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Everything posted by WiSioux

  1. Wow... less than I expected from the Athletic Department: Oh well... it's still going to happen either way.
  2. If we wanted to go really simple, how about something like this? Custom Ink The more you buy, the cheaper they are....
  3. The more I think about shirts, the more I think about how much easier it would be without shirts.... Since it is only the first year, I'm thinking that we should go as easy as possible on ourselves and perhaps in the future they could consider ordering shirts for the fans. I think that we should stick with wearing our own apparel. As amazing as a shirt would be, I would not only be cold, I'd also feel weird for not wearing a hockey jersey!
  4. So I was thinking more about tshirts... and if we can find sponsors and figure out how to order that many shirts, it'd be a really cool idea. So I pulled out my 2007 Big Event shirt to get ideas from... and this is what I've got: Shirt: Kelly green short sleeved t-shirt with white writing FRONT: Go Green! BACK: At the top it would say: Green Out Weekend Under that would be the quote: "In a land so inescapably and inhospitably cold, hockey is the chance of life, and an affirmation that despite the deathly chill of winter we are alive" ~Stephen Leacock And at the bottom we'd have sponsor who will hopefully donate money so that we can make these shirts. As far as the Big Event shirts, they have some green writing on the back which looks really nice in contrast with the black shirts and white writing... so maybe we could add in a little color. I guess it all depends on if we can actually get people to help us create these shirts financially... just throwing the idea out there. Let me know if you think you have a better quote, or any suggestions/improvements to my idea
  5. Over 200 people in the facebook group, so the students seem to be taking to the idea very well. I have a few more ideas for publicity that I need to check on. Does anyone know if they still hang banners over University Ave? I think the Craft Center in the Union was responsible for those, but seeing as there no longer is a Craft Center I'm not sure...
  6. I need some help guys and gals! This event IS happening. Whether it be offically or unoffically, Dec 7th and 8th, the Gopher series, will be UND's first (annual I hope) Green Out. Help me get the word out... tell your family, friends, coworkers, neighbors... tell the people that sit in your section. I need to get the word out! As of right now I am asking everyone to bring their own green apparel. I will try as hard as I can to get some sort of hand out, hopefully I can get some help with that otherwise it's gonna take a miracle because not only do I not have that much money, but I'm not sure I'd spend that much money on shirts. I'm also still looking for some sort of "logo" idea for signs, if you've got any suggestions post them here. I'm also not sure that "Green Out" is the best thing to call our event... but I also can't come up with anything better. There won't be much publicity until hockey season starts, so that gives me awhile to try and figure something better out. Feel free to give any suggestions or advice that you have!
  7. Perhaps someone knows the answer offhand before I start looking... but is there a rule that the home team has to wear a specific jersey.... or would it be worth my time to try and talk to the coaches and see if we can even get the team in green for this series....? In the NCAA Rulebook it says: "Light-colored jerseys (e.g., white, gold, yellow, or light blue) may be worn, during the regular season, by the visiting team only when the teams have agreed before the game. If the teams are unable to agree, the visiting team will wear dark-colored jerseys." Rule 2: Teams, Section 1, page HR-22
  8. I'm not really sure about uploading things... but here is an update of what I've got: As far as who I've talked to about possible help: Student Government is willing to help The REA said they have considered the idea in the past but couldn't get 11,000 shirts donated. They are willing to promote this in house on our concourse tv's and pa announcements. Brad, from the GFH thinks that it is a good idea and if something gets going, he will be aware of it and he'll mention it on the blog and/or in the print edition I emailed the Athletic Department and the guy that I originally emailed said he would forward my email on to several people that might be able to help, I have yet to hear back from them... I emailed Sioux Crew yesterday and am waiting to hear from them, I also emailed the Sioux Booster this morning and am waiting to hear back from them as well. If it gets down to it, I think we could make a sign, make some copies and tape them to the doors at the Ralph... everyone has to go through the doors to get inside so the exposure could be huge. Oh yeah, and the facebook group has reached 100 people, so it's doing alright... could be better, but could be worse... it'll grow with time... especially once classes start up again and everyone is on their computers more often
  9. What about women's hockey? I enjoy going to multiple hockey games in the same day if there is no football to watch. Makes for a great weekend! Besides, I'm sure the women appreciate all the fans, so why not see if we can get more people to come!
  10. I talked to Amanda because I know her, but she said that when I come in I could also ask for Tara... For those that are further awway and find it difficult to help plan this but are still interested, I was thinking we should make some sort of logo or something that we can put on a sign to hang up (everywhere). I can find pictures on my computer and put together a collection, but I have seen another thread with ideas for a SS.com logo and those are so much better. If you are computer talented and would be interested in coming up with "Green Out" logo ideas feel free to post some in this thread!
