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Posts posted by stickboy1956

  1. One that is 20-12 thank you very much...one game away from the Big 10 championship....

    From now on gopherz is going to strictly talk in the 3rd person in this post. He is going to watch basketball tomorrow and not hockey out of being so pissed about the loss. Go GOPHERS (basketball)

    anyone have a link?

  2. Drop us off the list....

    One of the team's chasing UMTC lost tonight as well - Notre Dame.

    Not much movement after game 1. I'm not convinced the Gophers drop below 14 even if they lose tommorow, barring some upsets.

  3. Sitting around with buddies and I said "Fairchild gave that one away". Must be the walking and swimming back from the WJT. Folks, I can't see the gophers winning two in a row down there. Season over is looming in a big way for the dirty ones from the UMN-TC campus.

    Looking at the pwr after tonight, there was not much movement. Notre Dame loss killed them trying to catch UMTC and Wisco.

    Ferris State just became a tuc after that win, not good for us (see bracketology thread).

  4. Ferris State win hurt us tonight - they moved ahead of NE in RPI and dropped them out as a TUC.

    We may need that extra TUC win to stay ahead of Miami.

    After tonight games, here are the pwr.

    1 CO College (WC) 23 .5907

    2 Michigan (CC) 23 .5904

    3 New Hampshire (HE) 22 .5754

    4 North Dakota (WC) 21 .5878

    5 Miami (CC) 21 .5820

    6 Denver U (WC) 18 .5601

    7 Mich State (CC) 18 .5595

    8 Clarkson (EC) 17 .5461

    9 Boston Coll (HE) 15 .5402

    10 St Cloud (WC) 14 .5426

    11 MSU-Mankato (WC) 13 .5356

    12 Wisconsin (WC) 12 .5281

    13 Minnesota (WC) 12 .5237

    14 Notre Dame (CC) 9 .5319

    15 Harvard (EC) 9 .5210

    16 Ferris State (CC) 7 .5080

    17 Boston Univ (HE) 7 .5259

    18 Vermont (HE) 7 .5204

    19 Minn-Duluth (WC) 7 .5178

    20 Mass-Amherst (HE) 6 .5109

    21 Michigan Tech (WC) 5 .5082

    22 Princeton (EC) 5 .5254

    23 Cornell (EC) 3 .5153

    24 Quinnipiac (EC) 3 .5081

    25 Providence (HE) 3 .5072

  5. The one advantage all the WCHA bubble teams have is that all the teams chasing them in the PWR are playing non TUCs, which won't help their RPI. Even if WI and UMTC lose their series this weekend, because they lose to top 10 teams, they shouldn't move very much in the PWR.

    The biggest killer for the 13/14 PWR team will be conf upsets. ECAC is ripe for this, maybe Hockey East as well.

  6. Okposo wasn't playing or working hard. He was pouting and he left, still haven't seen him on the Island......Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard.

    Maybe Ness has been contacted.....

    During the first intermssion of the Wild radio broadcast last night, JP Parise was interviewed, talking mainly about Zach. He was asked a question about SSM, where he talked about what the SSM program focuses on - skill development and team building. He specifically mentioned Kyle Okposo when discussing character, hard work and being a good teammate.

    By all accounts he has been a good teammate in Lowell, as well as with Team USA/WJT. We'll probably never really know what went on at UMTC that caused Kyle to leave mid-season. Maybe he had a bad, shelfish attitude. Or maybe he felt he had to leave because "the program" was not what he anticipated/was led to believe. On the surface it looks like he bailed on his teammates. Maybe. Or maybe he was the one misled/bailed.

    None of us know. None of us.

  7. I kinda enjoy the "what-ifs" that Moy has been doing for the past several years. As far as accuracy goes, I believe he has correctly picked the bracket at least the last 2 years, and the year before that he had all the teams right, but a couple of teams were swapped that he didn't count on.

    Doing Bracketology now really doesn't mean much. Things will change, and really stratify once the conference playoffs take place. And...of course with the potential conference tournament winners stealing some of the "at-large" spots from the bubble, that makes the final prediction a bit easier.

    This weekend will help to sort things out...that's for sure.

