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Posts posted by stickboy1956

  1. If what I've heard about Finley having the flu is true, he played fairly well considering.

    I heard Bina had the flu as well. There were times on Sat when Bina was out of the rotation.

  2. Here is my only concern coming into the NCAAs. Hak never got the lines set up this year. Switiching Kozek and Miller on and off that first line in the Final 5??? Its a little late for juggling, isn't it?

    I think that our best product is:

    Oshie, Duncan, and Kozek

    Vande, Kaip, and Watkins

    Martens, Frattin, and Miller

    Zajac, Radke, and Malone

    Chorney and Bina

    Finley and Genoway

    Jones and Marto

    Obviously a healthy Trupp earns a spot...over Malone if I'm coach

    IMO - Kozek > Miller, especially in St. Paul. I thought Kozek should have been on ice instead of Miller when we pulled Lammy v. Denver. Miller lost a battle in the corner and the puck came out of the Denver zone.

    Kozek and Martens played well together this weekend - they may be looking for balance - then Kozek with Martens makes more sense.

  3. 1. It looks like the committee pretty much followed the numbers, except for 5 v 12, which they had to switch due to Wisco and CC hosting regionals.

    2. Everyone is knocking Miami - they finished #2 in the PWR - the committee had no choice but to give them an "easy" bracket.

    3. This year's version of the Sioux is well suited on a bigger rink like the Kohl Center. It will be harder for trap-teams to clog up the lanes and negate our speed on a bigger rink. Our smaller/quicker D will be able to take advantage of the big sheet as well.

    If we play like we did period 2 v CC the rest of the season, we can take on anyone, anywhere, including Denver and Wisconsin.

  4. Here is the Stickboy bracket


    Michigan 1

    AF 16

    SCSU 8

    MSU 9


    Wisco 12

    BC 6

    ND/MSM 13

    UNH 4


    3 UND

    14 Princeton

    11 UMTC

    7 Denver

    Colo Springs

    10 Clarkson

    5 CC

    15 Niagra

    2 Miami

  5. brads on getting a 1 seed


    If UND beats Colorado College, the Sioux will be a No. 1 seed and the third overall seed in the tournament. Colorado College will be the a No. 2 seed and the fifth overall seed. Then it's in the committee's hands.

    The overall seeds if UND wins tomorrow are: 1. Michigan, 2. Miami, 3. UND, 4. New Hampshire. So, if you go by seeds, UNH should get sent to Colorado Springs for the 4-5 matchup. But would they want to send UNH all the way out west while sending UND out east?

    Or would they fudge with the overall seeding a little bit and put UND in Colorado Springs anyway and keep UNH closer to home?

    The USCHO guys think that the committee would honor the seeds and put UND in either Albany or Worcester (probably Worcester). But you never know.

    If we win and they decide to send us to Worcester, expect to see BC and UMTC in that bracket as well. The Sioux like Worcester.

    As I mentioned before, if Wisconsin gets in, it screws everything up.

    If they end up #12 overall, which #1 goes to Madison and still keep some bracket integrity - probably UNH. Who would Wisco play round 1? 12 should play 5 but what if the 5 is CC - does BC then end up in Madison? The bracket would look lke this - UNH BC Wisconsin and Notre Dame.

  6. if we are 4 and 5 flipped either way we will be in cc. if we end up 3rd we may not go to cc, score some goals tomorrow and win!

    If we end up 3, UNH 4, CC 5, there is no way we would be sent to Worcester and UNH to Colo Springs.

    Here is my bracket prediction after the dust settles tomorrow.


    Mich v AForce

    SCSU v Mich St.


    Miami v Niagra

    Clarkson v Denver

    Colo Springs

    UND/CC v Princeton/Harvard

    CC/UND v Notre Dame*


    UNH v MSM*

    BC v UMTC

    If BU or UVM beats BC, they probably go to Colo Springs to avoid a 1st round game w/UNH, Notre Dame goes to Worcester, and MSM is the last team out. All this assumes Notre Dame beats NMich. If not this is all wrong.

  7. After tonight, cannot see how we would not be in CC next week.

    If we win tomorrow, we are #3 overall, and the closest regional for us is the West.

    If we lose, CC is #4, we are #5, which puts us in the same bracket.

  8. Sometimes TJ looks like he is trying to do too much on his own or trying to make the near impossible pass and when it doesn't work out it looks bad. Great players try to do the extra-ordinary.

