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Everything posted by sioux7>5

  1. I hate to say this but after talking with FSN I think you can give up hope. Sorry.
  2. I am starting to consider driving to Fargo and hanging out with my uncle and going to a sports bar there and watching it live. But most likely will go to Senser's to watch it there. Anyone have some thoughts on what i should do.
  3. Good food and big beers. I love Senser's
  4. Just talked to Fox Sports North and was told this game is not being offered FTA and that the only way to see it in the Twin Cities is to watch the tape delay. He said that Senser's would most likely not be able to pick up the signal as far as he knew. Sorry to Local Sioux Fans. But I still might go to Senser's if a group wants to meet up and watch the tape delay. Just pretend that it is live.
  5. Because I live in the Twic Cities does the end of that press release mean we are screwed, because of the Wild game? I am tired of wondering what is going to happen here.
  6. I was just at Joe Senser's and I talked to one of the managers that said that they are right now thinking that they will have the game to show. But I am to call her at 4pm today to get the official word. They said that they hoped to know something forsure by then. Will post it here as soon as I get an update. UNDLaw does that mean I win the free booze for that night.
  7. I will give Butch all the props he so richly deserves as soon as there is an official announcement, untill then I will wait with the standing ovavtion.
  8. I do not want to sound over confident if this goes to court, but the fact still remains UND(the Great State of North Dakota)won on almost every point of the first hearing for the injunction. The judge would not have granted if he did not think the UND would win if these fact were presented in the actual court case. Just my opinion.
  9. I will stop there around 11am tomorrow and then I have another errand to run and then home to post what I know. There might even be a press release befroe then. I am pretty sure from waht others have told us on this thread that it will be shown on FSSN. But I will try and find out forsure tomorrow. Hell I am trying to get Free Beer from UNDLaw. Oh it is not a GM hook-up. I just go there to much so I know the guy. All I can do is ask.
  10. I know the GM at Senser's in Bloomington and I am stopping in to talkto him tomorrow to see if he knows the scoop on this. I will post it here as soon as I know forsure.
  11. They come from the same vat, spend the extra $5 and get the better of the two beers.
  12. I agree with you PCM, by the way the NCAA has never been to UND to actually take a look at everything. But i was watching Bryant Gumbel last night on HBO and they talked about these Super Prep schools for basketball. The NCAA has visited those high schools to check on them to make sure that the players are actually getting an education. But yet they will label UND as an Abusive school after never being there. Just a thought.
  13. I am going to wait for an official announcement from someone and then I will get excited. I just do nto want to get my hopes up and then be let down. But if is on the tall Coors Lights will be flowing at Senser's, that is forsure. GO SIOUX!
  14. Just do not make fun of the Spelling Bee that is some good TV.
  15. How have you seen the paperwork? Do you work their?
  16. Hey do you mean Fox Sports maybe instead of Fighting Siux Sports? I still have the email I got an hour ago from the guy at Fighting Sioux. I am getting confused.
  17. I just got an email reagrding the game on TV. It is Not on Fighting Sioux Sports Network. They said that Fox Sports and ESPN have the rights. So not sure where other people that posted it would be on FSSN are gettign there info. This email was from FSSN. I guess maybe someone was thinking that maybe FSSN was Fox Sports Net North, but is not going to be on Fightign Sioux Sports Net.
  18. Just called Senser's in Bloomington and was told they are not sure yet if they are going to be able to get the game. I am to call back and talk to the GM. I know the guy so I will call him later today or first thing in the morning and get it posted as quickly as possible. Go Sioux!
  19. I spend way to much time at Senser's in Bloomington and I can say that if they are able to pick it up on FSSN(Fight Sioux Sports Network) they will. But that is still up in the air. I think Icsberg can answer this, does it still need to be FTA for Senser's to get it. FSSN can just show it to a local audience in GF or just to ND I think.
  20. It my be assine to you, but to most of us a fight worth fighting. It is the right thing to do.
  21. He said that they are making them Jump Through Hoops to get to carry the game. I suppose he means that there is a lot of red tape envolved in setting things up and most likely a lot of money.
  22. I will throw a $20 for them if it will help.
  23. I just called FSSN and was told they are working on it and in his words "they make jump through a lot of hoops". I think that person was stressed from a number of phone calls to find out. I also said they are trying to get it carried. I wonder one thing, if they purchase the rights, do they not have the right to do what they want to do with the signal. I would think that there is a chance it will be FTA. But I admitedly do not know forsure.
  24. I actually found a flight to Denver today for $260. Tickets to the games are between 30-40. Not bad. But unfortunatly, it just is too much when I am already spending a lot to go to St. Louis.
  25. I just checked the Direct TV again and now ESPNU is showing the Gopher game live but then going out to New Hampshire for that regional for that night game. i am still hopefull that are game will be on somewhere. I think that TV stations are trying to get the best matchups on and so i think the Sioux Michigan game will be on some how.
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