    Adam Wodon at CHN has better "what-if's" than Moy.


    It's easy to look at the current PWR and create a hypothetical bracket. The items in question (Jason Moy's guess is as good as mine/yours) are how the committee will juggle the bracket to avoid 1st round conf match ups and how many 1st round WCHA match ups will be avoided by adjusting the natural bracket (1 v 16 etc)

  8. nah, ill take a high 2 seed instead of losing a game to tech and we lose the miami comparison, miami will lose 1 or 2 games anyways so we will end up with a 1 seed :D i know what you mean though, if we lost a game to them keeping them as a tuc.

    They will probably stay a TUC even if we sweep them - that is the good news. There is no advantage for us dropping a game to them, which is the way it should be.

  9. The point is actually quite relevant. It is my understanding that from now on (until it is once again voted upon by the 10 schools' representatives) the Final Five will be played with #2/#3 in the afternoon and #1/#4 playing the evening game. This is regardless of where MN falls in the seeding. One would hope that those in the twin cities area would find a way to make it to the afternoon game if their team is in it and the attendance shouldn't be too affected. To my knowledge the "MN rule" was overturned due to the unfair advantage the schools thought MN was given to always have the night game...

    Do you have a source/link? This revlelation would be big news and I believe more people would have heard about it.

  10. So the attendance at last year's Friday afternoon game was thanks in large part to the number of Gopher fans watching the Sioux and Huskies?

    You assumed a Fri afternoon game with the Gophers would draw only 16k - it would stand to reason the Gophers would outdraw UND/SCSU.

  11. why wouldnt the 1 seed get the afternoon game as that gives them the extra 3-5 hours of rest for the title game? doesnt make sense

    Unfair to play-in winner - very short turnaround from Thur nite. In ideal world of course.

    However because of the Minn rule, it has happened before - see 2005. We won the play-in game but had to turn around and play Denver Fri afternoon (the Paukovich game), because UMTC was seeded 3 behind CC and DU.

  12. It may have been in another thread but someone posted if it would be better if the Sioux lost one of the games to MTU to keep them a TUC.

    On USCHO, someone posted a link to a PWR calculator - its very cool. You can run different scenarios - only bad is you have to enter results one by one.

    Anyway - I ran this scenario: the Sioux win both games and there are no upsets in the other conf. MTU ends up 23 in RPI. Some teams out east are nipping their heals though - Quinnipiac, Providence, Cornell and Northeastern. They are all underdogs and if 2-3 win their series, MTU could drop as a TUC.

    It would be great to have both MTU and NE as TUC.


  13. :D A Friday afternoon Gopher game wouldn't generate a total crowd of more than 16,000. And that would include about 5,000 Sioux fans who were there waiting to see UND play Friday night.

    Packed as usual? It should be. But with the sense of entitlement most Gopher fans have, even the ones in attendance would be whining about why their fans should have to take a half-day off of work to see their beloved Price on Ice play hockey.

    Attendance from last year's Fri afternoon game:

    Fri., March 16 (North Dakota vs. St. Cloud State) 17,511


    I would assume that if UMTC played Fri afternoon the crowd would as big if not bigger.

    The point is moot however, because UMTC does not play Fri afternoon F5 games, at least for now.

  14. unfortunatley I think that's what will be the ultimate downfall of this team. scoring 1-2 goals might get by the likes of bemidji, duluth and st. cloud but come cc, michigan, miami and denver that won't get it done.

    Didn't we just sweep Denver a few weeks ago?

  15. It's the coaches who vote to keep the Gopher Rule intact - nothing to do with FSN. With the Gophers playing at 7pm on Friday, it generates more money for the league.

    The TV contract is worth more with the "rule" - a Friday afternoon Gopher game would be packed as usual so the gate would not be affected.

  16. I want to see the link for that please. If the Gophers don't make the Final Five, you'll watch FSN scramble to try and find a reason not to broadcast the tournament at all.

    It's been that way at least since the games have been at the X - I would like to see a link to article saying it has changed.

    Here's an example from 2005 F5


    2005 Red Baron WCHA Final Five - March 17-19 - Xcel Energy Center - St. Paul MN

    Games for Thursday, March 17: #5 North Dakota vs #4 Wisconsin, 7:37 pm CT (TV: FSN North).

