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Everything posted by buckysieve

  1. Belfour was a walk-on? Wow, I had no idea. He must be the best walk-on in the history of college hockey.
  2. buckysieve


    So according to Mory00's system of breaking it down Oshie and Potulny each have one "important gwg," but they're credited with 8 and 5 respectively. This certainly doesn't take anything away from the amazing year Oshie had but I do think it shows how misleading this stat can be. It's a perfect example of why I don't care for the stat.
  3. I've always done it .003. When I do it that way, I get pretty much the same results as the brackets which includes the bonus. When I do it like .0003, there isn't much change in the rankings.
  4. buckysieve


    Where is slap shot shoving his crap down your throats? To me it seemed like a very normal, level headed response. And how can you complain about his post when a few posts ago you told him he was full of $hit in a very child like response of your own.
  5. buckysieve


    I can't speak for slap shot, but I don't post "to get $hit going" as you say and I'm sure the same goes for slap shot. I gave my opinion, that's all. I changed my name because I regretted picking buckysucks. It was too derogatory.
  6. buckysieve


    It's a thread about stats. I gave my opinion on game winning goals, which last time I checked is a stat. I never said anything negative about Oshie, in fact I said quite the opposite. Then you freaked out. That's how I remember it.
  7. I just did, believe me. On another note, I changed my name from buckysucks to buckysieve. This way it's still anti badgers but not as derogatory. I never should have picked buckysucks. And some of those empty seats last year at the regional were from Maine and Ohio State fans who left after their team lost.
  8. For the record, post #221 was not me. It was someone who I live with who used my username.
  9. Last year's regional at Marriucci was SOLD OUT for both days. You couldn't come close to buying a ticket to the Minny/Cornell game. Get your facts straight before you post something completely wrong. And i don't care how many basketball tourneys are going on, 8,400 for a WCHA playoff game is embarrassing.
  10. How 'bout me. I regret picking buckysucks. Could I be buckysieve?
  11. buckysieve


    Why is it so hard to understand that I'm not dissing Oshie, I'm dissing the stat of game winning goals. I've had this same opinion for as long as I have been a hockey fan so obviously I'm not saying this just because Oshie happens to be leading this stat.
  12. buckysieve


    I wasn't discrediting or tainting anything Oshie has accomplished. That's why I made clear that I think Oshie is a great player. I'm discrediting the stat of game winning goals and how it's kept.
  13. buckysieve


    So just because I'm a Gopher fan I can't give my opinion on a Sioux message board? I like hearing opinions of fans of another team. You act like I said something offensive when in reality I just gave my opinion that game winning goals can be a misleading stat. I'm not coming on here and saying bad things about the Sioux or Oshie. I was just engaging in normal conversation and you, just because I'm a Gopher fan, say that no one hear cares what I think. I'm sorry, I thought we were all college hockey fans who can listen to other peoples opinions and not be a jerk just because we disagree. Most Sioux fans I talk to when I'm in Grand Forks are very nice and same for this site. But you are so over the top that you can't even listen to someone's opinion just because of the team they cheer for.
  14. buckysieve


    Yeah, I picked that because I thought it was something we could all agree on. I do regret picking that as my username however.
  15. buckysieve


    Discredit anything to do with Oshie? I think I've complimented him in most of my posts. I think he's a great player who's earned every point he got this year.
  16. buckysieve


    I NEVER once said Oshie's goals were luck. Most of his goals come from his hard work ethic. I'm saying sometimes it's luck when you're credited with a game winner. Once again triouxper you prove to be a jerk. All you do is rip Kessel and put me down. I've never once said anything bad about Oshie but you continue to show that you are absolutely obsessed with Kessel. You hate him, I get it, we all get it.
  17. buckysieve


    Yeah, I agree. That's why it's not an important stat. Vanek scored 31 goals in '03 and 17 of them were in the third period or overtime. He had the overtime goal in the semi's of the Frozen Four and the tie breaking third period goal in the title game. Say what you want about Vanek, but he was the most clutch third period goal scorer I've ever seen in college hockey.
  18. buckysieve


    That's where you're dead wrong. What about scoring the fifth goal of the game for your team in the second period to put your team up 5-2 and then your team hangs on for a 5-4 win? Was that game winning goal scored when the game could have gone either way? Oshie's stats this year are VERY impressive, 22 goals for a freshman is outstanding. The fact that eight of those ended up being game winners just doesn't tell us alot.
  19. buckysieve


    Obviously the big names will be on a list like this. If you score a lot of goals, odds are that some will turn out to be game winners. If Potulny was leading this category I'd feel the exact same way. In January in Minneapolis Zajac scored with about a minute left in the third period to give the Sioux the win. On this past Sunday the Sioux scored( I don't know who) early in the first period for a 1-0 lead. Both goals were game winners. Can you honestly tell me that the game winner this past Sunday in the FIRST period was as clutch as Zajac's in January? It's not hard too see why this stat can be misleading. None of this is Oshie bashing, he's a great player. But being credited with game winning goals turns out to be more luck than anything else.
  20. buckysieve


    And yet another shot at Kessel. You guys are as predictable as they come.
  21. buckysieve


    What's up your a**? I simply gave my opinion on game winning goals and then you have to call me an idiot and take a shot at Kessel. I mean seriously what is your problem? I didn't say anything negative about Oshie or the Sioux. I love Oshie as a player, I think he's great. My opinion that game winning goals can be misleading hardly warranted the response you gave.
  22. buckysieve


    I think it's one of the more meaningless stats in hockey. You score a goal to go ahead 4-1 and your team hangs on for a 4-3 win and you're credited with the game winner? A true game winning goal is like the one Zajac got against the gophers in January at Mariucci. Look at last years Frozen Four semi final against the Gophers. Whoever scored the third goal for the Sioux(I don't remember who it was) was credited with the game winner because the Gophers were able to score a couple in the third. I just think it's a very misleading stat.
  23. You're so dumb you didn't even understand what I was saying. I'm not talking about how Oshie takes hits. I'm talking about how other teams gameplanned more for stopping Kessel than they did with Oshie. It was obvious also during the WJT. The announcers noticed it and commented on it and he still lead the team in scoring. Lucia has also commented on how Kessel gets more special attention than other players.
  24. Why is that Kessel failed to lead them to a medal but you don't blame Oshie one bit? Oh that's right, you're a biased idiot who views the world through green colored glasses. Triouxper, the reason I don't take anything you say seriously is because of how venomous you sound when talking about Kessel. It's just so obvious that you hate the gophers and Kessel no matter what they do. I'm positive that if Kessel played for the Sioux and Oshie played for the Gophers your argument would be reversed. You come off as an EXTREMELY biased fan with no objectivity what so ever. You're an absolute clown who can't even say ONE good thing about the leading scoring frshman in the nation. And by the way, if Oshie would've faced the defensive attention that Kessel has this year there's no way he'd have the numbers he has.
  25. That's ridiculous.
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