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Everything posted by UND Fan

  1. Sicakota - thanks for the update and the info regarding the Betty. Per the Project description, it will seat 3,300. It was supposed to seat 4,000. Does anyone know if the 3,300 is correct and, if so, why the change?
  2. Anyone has any great rationale as to why North Dakota gets hammered by Montana every year? Their population is somewhat larger so they would have a few more kids to pick from but you wouldn't think they should be that much more talented than ND kids.
  3. Sicatoka - thanks for enlightening me! It appears there may be some other inconsistencies but that does explain the lack of points for teams participating in track.
  4. I was very surprised that we stayed in 4th. SU was right behind us at the time of the last update and they scored heavily in track, plus getting some points in golf and softball. We got some points in BB, W. tennis and track but not all that many. In fact, in looking at the final standings, there are many things that don't make sense (if I am reading it correctly): -- SU finished 4th in W. track and received no points. -- UND finished 30th in W. track and received no points while NW MO St. also finished 30th and they received 43.5 points. -- Both of Adams St. track teams finished in the top 4 and received no points. -- Grand Valley finished 33rd in W. tennis and received no points while UND and St. Cloud also finished 33rd and both got 25 points. There are many other examples in numerous sports. I would guess that overall totals and standings are correct - it is just that the per-sport grid is all screwed up!
  5. I would agree - I doubt there is anything to this rumor. It used to be that if you transferred "up", you didn't lose any eligibility. Has that changed?
  6. I guess I would disagree. NDSU would welcome Digger with open arms for two reasons: 1) He is outstanding! 2) They could "run it in our noses" that this happened because we elected to stay DII and this helps proves that they made the right decision - and we didn't!!
  7. I'm not sure if this has been discussed here or not but Moorhead forward Chris VandeVelde has commited to UND. He will be a senior this upcoming year. He admits that he has always been a Gopher fan! No more!! Scouting reports??
  8. Fanto isn't listed on Maine's website as having commited their for this next season. However, I don't think he is going to UND.
  9. Does anyone know which UND men and women BB players are planning to spend the summer in GF? Historically, the more who stay in town and work out together - the better the team.
  10. Do we know if Dressler plans to run track next year?
  11. That is great news about Trenbeath - amazing is the proper word for it! The comment about playing for the Sioux next spring. I assume that we are talking about baseball. Is there any hope that he could play football again? I didn't know if this meant that he felt he could be ready for spring football next year after sitting out this fall.
  12. Another article in the Jacksonville, FL newspaper about the struggles of another school, Savannah State, that recently moved from DII to DI. Again, I don't know how to attach it but you can find it at www.jacksonville.com. Go to archives for May 23rd. I am sure someone will post it here soon. Bison fans - my purpose is NOT to imply that you are going to have all of these same problems. It is just interesting reading!
  13. Does anyone have any info as to how Beasley progressed this year? I know he was only active for a couple of games early in the season. Does Miami or other NBA teams still feel he can play at that level?
  14. Very interestng articles in today's Forum regardng SU's move to DI, their fund raising efforts, etc. www.in-forum.com
  15. I assume everyone knows that the UND/CMSU game is on the radio via CMSU's athletic website. No score after the first one-half inning!
  16. UND Fan


    SU fans: relax, this isn't a shot at your institution it is simply a question! This was discussed earlier in the football forum, I believe, but I thought that university athletic departments were not allowed to formally announce that a student was going to going to walk-on. My understand was that they could only publicize recruits who were going to get scholarship $. Obviously, it is common for this type of news to be "leaked" to the local press who publish or broadcast the info. This was question was brought to mind by yesterday's NDSU press release that a Moorhead female BB player was going to walk-on. Someone enlighten me!
  17. Thanks, Sicakota! One of these days I will earn how to do that! You are correct, that was one of the interesting quotes. And, it is from a school that has 20+ DI schools within 300 miles!
  18. There was an interesting article in yesterday's Florida Times-Union (Jacksonville) about the University of North Florida's likely move to DI. Unfortunately, I do not know how to create a link to it, so anyone interested would need to go to: www.jacksonville.com/tu-online/. In "Archives" for May 9th, you will see an article titled: The Next Big step for UNF. Their situation is much different than NDSU's, SDSU's or potentially UND's. Right now, they do not field a football team, they have conferences "waiting in line" for them to join, there are all sorts of DI teams to play within driving distance, they get a much larger share of their budget from student fees, their fundraising efforts fall far behind NDSU of UND, etc. Again, not a lot of similarities but interesting...
  19. Mankato's website indicates they won the first game 3-0.
  20. Great wins! What was the score of the second game?
  21. The talented JUCO kid out of Ohio (Dujuan Tate) is considering going to a DI school, sitting out a year to get his grades in line and then playing one year of ball. Giving up one of his two remaining years of eligibility certainly doesn't make much sense but a couple pretty successful programs are urging him to do just that. That must prove that he has lots of talent. Supposedly, if he goes DII, he will go to UND. No idea when he will make a decision. They are also looking at another JUCO kid (6'8" - could play the 3 or 4) out of Chicago. They may know about him relatively soon. We lost another kid out of IL to UMD - we had hoped he would come for little scholarship $. We couldn't afford to offer more than we did. There are a couple of other interesting scaenarios that may play out but it is too early to know. It does appear that Koenig will stay at UWGB.
  22. Big games tomorrow in Fargo! Anyone know who will be pitching for the Sioux? It was appropriate that we threw Scheving yesterday - we needed a sweep and he will be ready for Mankato this weekend. But ... it would hae been nice to have him throwing against SU.
  23. Per our website, we lost the first game today 11-2. Not good!!
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