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Posts posted by siouxforeverbaby

  1. I thought hockey players got the pick of the women at UND?

    Thats the way it used to be when I went to school. Wow, times have changed.

    That being said good thing Lammy is going to be good to go this season.

    Some go football, some go hockey, some go both hence the problem.

    Oh, and I didn't see the channel 4 news, how did he look.

  2. YaneA,Mr and Mrs SiouxMeNow,PCM,Vegas,DaveK,Siouxdonym,Siouxcia and all of you Fighting Sioux hockey fans out there----enjoy a GREAT upcoming hockey season!!!



    Thanks, good luck to the Knights as well.

  3. According to Martindale, Seniors and above went in 18 minutes, Juniors in 14 minutes, Sophomores in 6, and he didn't know about freshmen but they were predicting that it was faster than the sophomores. Only complaint so far was that someone didn't get tickets.

  4. Or maybe he it gives more opportunity for someone to get him alone and treat him like he treated Dru.

    From what my co-worker was told from her lawyer husband was that he would be kept in solitary to avoid that happening. He would be carefully watched everywhere to avoid it also. I would guess that is so the jail doesn't get in trouble for not doing something if something did happen to him.

  5. As a healthcare provider, I wish to add there is a LOT more that can be involved in an orbital eye injury including fracture:

    1. double vision

    2. blurred vision

    3. cranial and /or optic nerve damage which can affect vision, eye movement. loss of facial sensation and loss of movement on the affected side of the face

    4. sinking of the eye ball into the eye socket

    5. infection which in extreme cases can cause meningitis (I knew a guy who was hit in the eye with a softball who ended up in ICU for two weeks due to his injury)

    6. the eye contents can herniate into the maxillary sinus

    There's probably more but this is all I can come up with right now. I don't want anyone to make light of an eye injury. As I said before, an orbital eye injury can be life life threatening, albeit, in extreme cases.

    I didn't mean to make light of it. I was just saying what my brother had told me. Trust me when I say that I know really bad things can happen with eye injuries and they aren't something to be messed with. I am just glad that the word is that he is ok.

  6. I e-mailed my older brother who is studying to be an optometrist about this mostly, just asking about the orbital socket thing that was mentioned before. He said that if that is what it is that the most that would have happened is that he would have some fractures in the bones there. It is the same as the eye socket and that it contains all of the bones in the eye. The worst that would happen would be that there would be some restriction in the muscles that control eye movement. sorry for the longer post, but I thought you might want to know what an student of optometry said.

  7. Robbie's 2004-05 season (injury at end) counts as a year of eligibility.

    He was medically unable to play last year (and the five year clock was ticking).

    However, didn't use a "freshman redshirt" year (played as a true freshman) and, more importantly, he didn't play at all in 2005-2006 so he spent zero eligibility (no need to apply for anything).

    He still has two years to use his two remaining years of eligibility. He's a "junior" this year and a (colloquialism again) "fifth-year senior" next year.

    ok, thanks for explaining that.

  8. Not a bad assessment at all. Actually quite good. ;)

    To apply for a "medical redshirt" (again a colloquial term, I believe the term is really "medical waiver") you can not have played in more than 20% of your team's scheduled games and none of the games you played in can be in the second half of your season. If you meet those, and have suffered a season-ending injury, you can apply to the NCAA for another year of eligibility (to replace the one lost to injury).


    Ryan Hale got hurt in Game 8 of the 2001-2002 hockey season. He just made it under the 20% of games.

    Brandon Strouth* got hurt in Game 2 of the 2005 football season. Again Game 2 of 11 (less than 20%).

    Neither played in the second half of their seasons.

    Each got an extra year of play*.

    * Strouth is a "junior" by playing eligibility right now which is the same status he started last season at.

    ** Hale was a freshman with Spiewak and Notermann, but was on the team the year after those two were done because of his "extra" year.

    So, how did Robbie Bina fit into that or did he have something different?

  9. A Friend of mine just left the Sioux practice and said Lammy was in net during practice. He also talked to one of the trainers who said he would be fine.

    Fine like he will be able to play right away or fine like he will be able to play in a couple of weeks. I am assuming you mean fine, he gets to play eventually.

  10. On paper it was an alright plan... just not totally thought out. Many people were predicting that we'd overload the server and crash the site... I'm not sure why no one did anything about it

    From what I was told, when I said something like that to someone in the Athletic Office, they said that it should be fine since the classes were going to be seperated. I think they may have just underestimated how many people were in that first group.

  11. What was wrong with letting you guys camp out?

    they've just been trying to avoid that, something with the Ralph not letting us line up on their property or something like that.

    Oh, and I tried their little test thing before 1pm and it wouldn't let me do it.

  12. Perhaps everyone should stop by the Student Government meeting tonight in the Union... they are generally in the River Valley Room (I believe) second floor... not sure of the time, anyone know?

    6pm, River Valley Room, Memorial Union. Public is Welcome to attend. the room is right next to the Lecture Bowl on the second floor.

  13. I've heard a rumor that if it doesn't work this time (which it isn't... shocker) they are probably going to cancel the whole thing.

    Anyone up for another lottery?

    i'm assuming that they will send out an e-mail or something if it comes to that?

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