    When you see highlights of Gretzky, Orr, etc. you always see their great goals/assists. However, if you can find an old game tape and watch an entire game Gretzky/Orr played in, along with the great plays, you will also see plenty shots/passes that didn't work out either. The plays that worked made up for the plays that didn't.

    Take a good look and enjoy - #7 is winding down his career as a Sioux. I wouldn't trade him for any player in the country.

  9. Red Frog is right - root for Notre Dame v Miami. If that happens and CC and UND get to the finals, they both should get #1 seeds, regardless of Hockey East/ECAC results (per: You Are the Comm. tool)

  10. Anyone that watched the series saw the Gophers "run" Zacharias as much as Kangas was "run" by MSM. Goal 1 on Sat by the Gophs included contact with Zacharias. Muz-sucko started whining about this Sun during the OT during a no-goal review. If he hadn't said anything I doubt we would be talking about it. Going hard to the net is part of college hockey and NHL hockey - there is contact with the goalie all the time. As long as you are making a play on the puck contact is ok.

  11. There has to be a reason why Hak is putting Miller on the top line, my belief is that with Trupper out we are looking for another scoring threat on the third line, and that's why we've been using Kozek there.

    Hak has to be thinking about how to put pressure on other teams latter defensive pairings. If I'm playing the Sioux, I am doing all that I can to match my best d-pair up on the Oshie line.

    That last line change ability is huge in the NCAAs. Gotta keep the legs fresh while still managing the matchup. CC has a nice advantage in being able to put the big Rau line out against a team's third d-pairing at Owens' discretion.

    This is also an advantage for SCSU vs MN, although it didn't benefit MSU-M this past weekend.

    Scanlan said this move lets Dunc switch wings.

  12. Some comments on the student section... The student section in the upper bowl was asked to sit down on either Friday or Saturday night, which was really frustrating because that's the only place where people are SUPPOSED to stand. Don't buy student tickets if you're not prepared to deal with the students standing and cheering.

    On Sunday night, the lower bowl student section stood up about halfway through the 3rd period while chanting "Stand up old folk"... and they got in BIG trouble for it!! Hockey games are meant for STANDING and CHEERING, especially in a big game like that was. I don't think the students deserve to be yelled at for actually trying to create a good atmosphere. (I may be biased in saying this as a student, but I'm just sick of the students always being told what to do by the Ralph.)

    I just think the Ralph needs to give the students a little bit of slack. It is a HOCKEY game after all...

    Who started this standing stuff anyway, the Dukies?

    There wasn't a better student atmosphere anywhere than at the old Ralph and we didn't stand the entire game.

    This is hockey - not basketball. Standing does not equal atmosphere.

  13. By my calculations, we are a huge fan of Notre Dame right now, as them beating Miami, pretty much secures a 1 seed for us, as long as we win 1 game at the F5(doesn't matter which one.)

    Right - if they lose to ND, they would either face NMich who by then would not be a TUC, or Mich. If they beat NMich we would win the TUC comparison with them. If they beat Mich, Miami would move to a #1 and Mich would drop below us to a #2 seed.

    It also looks like UNH is the only team that is a lock for a #1 seed - I can only drop them to #4 overall with them losing to BC Friday. HE is the only conf without a 3rd place game this weekend.

  14. CHN - Your Are the Committee is now available.


    Bottom line:

    -If UND and CC get to the the F5 champ game - the winner = #1 seed, loser #2 seed, probably in seperate brackets. This assumes no other upsets.

    -I don't see how Wisco can make it in

    -Can Mankato/UMTC drop out?- only with below the bubble teams pulling upsets - without upsets UMTC ends up 11, MSM 12 in the PWR.

    -Hockey East has 2 teams below the bubble left (BU and UVM) the CCHA has 1 (NMich). Notre Dame needs to win at least the 3rd place game to get to 13 in PWR. Mankato will be rooting hard for BC, NH and Mich Friday night.

    -A win Sat vs. SCSU and a win Sat vs. MTU would have let us lose to CC and still beat out Miami for #1 seed (assuming Miami loses to Mich Sat.)

    Update - it looks like the only way Wisco can make the tournament is if Notre Dame loses twice this weekend, and there are not any more low seeded auto bids making the tournament.


  15. I'm just going by what it gave me. Clarkson was still T9 in mine after all the games. Oh well, not like predictions actually matter.