  11. What would the best way to go about selling shirts be? Contact the Sioux Shop and/or Barnes and Noble and see if they'll sell them... I'd imagine the Ralph wouldn't appreciate a table being set up in front of their building with a bunch of shirts. I'm still at the point of exploring all options. Perhaps if the second round of people at the Athletic Office ever get back to me, or when I talk to Student Government and Sioux Crew I can get a better idea...
  12. Good idea.... colors would work fantastically! I also just received a message from someone involved with Student Government saying they think it's a great idea and would be interested in helping... just have to stop by the office once school starts.
  13. Are you volunteering to help research t-shirt price to find out how much we would need to raise and then help contact and convince businesses to donate money? Cuz I'm thinking that is WAY too complicated for me... I'd rather go with everyone has something green... lots of shades of green would be cool too
  14. This link should work if you sign in... Facebook Group Let me know if you still can't find it
  15. Facebook group is up and running with over 200 people invited... more to be added later. If you are on facebook feel free to join: "I Support A Fighting Sioux Green Out Weekend!"
  16. I work at the Union and the manager just came by to show me his ticket. He said that they've got long lines for tickets.... looks like it'll be a great season!!! (and I'm working on the Green Out thing... getting the students on board should be the easy part thanks to facebook)
  17. Is that you volunteering to help? Now that I'm all moved into my apartment in Grand Forks and relatively settled, I can probably devote more time to trying to track down people to help me attempt to organize a green out. While most of us have said that doing this during the Gopher Series would be the best option, that's less than four months away... can we plan that fast? My other concern is that Minneapolis is relatively close and there are Gopher fans that come to the games up here. In fact there are even students that would consider themselves Gopher fans first.... will it look bad if there is random yellow and maroon within the green? Would it be a better plan to pick a series such as UAA where the chance of opposing fans attending will be much smaller? At least for the first year and in following years (because hopefully this repeats) we can pick the Gopher series.
  18. Plans have not yet been announced as to how tickets are going to be distributed. I'd imagine that once school starts something will be said rather quickly.
  19. Not exactly sure what the connection would be, other than supporting UND... but as many of you may know it's UND's 125 year celebration this year. As part of the celebration it has been organized to take a HUGE group photo with approximately 5,000 people on the lawn forming the UND flame logo. I know the person that is recruiting people to be in the picutre and the majority of the free t-shirts that they are giving to the participants are green. That's around 5,000 green shirts right there. The front has the UND 125 Year logo in white and the back has the Barnes and Noble logo also in white. If we could get word out to people to save their shirts, that'd be half the crowd right there in the same shirt....
  20. Might be a dumb question, but I'm too lazy to look it up. Are the tickets that go on sale tomorrow only for the homes games, or for the away games as well?
  21. I saw a sign for it right next to the funeral home down the street from the Alerus Center
  22. Second week in November... I doubt that there will be snow... if there is, I don't expect it to be much. Badger football is a good time... even if you can't get tickets I recommend wandering around down by the stadium and checking out the tailgating and such. Be sure to check out the "statue" (I think that is what it is supposed to be) on the corner of Monroe and Regent Street.... it's very.... interesting...
  23. Hmmm... Vikings at Lambeau you say... well I'll be in Wisconsin until Monday... I just might have to try and convince my relatives that it's too cold for them to be outside and I should use their ticket instead Yay for family in Green Bay! EDIT: Dang.... Those season Packer tickets go to the Milwaukee package... so my family doesn't have those tickets...
  24. Which away series do plan on attending? Hope to attend? Fri, Oct 19th @ Boston College Sat, Oct 20th @ Northeastern Fri and Sat, Oct 26th and 17th @ Michigan Tech Fri and Sat, Nov 9th and 10th @ Wisconsin Fri, Nov 30th and Sat, Dec 1st @ Denver Fri and Sat, Jan 4th and 5th @ St. Cloud Fri and Sat, Jan 18th and 19th @ Mankato Fri and Sat, Feb 1st and 2nd @ Minnesota Sat and Sun, Mar 1st and 2nd @ Duluth I plan on flying home for the Wisconsin series, which happens to fall at the same time as Veterans Day so I can stay home for an additional day. I'd really like to make it up to Tech before I graduate and I think the series in Mankato would be very entertaining.
  25. Article from the Blues website on Duncan from August 2nd: Duncan Towers Over The Competition
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