I was also one who questioned the process although I will say I was not opposed to the actual hire and was willing to give the guy his fair shot.
Hakstol has shown that he was probably as good a choice as one might have expected to get. I suppose long term results prove the point but so far I can't see arguing the choice.
Being that I had publicly (at least on this site) questioned the process, I felt it right to send a congratulatory email to the coach last summer, explaining that while I was one who had preferred a different hiring process to be conducted, he had my support, for what that was worth. I was not opposed to the final selection regardless of my view of the process. I didn't want to be seen as critical at one point and backslapping him at another point down the road. It just seemed the right thing to do.
And I don't remember who asked this question earlier, but yes, I included my full name.