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Everything posted by MplsBison

  1. Huh? Are you talking about this: http://www.inforum.com/event/article/id/27...publisher_ID/1/ ?
  2. Well, looks like Bisonville will get their wish: http://www.inforum.com/event/article/id/273285/group/home/
  3. That post on Bisonville was a while ago now. Usually if there is something to break it happens fairly quickly after it hits the message boards. Not that it's not true, just that I think we would've seen something by now.
  4. Well that's too bad for them.
  5. The author posts on Bisonville (he even made a thread about this article to get it attention) and the article was clearly written to cater to Bisonville.
  6. I didn't say it's the biggest thing going. I said it was bigger than hockey, which it is. And, based on the results of UNI and Cornell in this year's MBB tournament and UND's record in the hockey tournament this decade, UND has equal chance of winning the MBB tournament as they do the hockey tournament.
  7. Red Herring. What was the TV rating of the UND v SCSU game, in comparison?
  8. Don't mistake posters on Bisonville as being anything close to representing the majority of sensible NDSU alumni. I'm sure most are quite grateful that Hanson is doing such a good job of (publicly) cleaning up Chapman's unethical actions. If Bisonville were in control, they'd say to hell with the SBoHE and have NDSU go independent so that they could implement a mandate of 25% growth annually in enrollment, since such a statistic apparently means something in their minds.
  9. I'll be glad it's finally over, one way or another and that UND will be in the Summit. That's all I've cared about the entire time. However, I don't see anything happening of significant before the June deadline. The SBoHE will not let it drag on beyond that.
  10. Same argument. How many UND and SCSU hockey fans live in the twin cities? How many KU and UNI bball fans live in OKC? What if the game in OKC was between OU and OSU? If that had drawn 20k, would that mean that OU bball is better than KU bball? As I already said, the real measure if TV ratings. How many tuned into the KU bball game on TV vs. the UND-SCSU hockey game? Not even close.
  11. How is this news? There's nothing really new... But I suppose the Herald is going to print something every time someone on SR sneezes? Let me know when something actually happens on SR.
  12. I've never read an article that caters to the posters of Bisonville more in my life.
  13. How about the TV ratings of the WCHA tournament versus just the games of the Big Ten tournament televised on national TV (on CBS)? Since we were talking about the Big Ten bball tourny vs. the WCHA hockey tournament.
  14. My point is that many of the people who actually go to the Xcel center to watch college hockey likely live in or less than hour away from the twin cities, which could arguably be called one of the meccas of college hockey. The fans of the Big Ten bball schools are vastly spread out, but comparison. The much better thing to look at would be TV numbers. That's the true measure. And quite obviously, NCAA bball blows college hockey out of the water for TV numbers.
  15. Northern Iowa just beat the #1 overall seed Kansas. So UND has just a good of chance to win MBB as they do hockey.
  16. Why are you assuming that 100% of the fanbases of these schools (in both cases, WCHA and B10 tourny) are driving from the location of the school? Think before you write.
  17. The point still remains unchallenged: UND need to get into an auto-bid bball conference as soon as possible. If that means the nickname has to go, then it has to go.
  18. How many UND alumni live in the cities? Even still, it's not that far of a drive from Grand Forks or Fargo to the cities. Thanks for proving my point.
  19. You're kidding me!! You would rather UND did not get into an auto-bid bball conference?! For what?!
  20. That's a nice apples to oranges comparison! WCHA at the Xcel likely means several schools within a few hours drive. Not true for NCAA tounament game at the Metrodome or the Big 10 tournament. Tell me about a WCHA game attendance with Colorado College vs Alaska-Anchorage!
  21. What about Gonzaga? Some tiny, Jesuit school out in Spokane, Washington that no one has ever heard of, right? What was so different about them? Why can't NDSU or UND copy that success? The facilities are there/will be there. It's all about getting the talent to come to school. All of that notwithstanding, isn't making the tournament a few times every decade and getting a win every few tournament appearances worth getting into an auto-bid bball conference?! It seems obviously worth it to me.
  22. Why won't NDSU or UND ever win a game? Ohio and Murray State won yesterday as 14 and 13 seeds. It's happening more often as there are more and more talented players being developed in high school. The BCS schools can't get them all.
  23. Minnesota? The entire state will be tuned in to watch the Gopher bball team in the tournament. The hockey team has it's rabid 5% fanbase. North Dakota? I guarantee more people in the state will be tuned in to the MBB tournament than will be watching UND hockey.
  24. No one has ever said that Summit is an end-all, be-all, but you can't get to the end-all, be-all if you don't take the first step!
  25. No, I mean the Ralph. Obviously it's way too big for UND's average crowd now, but if that many people can come watch UND hockey then there is no reason that many people can't go to watch UND bball if they started winning and against big name teams.
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