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Everything posted by Redneksioux

  1. So what do you suggest is done? Nothing? Just let this thing run its course over and over and over again?
  2. Maybe you’ve seen something i haven’t But i haven’t seen any data that shows that once you catch covid that you are immune. I’ve read the antibody levels vary from person to person and are believed to diminish in short time. I know there’s hope that NK cells or T cells may be produced that could ramp up the immune response to better fight off disease of those who become re-infected, but aren’t we just crossing our fingers with this? I don’t think we can bank on herd immunity.
  3. I can't verify those crooks at facebook censored him again.
  4. Anyone else see a pattern here? yet cnn is the root of all fake news.
  5. I'm just relieved that children are deemed immune to Covid!
  6. “Children are almost immune to COVID-19” says trump. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/08/05/tech/trump-facebook-misinformation/index.html and who keeps spouting fake news?
  7. Here we go with the don’t like it move to Canada recommendation. Any of you Minnesota residents upset with your state’s decisions could always just go to South Dakota, the land of no masks.... https://kfgo.com/2020/08/05/145834/
  8. So far a confirmed 1.5% of the US population has been infected and we’ve lost 159,000 lives. At this rate we could lose another 10 million if everyone ends up catching it. And this doesn’t even consider long term effects for survivors that we have very little knowledge of. I can tell you my end game would not be to let this thing run its course. So serious question back at you, what’s your end game?
  9. They are just as clear as how flu deaths have been counted.
  10. Because it has killed almost 160,000 Americans in about 4 months?
  11. Brilliant idea. The faster everyone catches this thing the quicker and less painful all the deaths will be. It’s not like you can get it twice right? Also to note, I’ve read that 10-20% of those infected end up with an enlarged heart. Further studies need to be done on this condition and we need to hurry up and get a large sampling of previously infected so we can understand further.
  12. Why not? All sensible reasoning right?
  13. Maybe they should just scrap the ppe if it doesn’t work.
  14. Agreed. So the solution is to instantly make 20 million more Americans have no health insurance??
  15. You don’t want health insurance? So maybe you can just pay the hospital out of pocket when you go since they can’t legally deny you service? How about the next guy that decides not to pay the hospital? Is the hospital just supposed to eat that as a loss? I understand health insurance is not healthcare. It’s how we pay for healthcare.
  16. Healthcare is expensive and that's wonderful that you pay the cost of insurance for your employees and their families. So if Trump is successful in eliminating the ACA, where will they get their health insurance from?
  17. Trump had the ACA's health insurance mandate axed. You don't think this caused the uninsured count to rise?
  18. Who lost their health insurance when the ACA was enacted? And of those why were they not able to get a plan through the ACA? And how can you blame the ACA specifically for doubling or tripling rates? Remember rates were on the rise before the ACA was enacted.
  19. Why didn’t the man punch her? Instead he assaulted the man that was with her? Idiots on both sides of this story if you ask me. still waiting for the posts (other than shooting someone in the leg, using a water cannon, or Andrew ngo’s beat up antifa video) praising violence on siouxsports.
  20. From the sounds of the article one guy wasn’t wearing a mask, the chick said something to him, and he responded with something else, which escalated to coffee being thrown. I wasn’t there and didn’t witness so can’t say for sure how things went down. I also wouldn’t be in that situation myself as I wouldn’t say something to the non mask wearer, and I also wouldn’t be the non mask wearer. If for some reason my mask was down to take a drink of coffee and this lady walked by talking some garbage I think most of us would have just ignored her.
  21. I don’t recall him praising violence. i do recall a member here identifying as law enforcement and also praising Andy NGO’s video promoting violence against the supposed antifa though.
  22. Both stories are a result of the pandemic are they not? One thankfully stopped after some words exchanged and a coffee in the face. The other one ended someone dying from covid. you wont see me defending either side of your coffee story, more than likely both sides were on the wrong. and where are these posts you speak of here from the left side praising violence? I’ve mentioned a few from the right.....just don’t have the time to search for them to quote.
  23. Tragic story I know. Here’s a story of an essential worker who had asked to work from home multiple times But was denied and wasn’t provided ppe by her employer. Fortunately no coffee on her face but she ended up dead.... https://www.google.com/amp/s/foxbaltimore.com/amp/news/coronavirus/denied-permission-to-work-from-home-md-public-health-worker-dies-after-covid-hits-office
  24. This is a story of a couple idiots fighting eachother, No one here will defend either side. could this have been prevented if our country had some real leadership and provided guidance on mask wearing? We’ll never know. meanwhile trump continues to fail and deflect.
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