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Walsh Hall

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Posts posted by Walsh Hall

  1. In the modern era this conversation begins and ends with Hrkac. It was a different game in 1987, but the way he dominated the college game was crazy. Toews, Parise... will have much better pro careers, and Patrick/Christian... had better pro careers, but Hrkac is my pick in a blowout.

    I was a huge fan of Casey and Eddie the Eagle, but I think that a forward would be the most memorable.

  2. This is typical WCHA. Screw up the Genoway suspension, suspend Lammy for nothing, and do a complete makeup call to suspend Marvin for 3 games. The Wisconsin hit didn't come close to warranting a 3 game suspension.

    It should have been a two game suspension for the Genoway hit. The refs should have been told going into the UND/SCSU series to let them go if they square up and drop the gloves in a fair fight. Both players should have then been given the usual 5, DQ, and sit a game. The Wisconsin hit should have been either a 2 or 5 with nothing else.

    The WCHA is making this much more difficult than it should be.

  3. The other exhibits are just foundation to admit the test result. As was already stated, reasonable suspicion to stop a vehicle and problable cause to arrest would be dealt with in a pretrial motion. These aren't proper issues for trial.

    If a defendant does well on the field tests, and the test isn't overly high, it isn't uncommon to get an aquittal. The jury has to answer two question, (1) was the defendant under the influence and/or (2) was the test .08 or greater within 2 hours of the stop.

    The intoxilizer is a devise which is easy to poke holes in. Without an expert to explain the test the jury is basically left with a sheet of page with a number on it with no real explanation as to how the number was obtained. If the test result doesn't sync up with what the jury sees in the video there can be reasonable doubt.

  4. A guess that leading the WCHA is GAA isn't good enough for you? The problem this year is on the other side of the ice. I heard the quality scoring chances on Friday were 22-6 in UND's favor. Saturday's had to be pretty close.

    I completely understand being very upset at the results, but I don't understand saying this team is getting outplayed. And to say that defense is the problem makes no sense. I'm not a big fan of a few of the D-men, but number-wise they have done a great job giving this team a chance to win.

  5. College hockey is goofy. The last two championship teams were not nearly as talented as some of the non-championship teams. I believe that scoring depth, a lock-down checking line, and a strong PK are the most important aspects.

    Top notch college players don't produce at the same level as top NHL players. An elite college player can put up better NHL numbers. That's why it is so critical to have the 3rd and 4th lines chip in 25 goals. The top college scorers light it up on the PP, not so much at even strengh.

    Rolling 4 solid lines is key. If you have a checking line that neutralizes the other team's top line ES you have a huge advantage. Not letting the other teams elite players score on the PP is critical.

    Most teams have a talented first line. Not everyone has Henderson-Calder-Ulmer to completely shut them down.

    I like the way the team is shaping up. I think the components are there. I just hope that a couple guys step up and say, "I want to be on the ice against Schroeder, and there is no f'n way he is getting on the scoresheet while I'm on the ice." If our 3 can batter their 1, I like our chances of rolling our 1,2,4 against their 2,3,4

  6. I'd love to see a true checking line in the mold of the classic Henderson-Calder-Ulmer line. They could score and they absolutely shut down the oppositions top line.

    I'd go with Malone-Zajac-Lammy to fill those spots. They have the talent and the right attitude to get it done.

  7. DaveK - if you had any credibility you just lost it when you say that Gretzky was great in all aspects of the game. Count me as someone who thinks he is the greatest hockey player of all time, yet I will freely acknowledge that he was a subpar player in his own end. He was just so incredible offensively that it didn't matter.

  8. Yeah, cherry-pickers tend to score a ton of points. Glad you're paying attention. :D

    I'm not telling anybody who they should like, I'm saying it's ridiculous to suggest that an offensive specialist is a better all-around hockey player than somebody who excels in all areas of the game. I like Ulf Samuelsson more than Denis Potvin, but I wouldn't say Ulf was better than Denis. Get a grip!!!

    Ovechkin is a more dynamic goal scorer than Crosby, and nobody in their right mind would argue otherwise. Crosby is a better hockey player than Ovechkin, and nobody in their right mind would argue otherwise.

    By that definition Gretzky was not a great player because he was not a strong defensive player. AO is a hard nosed player and demands 2 or 3 guys accounting for him at all times. His career stats are nearly identical to Crosby's, and he hasn't had the talent around him like Crosby. If you take Crosby out of the Pitt lineup they are still a competitive team. Without AO the Caps are awful.

    They are both elite players. To say that an argument can't be made that AO is better is crazy.

  9. Well then, maybe you never really hated those players. Which, if my assumption is correct, I commend you for. If you hated them as much as I hate Randy Moss, you would not still be supporting the Bruins... and I don't wish for any fan of any team to have to endure what the Oakland Raiders put me through.

    I almost always pull for the ex-college kids to do well in the NHL, but I certainly pay more attention to my favorite UND players. I wasn't a Kessel or Vanek fan, but it is good for the college game to have them succeed in the NHL. There are also ex-UND players that I don't really care for. I don't seek out a Bruins game, but I do seek out the Devils, Blues, 'Hawks...

  10. The money line and DOT were great, and Toews, Oshie, Stafford, Zajac and Parise will hopefully have better pro careers, but the Hrkac Circus is without question the best line in UND history. The game was different and the talent level in college hockey was different, but that line was off the charts in comparison with the rest of the league. They dominated. Joyce, as memorialized in song, owns the boards. Hrkac had 116 points in ONE YEAR. They won the league and NCAA. As far as the best COLLEGE line, and I'm pretty sure that UND is a college (University), Hrkas wins hands down.

  11. VV's stats aren't anything special and he wasn't anywhere near a dominant college player. He has the potential and has played great lately, but his body of work isn't spectacular. I guess I don't see him playing in the NHL next year, he's at best a one/two year AHL guy before any chance at the NHL. Unless Edm. thinks that the AHL will be better for his development I don't see a huge benefit by jumping. He'll be an elite college player, potentially a first team WCHA or All American, and I think at that point he would be in a much better position going forward.

  12. I'm pretty sure that the 8 seniors want to hoist the cup. You don't play up until this point and then shut it down just short of the finish line. I'd be amazed if they play anything but intense hockey on Friday.

  13. Spiewak was a nice player, but does not belong in this discussion.

    I'm surprised that Goren and Roche aren't getting more attention. Roche commanded the game unlike few blueliners. I'd rank him in the top 5 d-men I've seen play the college game (and I've been around awhile.)

  14. The problem with that concept is that not all perceived cheap shots are intentional. The game moves so fast that sometimes a player might unintentionally deliver the kind of hit that some might consider to be cheap. Ya know, maybe some guys just feel like the barbaric act of participating in a fist fight is so far beneath them. It's not automatically that they're cowardly, maybe it's that they're more civilized people than to lower themselves to caveman tactics. I would never participate in a fist fight, even if I knew for a fact that the other guy was much weaker than me. It doesn't matter who "wins", because you both make complete fools of yourself for participating in such neanderthal behavior. Nobody should ever be forced to fight if they don't want to. If two guys both want to bash each other's skulls in, that's their choice. A person who shows no interest in fighting should not be attacked, period.

    First of all, it's fine if the original cheap shot dude wins the fight. It isn't about hurting the guy, it's about standing up and sending the message that if you pull this crap you better be ready to back it up. That really does serve as a deterent.

    It's also part of the deal that if you are man enough to pull the cheap crap you should be man enough to drop the gloves in a fair fight. I bet Jones was more upset with Lucia running away like a girl than the spear itself.

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