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Posts posted by Ranger

  1. Interesting. The two main complaints of Rand are: 1) she collected SS so therefore she's a hypocrite and, thus, her writings are rubbish, and 2) she 'idolized' a serial killer so she must be an insane psychopath, etc... Your primary criticisms. And you accuse me of unoriginal thought. I don't worship her writings, but found them interesting and entertaining. What is fascinating is the negativity and polarization that surrounds her work. I've found that many like yourself who oppose Rand so strongly have never read any of her work in its entirety, possibly not even a word of it. And you're correct... I do use public roads because I am forced to pay tens of thousands of tax dollars each year into our increasing wealth redistribution system. I believe I have earned and paid for that privilege.

  2. Given that Rand also wrote an extensive political philosophy, headed a political movement surrounding that philosophy, think tanks have been established to propagate her philosophy, and a large number current leaders including Alan Greenspan and Clarence Thomas have referenced her as one of the most influential philosophers in their lives, it's more than just a novel. Rand herself argued that art was the most effective means of transmitting a political philosophy. Her philosophy breaks down to greed good, altruism bad. she railed against many of the safety net programs that were established by the government such as social security and medicare, but enrolled in both at the end of her life; although, she enrolled in both under her maiden name so as not to tarnish her philosophy. Her diaries also showed her admiration for a serial killer who kidnapped and killed a 12 year old girl. But it's the liberals who are whacky...right.

    Appears someone needs a hug. Yawn... nice google response. I will not need a social security check when I retire, but I will damn sure collect it because it was earned and paid for in blood, sweat, and tears.

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  3. "The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair and "The Grapes of Wrath" by John Steinbeck are both much better than Atlas Shrugged. Both books are inspired by what life was really like for most Americans before the reforms introduced during the New Deal. They both paint pretty stark pictures about the terrible abuses that took place when the wealthy of the country had free reign to exploit the working class without any interference from the government.

    I've read Atlas Shrugged and really can't describe it as anything other than the selfish rantings of one truly selfish human being. I still find it amazing how conservatives have embraced Ayn Rand considering her views on religion and on gun control. The views she espouses throughout Atlas Shrugged are completely antithetical to those championed by Jesus Christ yet you'll hear many politicians on the right list both as being prominent influences on their ideology.

    What is amazing is how many whacky liberals get so bent over a work of fiction.

  4. A goal shall not be allowed if the puck has been kicked or directed into

    the goal off an attacking player’s skate or any body part. When in doubt, the


    goal shall be disallowed.

    Is that you Don? Instead of using "When in doubt," the rule should read "when imcompetent...." The puck was neither kicked or directed. Not sure how this rule even applies. I stand by my earlier statement that the stripes had bar time waiting.

  5. With that reasoning we can then eliminate the military academies as being too wasteful and sending noninfantry branch officers to ranger school too,.

    Ranger School has been considered a leadership program since the 90's, if not earlier, not just an advanced infantry school. What's your experience with the UND ROTC program? Your comment appears to support the program's continuation? So you think it's wise to invest 100K+ in an aviation cadet when they are ultimately commissioned into the transportation corps?

  6. OK... My take. Modest initial impact on UND's US Army ROTC program. Little impact on UND's aviation program. No impact on the US Army. From my experience in the program, which was extremely positive, of the cadets who were accepted into the helicopter program, a minority percentage were actually commissioned into the very competitive Aviation branch. Of those commissioned AV officers, a small number made the military a career. In my year group, more than half were aviation majors and in the helicopter program. Each received very comfortable ROTC scholarships; some in the six figure range for their 4 years. Yet, only a few became AV 2LTs. Of those, only one made it a career and remains on active duty; none are in the guard or reserve. It's an attractive program for aviation majors, but not a game changer on the battlefield, considering after all the resources consumed by the cadet, they must still attend all US Army pilot training just like all other newly commissioned AV 2LTs.

  7. Yes and no. According to the reports I've read they are dropping the Global Hawk Block 30 program. That was supposed to replace the U2 spy planes. The Grand Forks Air Force Base has two Block 20's (they were supposed to get 2 more but I don't know if the latest development will affect that) and is supposed to get a total of at least ten Block 40's. They received either the second or third Block 40 in December. The Block 40 program is still a go as of this afternoon. Homeland Security also has 2 Predators stationed at GFAFB.

    Yes... but as you may know, it's a slippery slope. Appears the Marines/Navy are keeping their Block 20s for now. I have some queries in to GFAFB as well as some friends on the Air Staff and at USDI.

  8. Does anyone else find it somewhat disrespectful to members of the military when Nike calls their uniforms "combat"? Those are game uniforms, not combat uniforms.


  9. Lakes and JBB have nothing to do with this. I am commenting on what I read on other Big Sky boards and in the newspapers that serve those communities. No one is leaping with glee about UND joining the Sky and when the subject comes up it certainly seems most have buyers remorse for the reasons mentioned in my previous post. Not sure what Lakes and JBB have to do with any of that......other than they will be throwing bombs if UND has the invite yanked. As for my opinion....I could care less other than it would be fun to see the Griz have some competition in the Sky.

    Care to provide links to your sources? The nickname issue will never go away as long as rival fan bases and beat writers continue to perpetuate the issue. Today is the last day for the Fighting Sioux nickname. Opponents should rejoice.

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