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Posts posted by Ranger

  1. Hammy from GPL claims that Cooper is deciding between U of M and UNO

    The "sources" didn't mention UMN or UNO... just stated the Sioux were hot and heavy on Cooper. They were parents of AK kids on their Prospects team... their kids previously played with Cooper? Knew his parents? I didn't pay much attention, so Hammy could be right.

  2. I believe that the NCAA started banning Native American nicknames and logos in 2005. The fundraising project started in 2005. I would say that most of the people that gave money were probably aware that the nickname was in serious jeopardy.

    Not to continue beating this dead horse, but, who is to say that some of these people didn't donate in hope that their donation would somehow show the University and others their support for the name? I wasn't one of them so I can not speak for them. Maybe you are... and so you can.

  3. Do you really believe that the donors did not expect the name to change? Notice the money is not earmarked for sports but education, the real goal of the university. Simply all of the claims here of donations being cut had no basis in fact. More of a hope so they could say, "See I told you".

    Just saying it's too early to make an "informed" decision. Time will tell. You need to be less emotional.

  4. Too early to make a determination either way. It does appears by the press releases that most of the donations were received or planned well before final decisions were made regarding the Fighting Sioux name. I do hope in the next year or so UND can show an extra $100M+ in the kitty. The time clock started yesterday at 3PM CST.

  5. Lets make it as crystal clear as possible: people who were planning to donate now or soon to UND but now will not donate because of the nickname issue do not deserve any praise. In fact, they deserve to be called our and embarrassed for what they are: childish cowards.


    By browsing these posts, I'm assuming you have donated plenty to the UND coffers? If not, pound sand. AMF.

  6. Dayton, Boise, etc. etc. etc.

    You don't have to be a huge market to host the first round.

    Dayton metro population: >900K

    Boise metro population: >600K

    Grand Forks metro population: <100K

    North Dakota population: <650K

    MplsBison IQ: <90; possibly lower

  7. Were our intentions really good when we confined Native Americans to reservations? i would argue by no stretch of the imagination were they good. As far as your other point about the call screener, I would argue that's just another idiot Hannity hired to further his agenda. The stupid leading the stupid and and there isn't any more you can say about that.

    Our...We? I wasn't consulted in the matter.

  8. OK, so I kind of grasped Fetch's idea he posted in the Random Nickname thread about the Fighting Pheasants.

    Well, everyone knows, pheasants aren't the badasses of the animal kingdom, nor do they put up much of a fight in the wild....UNTIL NOW.

    Here's a little something I whipped up in the wee hours of the morning. Pheasants are a big part of North Dakota's makeup on a national level, and are actually a pretty neat bird. Everyone wants something that is terrifying, unique, cool, etc. all in one package. Trying to get that is pretty much as slim as it gets...other than keeping Fighting Sioux (and all this is, of course, 2nd to our current nickname). So, why not take this awesome animal, transform it into our own mean, badass logo and nickname. There are a lot of weak nicknames in college athletics, and no one criticizes them for it (Cardinals, Ducks, Gophers, etc...ok, so we rip on Gophers, but we all know that when someone says Gophers, we immediately identify the U of Minn).

    Whatcha think? (And yes, I made this. Consider it my intellectual property. Please ask before using...not sure what you'd use it for anyways)


    That's one mean looking Cock.

  9. This resolution makes no sense. Wait for the SBoHE to take action before taking action itself? That doesn't even make sense. Everyone knows the SBoHE needs approval from both tribes or it has no choice on what action to take (dropping the name). Very disappointing. The tribal council either has no understanding of the settlement agreement, or this was a disguised vote against the Sioux nickname. I can't think of any other way to interpret this action.

    In any event, the nickname is as good as gone now.

    Fighting Cavalry here we come!

    Let's go Cav, let's go Cav, let's go Cav!!!

  10. Well I guess I really have no reason to hold back now. Division I hockey is a joke. Hockey overall is an afterthought that nobody gives a crap about west of Devils Lake, east of Warroad and South of Fargo. It's largely the sport for rich kids who aren't athletic enough to play other sports. You disagree, then why is does the greatest hockey player of all time (Wayne Gretzky) have the physique of a school girl?

    Sioux hockey may win 10 championships but it ultimately doesn't amount to much as only 50 or so teams play Division I hockey and most of the schools that people associate with success in collegiate athletics don't even field teams (Florida, USC, Texas). If UND were in the NCAA tournament they most likely would have squared off with a school that is a recognizable name in every household in the country. Today the hockey team played Minnesota- Duluth. Point. Set. Match.

    Bitter much? Or just depressed that few are buying what you're attempting, and failing, to sell?

  11. I remember that one. They waited until the early evening to announce it to keep students from packing up and heading for an early weekend when the weather was so bad. My buddies and I went over to The Down Under (is that place even around any more?) and drank $1 teas till closing. One of my more classic hangovers at UND ... :lol::ohmy:

    I somewhat recall an "Around the World" party at the DU house. I think.

  12. It is not UND vs NDSU, but still on topic to this thread...

    How about this press release (yet to be picked up in local papers):

    In rankings released Aug. 22, the U.S. News and World Report edition of "Best Colleges 2009" includes Jamestown College as one of the top tier baccalaureate colleges in the Midwest region. Jamestown College is again the only North Dakota college or university to achieve top-tier status in their rankings.

    The U.S. News "Best Colleges" is the most recognized and popular of all college rankings. The report evaluates colleges and universities annually by assessing criteria such as peer assessment, graduation rate, student/faculty ratios, class size and student testing scores.

    "For the second time, Jamestown College has been ranked in the top tier category; once again, we are the only college or university in North Dakota to achieve such a distinction," says Jamestown College President Robert S. Badal. "We have always been known for the quality of our academic experience and for the success of our graduates, and this honor reinforces that reputation."

    In addition to being named to "2009 Best Colleges" by U.S. News and World Report, Jamestown College has recently been named a "Best in the Midwest" college once again by Princeton Review.

    NDSU and UND were evaluated in the National University category... not the Midwest region category. Badal's statement is correct, but inaccurate, or something like that?

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