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Everything posted by mygarske

  1. AMEN, brother!! The DOT line is just astounding!!! Reminds me of the Parise, Bochenski & Murray when they were really clicking and flying around. Dare I even compare them to the Hrkac Circus?
  2. HOLY F'in $$$hit!!! Toews is absolutely amazing!!!!!!!!! Dam you Pat Sweeney and your forked tongue!! Let some of us hope, pray, that he will be back for a 3rd year!!
  3. KAIP!! 2 Feet off the ice with the flying shoulder check!! The boys are playing a complete game tonight!
  4. Anybody else see Barribal during the break interview with the yellow hair? What the hell? Did he play an early game for Warroad?
  5. I won't call and bother the poor guy now, but I will send an email and thank them for getting the feed back up and running. Fair is fair.
  6. O.K., it's really just the beer. But it does make me feel much better!
  7. HEY!!! WE ARE BACK IN ACTION!!!!!! WEBCAST IS BACK!!!! I will take back, half, of my smart a$$ comments. Again, still bitter about paying for the service in the past, but I'm working through it with professional help - and beer.
  8. Roseau with an impressive win, 3-1. They dominated play for the entire game. Best looking team in the tournament and I have only missed 2 games.
  9. Now that's surprising, I bet that wasn't intentional, hence the reaction from "Mr. Tech". He was probably upset because he was trying to answer the phone AND catch the back-up hampster that had also fallen off the giant "wheel of power". And yes, I am bitter, because I was one of the fools who did actually pay for this service when it was REALLY $hitty. I will admit it has been better this year, at times, but if you're going to do it, do it right. If Alaska can put on a better webcast than us it's pretty dam pitiful. And yes, UNDLaw, it will be back up and running once we have a 4 goal lead.
  10. It was only up for 4 games, it was bound to happen.
  11. Everybody getting the "transitioning" message that then goes to buffering? Hell of the time for the mouse to fall off the wheel down there at "tech central". Swear to god, they will just never get this video thing to work, for an entire game.
  12. Should be a great series. I have heard from a number of fellow WCHA fans about how great the Sioux have been playing and how much they fear seeing the Sioux in the playoffs. That Saturday night win in St. Clown was a huge boost to start off the playoffs right. I think St. Clown is going to regret "tossing" that game in for Senior Night. In expectation of the Final 5, I have been talking to a lot of the goofer nation faithless - they not exactly bursting with confidence. As it has been pointed out here before (and by a number of the goof fans I have talked to) the Tyler Hirsch loss has had a MUCH bigger effect on scoring than any of them expected. Okoposo and Bariiballs have really fallen off since Hirsch left. Anyone on this board need some tickets for this weekend? I had a major change in plans and we will not be able to make the games. I have 2 good seats right in front of the press box in the Sioux scoring end for 2 periods. They are listed on the ticket exchange, but I thought I would check with folks on this board.
  13. Wow, it just never ends does it? I was trying to keep the real biting edge off my sarcasm, but you can't account for that kind of desire to be pessimistic about
  14. You don't ask, you don't get. So ask. Unless this becomes a runaway train (which is possible once we're on our way to St. Louis) I don't think you are going to make million$$. But, if you are concerned, I'm sure you could work out some sort of royalty fee.
  15. A-hem, you mean, "...a lady."
  16. Nope, I'm talking about the Siouxsports.com logo at the top of the page. I can't think that many people outside this board would recognize that and know what it was. Also gives credit to our host and founder of this great site.
  17. I like the one at the top of the page. But you can take off the disclaimer, don't want to be TOO flashy. We are North Dakotans after all.
  18. But, the harsh words of those fair weather fans still seem pretty fresh in my mind. If I remember correctly, there was talk that the coach wasn't quite up to the job, the DOT line (props to AZSioux ONLY) couldn't score and should be broken up, our freshman class just plain sucked and we would be lucky to make the WCHA playoffs. I think there was quite a bit more, but who wants to dwell, we'll open the doors to the band wagon and let them all back on again.
  19. "If you want me to take a dump in a box and put a guarantee I'll do it, I've got the time!"
  20. "Fun? There's TONS of fun stuff to do around here! Throw stuff off the bridge, cruise the 4 H chicks...HEY, wait, you ever been cow tippin' before?"
  21. "Lots of people go to college for 7 years!" "Yea, they're called DOCTORS!"
  22. The Chiapet giving his version of why the goofers sucked tonight. "We were an easy team to play tonight, we made ourselves an easy team to beat." And then went on to really calm the goofer nation, "We'll be back at work tomorrow, I promise you that." For those that were multi tasking (Sioux on computer goof on TV) didn't the goofer play tonight look a LOT like the 3rd place game from last year's Final Five? They looked like they could care less out there tonight. You would have thought the Chiapet would have learned a lesson from last year in the REA. But, hey, keep it up!! We really like the results!!
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