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Everything posted by Siouxmama

  1. His "statements" seem to be back firing on him. But, he did play the first 2 lines...all the time. EDIT: Same for this post. This is MY OPINION.
  2. No. He played almost nothing BUT the first 2 lines. His d-man (#11) played alsmost the ENTIRE game. Wilson said to his team that they are playing as individuals, but then he plays his #11 almost the whole game. EDIT: Someone on the forum PM'd me and thought I attacked them. So, I guess I will let everyone know that the posts I make are MY OPINION. I thought that most of the posts on this forum are formed from your own opinion.
  3. He had the game winner in a shoot out against the Penguins last night. Good for him. He has shown everyone that he belongs in the NHL.
  4. First he "thought it would be passed down to him." Then "It was given to me by him." Sounds like two different things to me. I'[d make him pay the school back. They paid for it.
  5. Crookston beat Fargo South tonight 5-2 !!! Crookston had 2 empty net goals at the end.
  6. I like Radke too. He wont back down from anyone. Junior24, you are a troll that totally full of it. I have yet to see you post something positive. I also like Kozek. Plus, his Dad is a great guy.
  7. While you are at the game tonight, send out a BIG WHOOOOO HOOOOO from me!
  8. *clap clap clap clap clap clap* Very nice post HockeyMom. I agree with you 100%
  9. If his name is Carleton, I'd tip him for sure. He was a really good doorman for Rhoda.
  10. jojordan23, My son was one of the first to live in the new Pike house. So, I guess that makes you two brothers.
  11. They must have been fighting about what time Saturday morning you can start mowing your lawn.
  12. I think Fargo is huge in youth hockey, and the new arena is long overdue. But, I too, wonder about the 40 luxury suites. I just dont see the demand for those, for youth games or even high school.
  13. JFR, I love the UND/Rutgers combo you are wearing. Thanks for taking pics. The campus looks like a beautiful place. And thanks SiouxMeNow for posting the pics.
  14. Sioux-cia is going to challange you on that one.
  15. Thanks for the post Vegas Sioux. Great to see that again!
  16. rattlesnakes and lizzards are not on my diet plan.
  17. and maybe even a moron I apologize for that Diggler.
  18. Excuse me while I put my head between my knees. That resume of life just made me really dizzy! You were very busy!
  19. Unless you come across the same situation that Coach York did. In that case, I'm all for the coach taking away the C and A.
  20. Hmmmmm....I may have two extra tickets. Could make up my gas money! Just kidding. If I have 2 extra, I'll post it on here for any Sioux fans at face value.
  21. Me and Mr. Siouxmama are going. Cant wait.
  22. Porter pulled a Prp move on one of the AA guys tonight. Had the stick right there and wasnt backing down. It was awesome. I thought the AA player was going to break his stick on Porters, trying to get him to move it! It sure was good to be at a game where emotions were running high.
  23. Doubt it. We were in Vegas the year the Sioux fooball team won the National Championship. We were there for the NFR, but had the afternoon to watch the game. We called the Imperial Palace, and they didn't have a clue what we were talking about. We thought maybe there would be some sort of a sioux get together for a national championship game, but, no. It was on TV, so we ended up back in our room watching it.
  24. Fargo South 5 Devils Lake 2 Fargo goalie faced 21 shots and DL's 42
  25. WHAT !!!! No block heaters in Oklahoma!?
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