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Everything posted by mezzy05
Nice border battle...
You didn't...in my opinion, drinking is no more of a problem today than were sex, drugs and alcohol in the last four decades. I see two major differences. First, media liberals (Anderson Cooper) and feminazis (Oprah) weren't around thirty years to draw attention to the concern. As a result, more action is probably taken on issues pertaining to alcohol than was in the past. That being said, living in Texas, I must say underage drinking is much more organized and parents are much more accomodating. By this I mean parents understand underage drinking is going to happen and instead of turning their backs to the problem, educate thier children and take necessary steps to see that what could be a very deadly situation remains controlled. I should say that I do not, in any way, condone underage drinking..I am just telling it the way it is...
I played with a kid in EGF named Bear Landa. Judging by the names of Mr. and Mrs. Trapp, I doubt "Bear" was chosen for the same reasons...
Home Sweet Home for Hextall Now accepting applications Hextall...
You have a dart going into a half smashed beer can and you didn't know anyone with a DUI at age 24? Was that a Sharps or O'Douls beer can?
I moved from GFK to SAT and now to IAH, that may have had something to do with it. Sprig, seriously, how old are you? We could not go through a golf or hockey season while I was at RR without planning around 6-week suspensions (we just hoped for no seconds)...it was very common in the 90's and is only more common today.
First of all, for the boys to be drinking, underage, and at Judy's, is not all that uncommon. We have all done it and most of us have even gotten caught, even if it didn't result in arrest. That being said, when you are as highly touted as Toews and Oshie and are on one of, if not the most respected NCAA hockey programs in the country, an event like this will grab media attention; deservedly so, too. To make matters worse, these two are living in Grand Forks, North Dakota...Sioux hockey is everything and there really isn't much else to talk about in late January/early February. So, in WDAZ's defense, they are doing their job. They are reporting the news and this is the top news story in Grand Forks, the WCHA and College Hockey. Secondly, Bina and his troubles are nothing that your average 24 year-old hasn't experienced, or at least could have with a little bad luck. To call him a "drunk" is a little premature. From what I see, the boys went out for a drink, went to Judy's because it IS low key and you CAN drink underage pretty easily. The cops learn of this, drive over, walk in, see several underage kids and start making arrests. Bina sees this, steps in after his third pitcher, probably says some things he wouldn't have on a Sunday morning at church and sees an opportunity to let a couple guys out of the back of the cop car as any good friend would. Not a smart move, I agree, but nothing that hasn't happened before. Nothing malicious in his intent, nothing most of us wouldn't do. The media attention for the magnitude of the actual offenses is way overblown. The media attention for the offenses in Grand Forks, North Dakota, and for the top two players on the top college hockey program in the country is dead on! I don't know what UND and the program will do, but some type of punishment, most likely the missing of game(s), especially by Bina, is warranted. While it is clear that Toews and Oshie are headed to life in hockey after college hockey (and Bina may too); the top programs in any sport are more than just manufacturers of their respective sports' athletes. They build character and teach life's lessons to the future leaders of business and society in general. In the "real world" everyone must accept responsibility for their actions and these three must, too. While many talk of doing so killing momentum that has been built in the last two months; I kind of think this may be a rallying point for the next "three steps forward" in getting the rest of the team to step up to the level that Oshie, Toews and Bina have (Duncan and Chorney, too). Remember, as long as this team finishes this seaon on a third step forward, they will have done everything expected of them, and we will all be thankful for whatever actions are taken as a result of this misfortune. Go SIOUX!
Is there a gathering of Sioux fans in the Houston area that will be watching the games this weekend anywhere?
That's the way to "get 'er done" Keep it going...
6-2 if you're listening on the radio...TH at it again...
Keep it going boys!!! Get 'er done!!!!
New respect for Woog and his coverage of the Gophs after having to listen to TH the last hour and a half...what a joke...I had no idea how bad he is. Has he always been this bad?
Hey, I have a question...so anyways I am off to Brownwood, TX for Easter this weekend and am really struggling to find a location that has Direct TV. Is there any way any of you know to watch the game via other means...ie, internet broadcast...please help, I'm desperate...(yeah, it's a dry county...no bars)...
Yeah GF would have been number 1, but I moved to San Antonio...and woah, looks who was number 1!!!
So, it would be fair to say that year in and year out, Blais is not necessarily "looking for the best players, but the right players."
Josh Olson of Grand Forks was named the San Antonio Rampage "Man of the Year" through his contributions to the community of San Antonio...not to mention his three goals in the last two games. Goren is also on a five game scoring streak as captain of the team down here. Both are the nucleus of the team and bring it every night...must be the water in Grand Forks.. Olson--AHL Man of the Year (San Antonio)
Just a thought here...if, and it looks likely, that Parise does not play this year, then he would still have a chance to play pro hockey next year (if there is no season), wouldn't he? Being in San Antonio where we have an AHL team (by the way, Goren and Olson are on fire as of late), wouldn't Parise be able to play in the AHL with Albany? I would think so. And with a lockout, I would think the AHL would be a great place for Parise to play. IFF he can't play in the AHL, someone let me know, but for the dough he's getting and the chance to play in the AHL, I think he made a good decision...I certainly don't think I would have passed it up.
Excel guru...how do you get the drop down like that on a cell? Let me know.
So you're basically telling us that one in every four games Briggs has a Save % less than .900 and therefore a loss. That's great...SCSU Win...SCSU Win...UMD Win...UND (Loss) So long as that keeps up!!!
but when Brandt's save percentage is 100% the Sioux have won 100% of their games...