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Everything posted by hrkac

  1. Hype doesn't mean anything. It doesn't mean a thing until a player proves it. Spehar anybody?
  2. hrkac


    "Let's give it up for.....Debby Downer, everybody!"
  3. I second that... The black jersey's rock and the Sioux are 2-0 on the road wearing them!
  4. C'mon, neither team can afford to lose players for the last two series. This will be a hard fought series but i can't imagine either team getting into a thug-fest. i doubt Robbie would want that either. Let's play hockey!
  5. hrkac

    Mike Prpich

    Anyone know how much the jersey went for tonight? I had bids but had to quit after it got to $700. Thanks for any info, i'm just curious. thanks
  6. Jan 5 Michigan Tech* Duluth, MN W, 2-1 Jan 6 Michigan Tech* Duluth, MN W, 5-3 Jan 12 Colorado College* Duluth, MN W, 4-3 Jan 13 Colorado College* Duluth, MN L, 2-4 Jan 19 St. Cloud State* St. Cloud, MN L, 0-5 Jan 20 St. Cloud State* St. Cloud, MN L, 5-6 Jan 24 Northern Michigan Duluth, MN W, 4-2 Feb 2 Denver* Denver, CO L, 2-5 Feb 3 Denver* Denver, CO W, 6-4 UMD has been playing pretty well lately, most recently a split in Denver. There's not a team in the league you can look past and i don't think UND will either. As far as Blais goes, rumor has it that UMD will not buy Sandelin out of his contract even though he's not very popular right now. The athletic department just can't take the monetary hit.
  7. why....? how much time did you serve? go home goofy.
  8. Hindsight is a biatch. the one thing about Forney is that he's been injury prone since high school. let's hope he comes back next year with a summer of being injury-free. As for Oshie, i'm still hoping his dad's comments to me at the Regional last year rings true. "TJ will be here 3 years, that's the plan. he needs to grow as a hockey player and a person." i'd bet the odds that this latest incident isn't going to affect his decision either way.
  9. http://siouxsports.com/forums/index.php?sh...=7863&st=20
  10. Bochenski scores in 1st game with the Bruins! BOS: BOCHENSKI, B. (05:06 in 2nd) currently, the game is 1-0 Boston and Bo was just out on the power play with Kessel. Go Bo!
  11. he had the weekend off because of the AHL all-star game but did win friday 1/29. did your source run into him at Judy's after a couple of belts?
  12. Notre Dame hasn't been this good since Lou Holtz was behind the bench.
  13. Boston Bruins General Manager Peter Chiarelli announced today that the club has acquired right-winger Brandon Bochenski from the Chicago Blackhawks in exchange for right-winger Kris Versteeg and a conditional draft pick. Bochenski will not join the team for their game tonight in Raleigh, NC.
  14. i'd like to see that nutter Prpich put on punkovic which lead to curious george to prance on the dasher. anybody got a link?
  15. agreed AZ. i don't think this incident will shake the team's momentum from last weekend. if anything, it might make them focus more on the task at hand now that they'll have to think twice before popping a few brews after a big weekend.
  16. you would be buying the blank dvd's. the rest of the money would be shipping and time spent doing the dubs.
  17. maybe they'll have a follow-up story on WDAZ tonight?
  18. I find it amusing that fans of each team's get into this same discussion every time a player on a rival team gets in trouble, UND fans included. It unfortunately happens and i'm sure no game suspensions will come of this. it didn't happen in minnesota with blarney's. ZPar didn't get any suspension. Did Eaves get a suspension for roughing up one of his players in GF after consuming a couple of bottles of wine at GF Good Ribs? I don't think so. i've been to Norman's (formerly) in Duluth multiple years and watched the whole team come in and drink. Once they had a 16 year old recruit with them that they basically had to hold upright. It happens everywhere and at every school. Let's relax a bit here and move on to hockey. If anything, suspend them for this weekend's series against B.Y.E. University and call it good.
  19. agreed AZ but UNDLEAFSGUY has insider info that Hak will sit the boys for this weekend's series against B.Y.E. University. I think they play in the ECACHL.
  20. .....and the other must is a blood thirsty hate for the goofers, or i mean.. rubes..... see you on the ice, Bert. Bring Ernie too.
  21. It's the same quotes we heard from Hak last year when it took Sioux players 4 weeks to come back to form after the WJC's becuase of fatigue. Every team in the league with NHL draftees is going to be young every year because of early defection. UND UM FR 5 9 SO 12 5 JR 4 7 SR 3 2 UND underclassmen: 17 UM 14
  22. john hill is a quitter that resigned from his coach job a AAU to be an assist at UMTC. isn't that interesting?
  23. i hate the fans too. i had some jerk-o#@ calling us nazi's and how he was the biggest denver fan in columbus 2 years ago. after i stated that it was better losing to the sioux than a team with purple jerseys. he then walked away. classy, classy dude.
  24. genoway on with tim. he played excellent last night. 3rd goal (?) was all on him. stole puck in def zone, stole puck in nuetral zone, made a great pass that started the sequence for the goal.
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