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Everything posted by UND Fan

  1. Let's reserve this to UND recruiting!!! Does anyone know if we are bringing in recruits this weekend? We usually try to do so when there are either BB or hockey games at home. The women do play hockey against Wisconsin but the small crowd won't be nearly as impressive as it is when we are playing against NCC BB foes or have a hockey rival in town. Another factor that really comes into play with some kids is the weather in GF when they are in for their visits. Opposing coaches really sell against UND because of its distance from many recruits home towns and the "terrible" winters GF has. In actuality, I suppose GF winters are greatly different than Mpls or Wisconsin winters but kids don't know that. If they visit during very cold or stormy weather, many assume that it is that way in GF all the time. I know we have lost recruits due to this. I partially bring this up because I know it has been a great winter up there so far. I hope it lasts through recruiting season. We have also lost a lot of kids through the years because they weren't able to get to GF on their scheduled weekend due to weather but I suppose that could happen to any schools in the NCC.
  2. I certainly had hoped that all the debating, arguing, smack (whatever you want to call it) between SU an UND fans would have subsided by now. In my opinion, it serves no purpose. NDSU (right or wrong) has taken the bold step to move up a division. Soon, UND will decide whether that same step is in our future. If you guys want to continue this discussion, I respectfully ask that you start a new thread solely for that purpose. This thread was started to discuss recruiting AT UND!!! Thanks!
  3. I can't get the internet broadcast tonight. If someone could tell me how the ladies did as well as an update now and then on the guys, it would be appreciated.
  4. UND Fan


    We also lost the Vandal kid from Rolla. It has to be a very disappointing week for Lennon and his staff - losing three of the top kids they wanted - all to SU! As a previous poster noted, we better get used to it - it will likely continue to happen!
  5. SiouxMeNow - You make a good point, it is amazing that an SEC team would shoot that poorly but, as Bison Pride pointed out, it is also pretty amazing that a team from North Dakota would kick the crap out of the University of Alabama in a major sport.
  6. I have read with interest all the posts regarding lacrosse becoming a sport at UND. To be honest, I have little knowledge, appreciation or interest in the sport but that doesn't mean it is not a good idea. However, with most of North Dakota and NW Minnesota probably having the same attitude (partially because it is not played in HS in the area), do you really think this could become a sport that would pay for itself at UND? In answering my question, please don't compare it to baseball, golf, hockey many years ago, etc. Just try to convince me that it could produce revenue - especially when you consider that all players would come from out of the area which means higher recruiting costs and higher tuition costs. Don't take my post as negative, I just naive when it comes to lacrosse (I do know that it is a rough game and its participants are true athletes) and need more information to understand how it could possibly be a profitable venture.
  7. UND Fan


    You would certainly think our recruiting efforts should be greatly aided by all the All-American honors and NFL attention many of our seniors are receiving! I hope so!
  8. I agree with your comments. As I noted, it is good that there will be some tough games throughout the season. Beating a few of these teams, especially on the road, will not be easy. That will better prepare us for the playoffs.
  9. We are all very excited about our ladies' team this year. They are talented, young, exciting to watch and definitiely have the ability to go a long ways into the playoffs. However, it appears the conference will be tougher than I had originally thought. Duluth took it to NDSU in Fargo and St. Clould appears to be very good with Augie, UNO and USd more than respectable. This is good though, you wouldn't want UND to "walk" through the league and then have to step it up for the playoffs.
  10. As you may remember, there was another committee about two years ago that also studied a move to DI. This committee was much smaller and had no real clout but they did talk to Maine, New Hampshire, Montana, etc. (schools similar to us). Rob and Rich Glas were on that committee - I don't remember who else. I suppose that may be one reason Rob isn't on this one. However, I bet he will have plenty of input - he has some strong feelings on the subject! By the way, Brooks had a nice day yesterday, didn't he!
  11. Apparently Kimbrough didin't play today. Anyone know why?
  12. UND Fan


    Per the Forum this morning, Landon Smith (Dickinson Trinity), is going to play FB at SU. Unfortunate, his brother, Lee, played for us a few years ago!
  13. OK - I have been in the Betty but will not see my first game there until January - live in Florida. While I do agree a center-hung scoreboard is preferred, I am afraid there are much higher priorities right now for the Athletic Department. You mentioned many of them but they first need to balance the budget - not an easy task! I think it would be great if a site like this could assist UND with some of its financial needs but I don't think we could raise the thousands of dollars needed for that type of scoreboard. That's why I thought you were talking about the soccer field - that might be doable!
  14. If we are serious about this, I have $25! We are talking about a scoreboard for the soccer field, right?
  15. I think the opposite is more likely the case. A lot of very talented hockey players prefer a small school where hockey is obviously the No. 1 sport on campus. For the most part, I think our NCAA division is a non-issue for potential recruits.
  16. I understand that there is a 6'3", sophomore at Kloten (I think Kloten is part of Dakota Prairie High School), who Roebuck has his eyes on. She is a big girl (not just tall) with a great deal of potential.
  17. Per the box score, Lindahl was scoreless and only played 7 minutes. Did he get hurt? If so, a long season will likely turn into a exceeding long season!
  18. UND Fan


    I assume UND has recruits in town this weekend. Anyone know who might have been at the hockey game last ight?.
  19. Koenig will not play this year. A request for a medical redshirt has been made (which will be approved). I just hope he does recover - he has some real problems with both knees!
  20. Polls don't mean much but does anyone know when the first Women's poll will be announced?
  21. A very pleasant surprise tonight! The guys played very well!
  22. How much time left in the game?
  23. There are a lot of folks who strongly feel a move to DI is the right decision for UND and it certainly may be. Probably the most important factor is how we would fund it. The Athletic Budget is running in the red now. Moving to DI, attendance may go up some and we may get some guarantees. I am not sure that we could raise tickets prices much more - they are quite high for the GF area. These added funds would not be nearly enough to offset the tremendous increase in scholarship costs, recruiting costs, team travel costs, etc. Adding another 40-50 scholarships (all sports) along with trying to fully fund women's hockey. North Dakota and reciprical states' tuition, room, board, etc. cost well more than $10,000 per scholarship and $17,000+ for other states. Those numbers may not be correct but should be semi-close. Putting more athletes on scholarship mean that you will be bringing many more recruits in for campus visits and....... One of the biggest problems is simply geography. There are normally many ???????? SOMETHING HAPPENED TO THE NEXT 4-5 PARAGRAPHS OF MY POST - I DON'T HAVE TIME TO RESURRECT IT NOW. I WILL AT A LATER TIME!
  24. Boschee would only have gone to UND had he decided not to attend a DI school. UND was not his 2nd choice by any means.
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