    Games for Friday, March 18:

    North Dakota/Wisconsin winner vs #1 Denver, 2:37 pm CT (TV: FSN North);

    #3 Minnesota vs #2 Colorado College, 7:37 pm CT (TV: FSN North).

  17. Contrary to many posters on this board, I believe Chorney is the most valuable D for the Sioux this year, even though he probably has not played to his full potential this year.

    He logs a lot of pp and pk time, as well as time against the opposition top line. This allows the coaches to pair Genoway and Finley, giving Genoway a chance to use his speed with Finley backing him up. I also think Taylor has had to cover up a lot of miscues from his partner this year.

    He has had his share of mistakes as well, but I can't think of another D in the league/nation I would want on the ice with the game on the line. I'm sure the coaches feel the same way too.

  18. I know that there were some guys sick and we've got others with injury (both in and out of the line up), but things didn't look all that great last night. We're really going to have to suck it up and some of the "un-sungs" are going to have to step up and balance some of the offense out down the stretch.

    We are having a real hard time generating goals. There were lots of chances last night (and on Friday night as well), but we're really having a very hard time finishing these. Some of these chances were unbelievably blatent. We've been teasing the goof fans about how few goals the goof team has been scoring, but since the 2nd game of the Bemidji series we've had the same problem. The difference is our defense and JPL are solid, but we're going to need some goals to keep this run going.

    I was very impressed with how Martins stepped up and played really well with Kozek and Duncs when TJ went out. He did not look out of place at all on that line and like others have said, he is probably the most improved player on the team right now. He's had a terrific second half. Zajac looked OK on that line when he was with them, but did not inspire near the confidence that Martins did. (Question - Hak said something in the post game last night about only having 3 centermen on the ice after TJ left - any of the guys left - Davidson, Forney - centermen?)

    I have not been a vocal critic of LaPointe, but I haven't necessarily felt that he has showed anything beyond being a freshman. Not bad - just a freshman with some good potential. I have to say that after this weekend I am very encouraged that he is maybe moving beyond being a freshman. He had a pretty good night on Friday and a very solid night last night. Good time to start coming into your own.

    We definately have the talent and heart to take the 8th, but we still have some work to do before we get to the dance. I guess it's a good thing to have some of these "blips" show up now instead of during the playoffs while we still have some time to work out the kinks.

    Vs. SCSU, Lapoint > Marto, no question about it.

  19. As far as what game we would play at the Final Five, our game should be locked in. Unless CC does not make the tournament and UND then becomes the #1 seed that is the only instance I can think of that would change our game time. There is no longer the "Minnesota rule" which automatically has them play the Friday night game. It all depends solely on the bracketing.

    Did you see anything published about the "Minn Rule" going away? I didn't.

    It would highly unlikely the #7 team could move up to 3rd after round one, which is what would need to happen to push the 2 vs 3 game on Friday to the evening instead of the afternoon.

    I still think there is a "Minn Rule" at the F5 - it just won't be needed this year.

    We will be playing Denver or MSUM or SCSU on Friday afternoon.

  20. So how do things shake out when Miami FINALLY plays their 10th TUC game this weekend? Do they flip the UND comparison just by playing the game? I think they have a pretty good record against the few they've played.

    Bowling Green is not a TUC - the only teams in the CCHA that are +25 in RPI right now are Mich, Miami, Mich St. and NDame. They won't play a TUC untill the CCHA tournament.

  21. ive heard that as well but they will take turris as soon as hes done this year if sconiie doesnt make the tourney and phx still has a few games left trying for that last playoff spot. don maloney the GM has said that in 5 interviews or so when asked about adding players for a playoff run and he only mentions turris as thats gretzkys prize pick. wheeler has the size and the skills to be a solid nhl player but turris is all they are talking about out here. the coyotes have a nice young core with mueller, hanzal and now turris and wheeler down the road

    As I said in another thread, with the new CBA, players can "opt out" from their drafted team if they are not signed after their senior year. I don't think PHX will let Wheeler play-out his senior year - it wouldn't make sense.

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