UND series rolling again in style: 2009 at the Metrodome. Think about the fact that the Gophers will be gone starting in 2009. The Metrodome will have lost college football. Both schools have huge Minneapolis alumni bases and both Fargo and Grand Forks are justifiable drives from Mpls. The game would sell 60k tickets every season, guaranteed. 30k NDSU, 30k UND. It would be the Red River Shootout of the FCS. Ranked right near the top of single game attendance records in the division. It's way too good of an opportunity to pass up. Both Chapman and Kelley know it. And the game will easily make the FSN. Might even get picked up by ABC national, if it gets big enough. Perhaps in 10 years if both schools are FBS.
  23. Advanced? Saying that your sampling frequency should be at least twice as fast as your signal bandwidth so that the sampling induced harmonics of the signal won't overlap with the signal in the frequency domain is advanced? It's a concept that 6th graders would grasp. Shannon is the unquestioned father of information theory. Nyquist is just a guy, in comparison. Good for him. Sounds like the research of a good physicist, which is exactly what Nyquist was. He was not an engineer. He didn't design anything. He was a scientist. He did theories. You've got to be kidding me. Nyquist stability criteria and Nyquist plots are World War II era techniques. State Space techniques have been standard in modern control systems ever since the US figured out that was what the Russians were using to launch rockets into space while our rockets crashed.
  24. Because the taxpayers of ND should not have to pay for a sport at a ND university that they don't even play here at a club level, let alone sponsored by the NDHSAA.
  25. That's odd, I've heard of the Nyquist-Shannon Sampling Theorem: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nyquist%E2%80...ampling_theorem the one named for super genius Claude Shannon. The one who did the actual work. The one whose genius in information theory is still not understood fully. The Nyquist guy was a tag along. And he only did his undergrad at UND. Yale was where he dedicated himself to info. theory. Bell Labs was where he did his work.
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