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Posts posted by Ranger

  1. From Schloss's blog:

    Speaking of Turgeon, there’s plenty of buzz out there that he’s willing to fight UND’s Stephane Pattyn in the series finale. We’ll see if it actually happens.

    Willing? I'll give 4-1 that Turgeon kicks Pattyn's ass. I'll also give 4-1 that Turgeon's aunt would kick Pattyn's ass. GeauxSioux also knows Turgeon's uncle and I think he would agree that if Tony is half as tough as his uncle the odds are right. It is not just their strength. It is their mind set also. Tony's uncle is about the same size as Virgil Hill, maybe 10 pounds heavier or so. But in a bar fight I would bet on Tony's uncle over Virgil. Even when Virgil was the title holder. I am not exaggerating at all.

    lame... i bet my friend's brother's other brother could take him in a street brawl! actually, i've got some pretty good close quarters combat skills... excellent weapons ksa's as well. i'll take both of them on.

  2. Wow... Haven't seen this team get beat this bad in, say, 20 years. Horrible. Bad goal tending, bad defense, bad offense, bad coaching. One major bitch... Forbort should never shoot the puck. He must surely lead the league in shots being block. Slowest shot release ever. I expected more from him this year.... Wow

  3. Actually, it does matter and it's idiotic to not recognize NCAA 1 division hockey for what it is. The vast majority of the really good Canadian hockey recruits end up going the major junior route, even a few Americans go that way. The majority of NHL players come from that system. Occasionally a player like Toews will come along, but he's the exception to the norm. The point is MJ takes the cream of the crop for the same potential recruits as the NCAA.

    I don't disagree most top players go the CHL route. If there were viable alternatives to make the pro ranks in football and basketball, as in hockey and baseball, I wonder how many of these kids would go to college. I dare to suggest not many on that Alabama team, or any other team, would be student athletes if there was a solid, respectable alternate avenue to achieve their dreams.

  4. I see the resident apologists are out in force...

    I was out of town this week, but before I left I set my DVR to record the US Exhibition v North Dakota game on DTV 626. Returned home on Saturday to discover 6 hours of nothing recorded. Who was responsible for this eff up, or do they get a pass because it's early in the season and production? At what point do we, alumni who donate handsomely to this program, hold professionals, both internally and externally to the program, responsible?

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  5. The Production and overall presentation of the game just flat out lacked quality. It reminded me of a production level for a USHL game or a high school game or some other lower level. Not a D1 dominate college hockey program.

    I thought for a bit the broadcast was a Studio One production.

  6. Well, looks like they can forget about a career in banking and perhaps other forms of financial services.

    Same likely goes for any law enforcement organization, certainly at the federal level... as well as the US intelligence community, including contractors. Stupid mistakes can be costly.

  7. I hope this announcement gets the alumni excited and eager to make a run towards financing a new stadium (eventually)!

    Maybe for those who live in GF, or perhaps attend a game or two a year. For those who depend on satellite television to stay in touch with UND athletics, not so much.

  8. But they are building a studio and putting staff in Grand Forks because UND will be the crown jewel of their programming. They are dreaming big with this project.

    If their project doesn't end with a channel on DirectTV, Dish, Comcast, etc., then it's a complete and utter failure.

  9. No it would not be the norm. First you have to believe the student who pointed it out since I doubt anyone else would have known what the question even meant. I knew what it meant and what the answer was. How many times have you seen a question on a test that you had no idea about? Since you have no idea what it is about how would you know that it was never talked about or in the textbook? Here, what is an H1B Visa and the problem with it? No you can not Google it. So in Frank's intro class who would know what an H1B is?

    I assume every foreign student, especially hard science majors, knew.

  10. What did the previous FCS contract pay UND to broadcast all the home games? Maybe CBS' deal generates just as much revenue? Obviously the Sioux are getting less exposure nationally with this new contract...just trying to understand the logic for making this move..(Or maybe there isn't any)

    I recall previous discussion indicating neither of the contracts generated revenue.... If so, the only difference between the two is less national exposure, but HD. Not much of a trade IMO.

  11. How is the D1 move restraining the top draw? If anything, one could argue the hockey program is holding back the rest of the sports by possibly ending the FCS broadcast agreement. This has absolutely nothing to do with the D1 move.

    Huh? Isn't the hockey program the top program that puts money back into the department? Suggesting it is holding back the rest of the sports is, well, stupid. These TV deals make the athletic dept look like amateurs.

  12. Has nothing to do with elevating the rest of the programs to DI. The NCHC is to blame for the impending loss of Sioux hockey on Fox College Sports.

    Actually, the shortsightedness of UND's athletic department is to blame... 100%.

  13. What happened to CBS television and everyone saying that we won't see many games on tv anymore without Midco channel? Midco just signed a five year deal, CBS was supposed to start next year, I don't get it? I'm happy, but this makes no sense!

    Hmmm.. Let's see. Upon the start of the 2013-14 season, the hockey program will go from having 20+ games nationally televised to no more than 5 according to the CBS Sports contract discussed several months ago. Fans outside the regional Midco footprint will have few viewing options outside the webcast, if they can even get that. This is nothing to be happy about, even if you can access the regional network. Interestingly, UND had earned a nice national fan base considering its size and geographic isolation. FCS put UND sports into millions of homes 20+ times a year. Not so much after next year. I thought the D-I move was to improve the entire program, not restrain or minimize its top draw?

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