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Everything posted by mygarske

  1. Agreed, it was a tough game, all around. The Techies came to play and we just didn't have our timing. Our guys just couldn't seem to click at the right time and had back puck luck and really bad bounces all night. I mentioned it last night, but after watching some of the game again, it was really noticable how out of wack out timing is right now. We had our guys bumping into each other all over the ice. Oshie and Vandevelde almost knocked each other out behind the Techie goal. That's just a sign of an early season and not have time for lines to develop together. The Sioux are amazing, but they are still human and it will take a while for them to all get on the same page. God help the rest of the WCHA when, not if, they do. But like the past few seasons, we start slow, finish strong at the right time. I'm not worried. LaPoint is off to a great start, he looks like he's playing at Soph. speed already. A little competition in the d-corps is a no lose for us. Wouldn't be surprise to see both LaPoint and Marto playing tonight. And I think Forney is a lock, hope he can make the most of his opportunity. It would be really great to have him be the surprise break out of the season and net 15 or so. Should be a helluva game tonight. AZSioux will be good and tuned by the time the game is over and ready for the wild nightlife, again. Ha!
  2. It wasn't directed at me, someone else, I wouldn't have bothered if it was. I do agree with you that nobody, I don't care who's kid it is, gets on this team without having been the best on their team and one of the best in their league/conference/etc. That's Sioux hockey, always has been, always will be. I'm 110% for standing up for your teammates, not a problem at all. My frustration was with his low class cheap shots at the end of the game. I was watching him go from guy to guy cross checking them under the chin to try and either get a fight or draw blood and there was 8 seconds left in the game. That's just not our style. We'll play you tough, kick the crap out of you, bang you and your sister around in the corners, but not that crap. And you're right, the whole name/logo thing already had me in a $hitty mood, this was just more crap on the boots. I wanted to see Forney play anyway, I'm almost positive he'll get his chance now and hopefully the kid will light it up! See, already turned the corner.
  3. Tough game. Techies played the game of their lives. Goalie stood on his head the entire game, unbelieveable saves every period. Sioux gave them a wild ride the last 5 minutes but just couldn't get a puck to drop. Couple different times we had the puck in the crease or on the doorstep of an open net and couldn't bang it home. Lots of bad bounces. Sioux not quite there with the lines. Lammy played a great game. Open netter to close things out. Oh, and Radke is now the whipping bitch for the year for cheap shots with 8 seconds left in the game. Lee is going to send him flowers on Monday.
  4. Don't talk down to someone on this board, that's a cheap shot. Most of us here understand that all just monday morning quarterbacks talking to one another. There are a few real live experts (pcm, jim dahl) and you don't see them hacking on guys for giving their 2 cents. We get it, Coach Hakstol doesn't run right home to read our brilliant posts and make adjustments for the next game. But let guy have his opinion, he's on the same team.
  5. We need some hack that's a Senior and still taking horrible penalties when we're behind? I hope you're not putting this $hitsack in the same category as someone who is a legitimate enforcer on our past teams? Look at some of other dmen who started off taking some bad calls and then MATURED, they LEARNED from their mistakes and UNDERSTOOD that those horrible penalties at the wrong point in the game cost their TEAM the win. Sure, Greene, Smaby, Commy all took some ugly penalities in their first year, year and a half. Then they figured out it was costing their TEAM wins, and they got smarter about how they stood up for their teammates and intimidated the other team. This guys a senior and still taking cheap shots like some dumb freshman right off the bus. Sorry, I guess the loss really has me chapped, but it was salt in the wound to see that at the end of the game. I don't think I'm alone in saying Mr. Radke's negatives out weigh his positives at this point.
  6. Ditto. I never thought Lee deserved the abuse he took here and didn't want him to leave. Radke earned the hot poker up the keester tonight. I'm all for sticking with our guys who stick with the program for 4 years, but he let us down tonight with that crap. Cost us a goal with ANOTHER stupid penalty and made a fool of himself at the end of the game. I expect that kind of crap out of Mankato, not the Fighting Sioux.
  7. Not sure if you were watching the game on web or listening, but what he did was absolutely bottom of the barrel cheap. He had his stick up under any Techie player he could find and he didn't care where the puck was on the ice. He was flat out looking to drop someone because we were losing. That ain't Sioux Hockey, that's bush league. Oshie plays with intensity and plays a great physical game. Radke couldn't lift his jock. Bench him, yesterday. And based on Hak's comments in the post game, I think it's a done deal.
  8. Just bench the f'in moron! He's had more than enough opportunities and we have plenty of guys that can go out there and throw the lumber, and do it in a respectable way. He should lose his right to travel, bring Davidson and play Forney. Let them fight for the spot and give up on Radke, what a complete hack at the end of the game.
  9. Wild game. Exlak stood on his head, our guys couldn't get the puck in and cycled all night. Techies played the game like a National Championship and we didn't. The Sioux turned it on in the end of the game, but the Techies still had enough gas in the tank and skated up and down the ice with them and had a goalie that was playing like 2 men in the net. Our guys just didn't seem to gel all night. If I saw it once, I saw it 10 times - 2 of our guys bumping into one another while they were bringing the puck up ice or in the corners or behind the net. Just not something we're used to seeing from a veteran Sioux team. Rather have the #1 ranking/undefeated monkey off our back. Doesn't mean anything this time of the year anyway and it takes the pressure off the guys and Lammy. Come back tomorrow night and start playing like they played in the last 5 minutes and it will be a much better game.
  10. Final face off, Radke took a stick to everyone but the waterboy. Looked a little too cheap for our guys. I really hate when he does crap like that.
  11. That does it, empty net goal. s&!t!!
  12. PUCK LAYING ON THE LINE!! Sioux CANNOT get it past this guy. Exlax playing like TWO men in net!! Sioux are going to need a penalty AND an empty net to get one past this guy. Wild end to end hockey, never seen this in a game against Tech in 20 years of watching Sioux hockey.
  13. Sioux look like they are on a power play, all over the tech engineering students.
  14. exlax standin on his head, several shots in front and Sioux come away with nothing.
  15. O.K. we're even. Oshie just HAMMERED a tech engineering student and NO CALL. Put the marble in the other pocket.
  16. Miller completely raped!! NO CALL!!!
  17. Lammy screened about 17 different ways, never saw the puck. Tech beat the hell out of us to keep in our zone. Bad time for the mid period let down. Let's go Sioux! Pop 'em right back!!
  18. Ha! Great minds think alike!! I'll buy ya a beer!!
  19. Watkins on a mini break away and shoots it into the teslack's chest. DAM IT!!
  20. Sioux are out with a head of steam! They're pop 2 quick ones in right now!
  21. Why does the camera guy keep showing the scoreboard when it's already in the upper left corner? take the stupid clock out.
  22. I'm watching in Minneapolis on Fox Sports North. If you try the cstv website they may be broadcasting it free on their site. CC just scored on the PP to tie it up! Caught the goofs napping on a line change and came in 2 on none. Game is really picking up now, end to end action.
  23. I've had problems with it jumping in and out. At 6 - 2 I gave up and went to the goofs CC game. The Luciapet has been pissing and moaning all night. Pretty worried about getting swept in Colorado.
  24. 1 - 0 Goofs over CC. Pretty sweet skating away backhand flip by Wheeler off a rebound.
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