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Everything posted by mygarske

  1. It's 2 f'in above and been dark for 6 hours here and you torture us by telling us you were drinking AND golfing - then come in just in time to watch one of the best scoring games we've had this season. You are just cruel. God I wished it was me!
  2. That was hilarious! Chorney says, "Yea, I guess he listend to Hak instea of me. Ha!"
  3. I guess now we'll get to see Forney tomorrow night. I REALLY hope he takes advantage of the chance to see some ice time. I'm really rooting for that kid to get his WCHA legs and start to show what some of us think he is possible of on the ice. He just seems close, it would be a really nice time for him to find his stride.
  4. You are a funny "old" guy!! I only wished I could sell that well!!
  5. Well, that's makes it even WORSE that we didn't make the trip!! 8 goals and 7 fights, Sioux with a big win!! See if they can get the last 48 seconds in.
  6. I am REALLY disappointed we didn't make the trip to GF this weekend. Sick little girl that needs to stay inside this weekend, so it's probably better that we're being good parents. But it would have been REALLY nice to watch this in person! This is the best they have played in the last 2 years, even with the run in the NCAA's last year. They look unstoppable tonight.
  7. Yep! My first (and only) football recruiting trip to UND in 1987 and they took us to a Sioux hockey game in the old Engelstad. I think they were playing the Badgers. Hrkac scored twice and Archibald just beat the p*$$ out of some guy. I told the coaches before I left the hockey game that night that I would be back the next fall, no questions. I was a huge fan before, then when I found out we could go to the games for free with our student I.D. - it was like Christmas for 6 months straight!
  8. I think he was still a little woozy from that last shot into the boards. He got dropped HARD both times. Tough kid.
  9. What an amazing goal by Toews!! When he hit the line you could just tell he wasn't going to be stopped!! He is playing with a serious attitude tonight. From the first shift he has looked plain pissed! That kind of talent AND laying lumber. We are blessed to be watching this kid playing for us. Really reminds me of watching Hrkac in '87. Every time he got the puck you just knew he could score. And there was a pretty good chance that someone would take a shot at him and then Archibal would drop the gloves and kick some's a$$. God I love Fighting Sioux hockey!!
  10. Let's hope that Sweeney doesn't say something to jinx us for next weekend.
  11. MAN! It has been waaay too long since we have seen one of those in our own barn! There it is!!! Did you see Oshie? He was jacked up from this win. Almost snapped his stick in half.
  12. Well, they did need the practice.
  13. 36 to 19 shots on goal go to the Fighting Sioux!!! That's making a statement!! Great character weekend for the boys. This is the start of a good run to St. Louis!!
  14. BINA!!! The scoring MACHINE!!!!!!!! Couldn't happen to a better guy!!
  15. That Joe Finley guy stands a little bit taller than Lammy eh?
  16. That was a cheap ass shot! Somebody better run that goon before the night is over. Take a guy head on or into the boards, but never look to blow a guy's knee out like that. Pisses me off!!!!
  17. That was a pretty weak call. And of course it was on Lee too. He was out of position, again!
  18. Lee completely worked like a $2 hooker. Cue the Lee haters! I would have to agree with them this time.
  19. So this is all I had to say to get them to have a blow out 2nd period?!?!? If only I had known back when they were playing Mankato!
  20. Let's play the 2nd period like other teams play against us!!
  21. Denver cuts the lead to a goal, 4 - 5, and Frazie was crying on the ice like he had some sort of shoulder stinger.
  22. Martens is playing well again tonight. I am really rooting for Forney to get his legs under him and start skating at WCHA speed, but it seems Martens experience is getting him more playing time. Lots of competition is a good thing!
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