    Clarkson is in the tournament - the fact the auto bid from from the ECAC will not be a top 14 PWR team moves the "magic number" for making the NCAA from 14 to 13

  16. I just went through my predicted results and came up with the committee needing the Top 14 teams (2 AQ's outside of that). I came up with Wisconsin and Notre Dame at a tie for the 14th spot. Notre Dame would have a slightly better RPI but with Wisconsin hosting a regional, would the committee give them the last spot for revenue purposes?

    The magic number is now 13 - with Clarkson losing, the ECAC auto bid will not be a top 14 PWR, which means you need to be at least 13 in the PWR.

    And in Hockey East, 2 out the 4 remaining teams (Vermont and BU) are below 14 in PWR. If one of those team's wins the HE tourny, the last team in the tourny would be PWR 12.

  17. I feel sorry for SCSU. Is there any doubt that Sheppard will be offciating Thur night?

    If he calls that game like the UMTC/MSM series, it will be a hack/chop fest, which puts SCSU at a disadvantage vs. the Goophs.

    It is also bogus the coaches decide who will officate a playoff game. It should be a clear policy - the same ref for all 3 games or always bring a new official for game 3.

    This shows how "weak" the WCHA office is.

  18. CHN - Your Are the Committee is now available.


    Bottom line:

    -If UND and CC get to the the F5 champ game - the winner = #1 seed, loser #2 seed, probably in seperate brackets. This assumes no other upsets.

    -I don't see how Wisco can make it in

    -Can Mankato/UMTC drop out?- only with below the bubble teams pulling upsets - without upsets UMTC ends up 11, MSM 12 in the PWR.

    -Hockey East has 2 teams below the bubble left (BU and UVM) the CCHA has 1 (NMich). Notre Dame needs to win at least the 3rd place game to get to 13 in PWR. Mankato will be rooting hard for BC, NH and Mich Friday night.

    -A win Sat vs. SCSU and a win Sat vs. MTU would have let us lose to CC and still beat out Miami for #1 seed (assuming Miami loses to Mich Sat.)

  19. It will be interesting to see what happens as the games play themselves out. I find it hard to believe that Wiscosin and Minnesota are that solidly in after both losing their games tonight. I still think it is only going to be 5-6 teams getting into the big dance. BU won tonight and dropped in the PWR.

    That why they play the games. Regarding Wisky and Minny, it doesn't take a genius that Pairwise bubble teams aren't going to be on solid ground when they lose their games.

    UMTC and Wisco will drop a bit if they lose tonight. Then it all depends what teams behind them do. Say Notre Dame manages to win its series and move on - what happens to their PWR if they lose 2 at the Joe. The same with Harvard - If they stumble next week they may drop back.

    The bottom line - the season is not automatically over for UMTC or Wisco if they lose tonight. The NCAA's aren't a sure thing but it's not out of reach either.

  20. Wow. I guess you didn't read what I wrote. I said "IT WAS SAID" not "SIOUXTIMESTWO SAID."

    And HaksHomey, spare me. TJ dishes out plenty of hits. He can hold his own. If you can't hold your own in the WCHA, you'll never make it to the NHL. The Sioux take plenty of hooking, tripping and interference penalties of their own.

    Not really - they can actually skate so they don't usually take those kind's of penalties.

    And if you pay attention to the NHL, they do call alot more stick penalties than in WCHA - like John Madden's penalty at the end of the Wild/Devils game on Thur.

  21. I agree - that 1st O.T.had so many blattant Goph penalties that were not called that even Woog said "this is wrong". Frank of course just shrugged it off as normal - naturally.

    I thought then and there that Mankato would need to take some liberties of their own - but never did. I also thought that if they would be called for a penalty - Jutting would have an aneurism (maybe even flip off the ref) - as would I. Well they were (non-contact of course) and the rest is poetic justice.

    Many comments in the MTU/UND game post about Thul and being very consistant last night.

    What are the chances he will be reffing at the final 5 - NONE.

    Get ready for the Shep - who will go out of his way to call pens on the Sioux.

  22. Looking at the pwr after tonight, there was not much movement. Notre Dame loss killed them trying to catch UMTC and Wisco.

    Ferris State just became a tuc after that win, not good for us (see bracketology thread).

    I stand corrected - FS beat Miami twice - this actually helps us.

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