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Everything posted by Redneksioux

  1. That was the comparison I was posed. Of course you can skip over bits and pieces as you choose to make whatever point you want.
  2. This is an opinion piece over two months old. They already identified most of this responsible were idiots with no cause, except mr umbrella of course. goon, may I ask, is the us border patrol as a whole as obsessed with this antifa group as you are?
  3. Dodging the question? Yeah I’ve heard of them. Never heard of the allergic needing to avoid the grocery aisle like it’s been suggested here but I also don’t know many with peanut allergies so won’t claim to have more knowledge on the matter. sounds like a pretty dumb comparison to me anyways but I’ve heard a lot worse so no surprises here. have a great weekend and don’t be so upset about having to wear a mask. You could be off much worse.
  4. Having to avoid the peanut butter aisle in a grocery store sounds more like a personal problem. Sorry you have to deal with that.
  5. Never said you are responsible for the immunocompromised. But if you are spreading a virus, that is quite irresponsible of you.
  6. I think it’s safe to say protests could also be lumped in with the list of activities. Sturgis is going to cause some issues as well, but South Dakota’s gonna be South Dakota.
  7. Well it lasted longer than some of our president’s False statements on Twitter so I’ll credit them that.
  8. "Chance of not dying from covid" should read "chance you have not yet died from covid" Didn't verify the numbers but if it's from someone you are following on twitter i'd venture to guess it's un-reliable.
  9. As have many, which has likely helped slow the spread. Of course there are things you can do to protect yourself and your loved ones. But people still need to work and not everyone has the opportunity to work remotely at home. And there will be times you will need to breathe the same air as others, it's unavoidable. This is where masks are important and I count on you to protect me by wearing a mask, just like you count on me to protect you by me wearing one. May I ask, did you previously go to any bars or dine in facilities? How about the gym?
  10. At least they are trying, if even a little, to do the right thing? I'd like to see better but based on where we are right now, I'll take it. At least they aren't going onto facebook spouting that there is no medical evidence to support mask use and claiming masks infringe on their civil liberties.
  11. It sucks I know. You do realize that proper PPE use could go a long ways into lessening the pain on businesses and getting kids back to school in some fashion. It's not just the restrictions limiting businesses. Many people don't want to go dine out, go to the gym, or go back to face to face school because they do not feel safe. The anti-mask rhetoric will only fuel the fire for things to go further downhill.
  12. So take some responsibility and learn how to safely handle your mask. If someone ends up with a bacterial infection from their mask, really, that's on them. With that said I'll take someone's side who tries to wear a mask over another's who is spewing anti-mask rhetoric and attempting to get less people wearing masks any day.
  13. That was my argument maybe you misunderstood me? We do need to look out for others, that's the point of wearing a mask. If we had an unlimited supply of N95's we could wear masks to protect ourselves. Unfortunately that isn't the case, you wear a mask to protect others from what you might be carrying. No one's lives are being shut down by wearing a mask.
  14. You realize that you are wrong. As far as I know there's one doctor in this thread, and he recently admitted that masks help. If you slap your mask on after its been in your cup holder with unwashed hands and never wash your mask, that's your problem, not mine. Your mask will still prevent some droplets from hitting the air. The anti-mask rhetoric is only continuing to hurt us as a country, but keep it up, I'll do my best to avoid you.
  15. Can you have a reaction to airborne peanut butter from sealed containers? Never heard of that but maybe it's a thing?
  16. Sure. I'm in ND where there really are no restrictions that you speak of anyways.
  17. You realize the percentage of our population at risk right? Obese, diabetes, asthma, cancer, age alone, and so on. How do all those at risk get the medical care, food, and needed supplies? And you do realize you wear a mask to protect me and I wear a mask to protect you right?
  18. Are you insinuating that jars of peanut butter are spewing peanut droplets into the air?
  19. I've already told you, I'd like to see the anti-ppe rhetoric come to an end. I believe it's dangerous and will cause covid to kill more people than it otherwise would. Unfortunately people are either too selfish or maybe just too stupid, so it will never end as many tie this rhetoric in with their political beliefs. There wouldn't need to be a mandate if people would just do the right thing and wear them.
  20. People need to remember it goes both ways. Is an immunocompromised individual’s civil liberties being infringed upon if they or their family members cannot safely go out in public because no one is wearing masks? Or is requiring mask use infringing on your civil liberty to go in public without one? There’s a simple solution and we all know it’s coming, I just don’t see the benefit in delaying it. It will fix this argument as a whole. It’s a mask mandate.
  21. Personally I’d like to see the anti-ppe rhetoric eliminated. Don’t wear a mask, whatever. But to encourage others not to wear them because it infringes on your civil liberties, no thanks, I think we are better off without that attitude.
  22. And the same can be said of the flu death counts.
  23. I get it. I know a vaccine isn’t a cure. There are people out there that are fine letting it just run its course and just let it be what it is. I don’t agree with that stance when there’s a number of things we can be doing in an attempt to save lives.
  24. I’m just basing this off of death counts
  25. The difference here is that covid is looking to be much more deadly than influenza currently is. Even with the measures we’ve taken it’s still probably 6x deadlier. Open everything back up and get rid of masks.....who knows
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