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Everything posted by sioux7>5

  1. Hey I hope someone can help me out. I need 2 tickets to the saturday night game in St.Cloud. The game is on March 3. Thanks
  2. I have tried to do my part, I try to vote several times a day for the DOTS line. But I think that Duncan has the best chance of the three to win
  3. I think Duncan has a better chance to win the Hobey this year then Toews. Toews just started way to slow. I can't believe that Duncan is not more in the race then I feel he should be. This is a player that has surprised everyone and without Duncan 's play I do not think the Sioux make the kind of run the have recently.
  4. Does anyone know waht this tie does to us in the Pairwise? Thanks
  5. Ok just got home and the sound was hard to heat. Did the Sioux lose any players for tomorrow night? If so I think that sucks. They(meaning the talentless MSU Mavericks) started every fight.
  6. OK here is my thing about this. I have read almost this whole thread and I must agree with someof the people on here, who cares. This is a none story. The Dakota Student wants the atheletes held to a higher standard, why? Why not the same standard that eveyone else is held to. I do think Oshie and Toews are going to play really hard this weekend to show that this did not effect them and that they are up for the task of making a tournament run. Just my opinion.
  7. Years ago I went to Gateway and I was looking at a new car and I was debating the purchase when my sale-woman told me that sleeping on it was not an option and I had 10 minutes to make up my mind. Needless to say I left. What a idiot, had she given me time I would have been more apt to buy from them.
  8. Where are the Sioux at on the Pairwise as of today? Can someone provide a link so I can know how to findit in the future. Thanks
  9. Hextall I did not know that Blarney's held AA meetings.
  10. COuld Sacred Heart end up being this years Holy Cross. I would still like the Sioux's chances against them. On a side note, I am bummed no hockey this weekend. Damn it.
  11. Thanks PCM your recap is greatly appreciated. GO SIOUX!
  12. Yes there is a thread where someone has copies on DVD of the series for $15 ready to go. He lives in Bismarck also.
  13. If we end up in that bracket, I like our chances to get to the Frozen Four. They just need to keep playing exactly how they did last weekend and we might get to watch the Sioux win a National Title. Go SIOUX!!!!!!
  14. Congrats to the Boys. I still think there needs to be a campaign for Duncan for Hobey! He deserves to be in the discussion.
  15. I do believe that the saturday game is going to be re-broadcast tomorrow at 2pm on either ESPNU or CSTV. My Tivo is going to record it. So that will be fun to watch again and again and again.
  16. Okposo is not even greater then either Toews or Oshie. Just a thought Cujo
  17. I was going to say that. WOW I was also think at least a top 10. Who votes on this. One does MN get swept and only drop 2 spots, waht a bunch of crap. They have lost 3 of their last 4. What are these people thinking.
  18. You are correct that is a silly question. I wish Trump could have brought him on the Apprentice just so we could have heard him look at him and say "You're Fired". Yes it was on KFAN.
  19. Dupay in all his maron and yellow glasses said that he thinks Campion did a good job calling the games this weekend. Are you kidding me. What an idiot.
  20. My 63 year old mother watched the game on saturday night and called and asked if the refs make UND play 20% harder for a win then any other team. She even thought the reffing was horrible. She is not what I would call an expert at all, jsut watched because I made a big deal about the game.
  21. So according to them MN is still #1? I guess I do not understand how it works, is it kinda like the BCS rankings where it is all strength of schedule and wins and loses. Just curious and thanks for the info.
  22. What a bunch of idiots at INCH. I thought they would have UND around 10, i will wait for the official polls at USCHO/USA Today come out later today. After they way UND did MN this weekend we deserve to be ranked in the top 10.
  23. Hey everyone i was at Senser's last night and watched the game there. I must say nice turn out for Sioux fans. I was truly hopeing for a split this weekend and I am still in a little shock over the outcome. The Sioux for sure worked harder and had a lot more heart then the Goofs. But the thing I am most proud of this team for is the way the did not get down and kept fighting on Friday night. It was great being at that game. By the way did you see where Goofs coach said this is going to be good for them, he went on to say somethinglike thye hit rock bottom this weekend! I have something to say about that. Is losing to a good team rock bottom? Or would be like getting swept by AA be worse? I do not htink getting swept by the Sioux is rock bottom, there are worse things that can happen to this team. Just my opinion, I could be wrong but I doubt it.
  24. Does anyone have DVD copies of this weekends games. I am willing to pay money for them. Please let me know. Thanks
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