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Everything posted by Siouxmama

  1. My take on the whole thing: I'd say it was someone that was pissed at 1 person, knew the guys were in the bar and made the call for no other reason than revenge. Now they are either sitting back and laughing at what has happened, or they are feeling pretty guilty for the mess that has been created and wishing it would just stop.
  2. I think our off-ice distraction is going to give the guys a kick in the rear, and they will be ready for the games.
  3. I was in Cooperstown (southwest of GF) over the weekend and Saturday morning it was -35 on the therm. YIKES!! I'm glad I didnt have to go anywhere till Sun afternoon. By then it was only -13.
  4. But Matt would do such a good job on kicking his a$$.
  5. Yes, but they are also a bunch of pansy-a$$es when they are challenged to take it outside. Imagine...being afraid to fight a girl. Weenies.
  6. This fall I went to Lithia, looked at a new '07 vehicle, talked to a salesman and came away with a price $2,500 higher than the Chrysler dealership in Devils Lake. According to them , it was a "moving them off the lot" price. I'm thinking they didnt move very far, but the one in Devils Lake did. My husband had a simillar experience a year ago on a '06, and ended up buying his truck in Bemidji. Same thing a couple weeks ago on a '07. Is it because of Lithia? Dont know, but the '06 truck was still when Hansen had the place.
  7. Dont laugh, it gave her a reason to live. Oops...sorry, I just laughed.
  8. Shhhh...don't tell her who said this, but the name HockeyMom is just a cover-up. Her real name is Donatello, and she's a hero in a half shell. TURTLE POWER !!
  9. I watched Q play Holy Cross this weekend on TV, in their new arena. I thought it looked pretty nice. The first part that I saw was some close up action on the ice, it was so bright that I had to ask Mr. Siouxmama if they were playing outside. Once they had a full shot of the ice, I could see the arena. It's very white. Looks good though. BTW, Q beat HC 7-0.
  10. You have the balls to call yourself "proudsioux" and still do this to our coaches name. I have another name for you.
  11. Oh! That IS you in the picture below Oshie! You gotta quit doing that. Plumbers are waaaaay to expensive.
  12. you can also check with captsioux
  13. Geeze. How many did you have? I wouldnt think after more than 1 they'd send you on your merry way, unless you live in Mayberry. In that case, I'd say "Otis, get the hell back in your cell!"
  14. Does anybody know if UND has a policy in place for things like this? I know the High School Athletic Association does, but this applies to (most) people that have already reached the age of 18, and are considered adults in most aspects. Perhaps the policy is for the punishment to be left up to the coaches.
  15. mjchewey, I sent you a pm.
  16. I read it that way, too. IMO, TH had no business making a comment about that.
  17. Geeze. Triouxper, take a deep breath. Now exhale. There. (Dont get pi$$ed over that, it's meant to be on the light side of things.) People have their own opinions of what punishment should be for this. In the long run, it's not up to us. It lies in the hands of the law and with Hak. All we can do is hope that it is handled the way it would be if it was ANY OTHER PERSON, not because they are 3 college student athletes.
  18. It's called the internet. The pics are everywhere.
  19. I agree. They did something they were not supposed to do and is against the law. Doesnt matter if JT is old enough to drink in Canada or not. He was here. Sit the 3 of them for a game, and get on with it.
  20. First your post has to make some sense. Geeze, what a homer. You THINK you are so funny.
  21. some guy in a blue and white striped shirt.
  22. I agree. I remember when ZPar was caught, but I don't remember any suspension from the team.
  23. Isn't the high school punishment 6 weeks off the team?
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