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Walsh Hall

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Posts posted by Walsh Hall

  1. I don't see the problem here. If the tables were turned we'd want a Sioux player to do the same to a yappy Gopher to send a message. This is hockey, not figure skating. Stoa didn't do anything unusually dangerous.

    I did find it odd that Stoa would say that the bench told him to do something. That should stay on the bench or locker room.

  2. I remember a week in late 1995 or early 1996 where the governor cancelled all schools for Thurday and Friday on Wed. afternoon. The temp was around -40-50 before windchill. I was in the dorms at the time and a wild long weekend was had by all. The liquor stores were busy that Wed. night to stock up.

  3. I hate to call players out, but Martens and LaPoint look lost.

    I was expecting Lapoint to be a solid two way d-man after his impressive USHL season. He just doesn't look like he has the skill or foot speed to be effective at this level. I hope my assessment is wrong, but by this time in his development I though he would be better acclimated to the college game.

  4. Ugh...lets just give everyone a "participation" ribbon. This is D1 hockey, not park board. The most talented players need to be on the ice as much as possible, not sitting for inexperienced players to get some ice-time. Some players need to be motivated by sitting a game, while others just have to keep grinding. A good coach knows who they are, but Hak is clueless. This is not an isolated incident. I just had enough when Hak decided to sit both Trupp and Kozek. Funny enough, they play UMD this weekend and IF Kozek or Trupp score you will think Hak is a genius. Oh, by the way, have YOU been to all of the Frozen Four's lately? Hak has been outcoached BADLY! Add that to being a classless fool who feels that flipping-off the officials is acceptable, you get a coach who needs a pink-slip. We deserve a better coach at UND. Now I do appologize for thinking that you were sticking-up for one of your kids, I guess thats not correct. However, you truly need to stick to video hockey if you think you know what "really" going on. Open your eyes grasshopper, coach Hak has a problem..its his attitude.

    Please explain specifically how Hak was out coached in the Frozen Four losses. NCAA hockey more than any other sport can be decided by one luck bounce, one hot or cold goalie, one shot that is half an inch inside the post instead of half an inch the other way. Last year a couple d-man played awful games, the goalie didn't bail anyone out, and the BC forwards, one in particular :), were quick and finished their chances. I don't put the losses on Hak unless you put it on him for the recruiting.

    All good coaches bench quality players on occasion if they are not working/performing up to their potential. Blake was benched and he was a heck of a lot better college player than Trupp or Kozak. If I remember correctly, the Sioux won on Saturday night with those two in the press box and lost on Friday with them on the ice. It sucks to sit in the press box and it is a major wakeup call. My guess is they will respond with a better effort. They may not light up the scoresheet, but the effort will be improved on both ends of the ice.

    Generally the head coach plays the tough guy role and the assistants are more friendly with the players. Blais was a hard ass while the head coach but his role was more buddy/buddy while the assitant back in the old days under Gino. Same goes with Hak. That was a consideration in hiring Hak, the transition and the relationship with the current players.

    I'm not saying that Hak is Scotty Bowman, but your assessments and reasons for disliking him are flawed.

  5. My thoughts:

    1. I thought the Sioux carried the play 5 X 5 and played well short handed

    2. The PP was awful. Things need to get shaken up.

    3. The Sioux had a ton of great changes but continually missed the net.

    4. AA only had a handful of decent chances all game.

    5. All three AA goals were soft. The first he had a bad angle, the second there was a screen but you have to stop a weak wrist shot from the point, and the third should have been an easy poke check. Walski froze and considering the AA player shot the puck from about 2 feet from the crease he was way to far back in the net. Not that the D didn't break down, but that should never have been a goal.

  6. Last year 550 and 710 worked great. This year those two stations have not been carrying Sioux sports.

    I'm in Bismarck as well and this year has been incredibly frustrating. Their hasn't been radio coverage on 710, 550 or 1270. I can't believe that no stations pick up the games and KFGO.com hasn't been reliable. Fightingsioux.com is the best bet but there have been issues with that as well.

  7. I'm a bit concerned with BE's play. I thought he played small, and took many bad angles. I was also disappointed in the D-man's effort on the 2-1's. He didn't take away the pass or cut off the angle. They might as well have been 2-0's.

    Nonwithstanding the BC game, Genoway needs Finley out there. I competely agree that Finley logging 25-30 minutes is of extreme importance to this team. I also agree with the Wisconsin opinion that our D is way to soft. Finley and Jones are the only ones that go into a corner with any steam. I have hope that Blood and Fienhage will get there as well, but Marto and Lapoint have no interest in taking a hit, and Genoway has a tendancy to get too aggressive offensively.

    I can see alot of goals in our net this year unless things change in a hurry.

  8. I don't care if he is a ex-gopher or ex-Sioux. He made a mistake, we all do. My thoughts and prayers go out to him and hope that he can come back from this. The disappointment from his injury had to be severe. No excuse, but you have to feel for this kid. Without the injury he is probably a professional hockey player right now.

  9. It seemed he was doing pretty well when he first got to the Bruins and then this year he couldn't crack the lineup. It seems like the NHL is funny that way, if the management or coaches don't like you you don't get a chance.

    Look at Jason Blake. He couldn't do anything right for Andy Murrey in LA. Since then he's been doing very well.

    It seems like Bo has gotta off to pretty good starts when ever he changes teams. I hope he keeps it going here.

  10. well that would be all me so i will take this time to say sorry to the people that are really bothered by that. walsh hall, chuck and others......just say my name instead of just saying what bothers you in general as its obvious its myslef. i dont make much off selling retro sioux jerseys as if its anyones business and front a hell of a lot of money as well to make them right for sioux fans. trust me as im not bumping threads to make myself a extra 5-10 grand off these. its a fun hobby for me and enjoy getting sioux fans what they ask for in jerseys. thanks and happy holidays to all around SS :cool:

    I was just wondering if there could be a seperate spot for merchandise for sale. You obviously do this for some financial gain, and that's fine with me, I may very well purchase one of your jerseys at some point. WHen I come on here I usually click on the first three or four links to get some info/updates on what is going on with the program. If I was looking for a Sioux item I would prefer to have one stop with all items for sale. When it's a one time thing that's fine, but the repetitve sale of stuff leaves a bad taste.

    Anyway, Merry Chrstmas - Go Sioux

  11. Any see R. Potulny looking absolutely terrified last night when a Penguin wanted him to drop the gloves? He was getting worked along the boards and just stood there with a "I need to go change my shorts" look on his face.

  12. Those that doubt Hrkac's ability didn't see him play. As far as drinking and dedication, get real. You apparently haven't lived with and been friends with college hockey players. Shockingly, some good times are still had.

    To compare Pprich to any of the debatable choices here is laughable and to say Toews is overrated is insane and would not be said by anyone with any knowledge of hockey. He is arguable the most decorated player to ever don Kelly green and a team leader in the NHL as a rookie. Prpich, as much as I enjoyed him, isn't near an AHL team.

    For the college game I'd go with Hrkac with Toews in second. My next group would be Patrick/Ward/Bo/C.Murphy/Parise. I'm comfortable with the goaltending so I wouldn't go that route.

  13. well get him some tissues then, seriously what a f'n joke if that has a reason for leaving or even a part of it. i dont buy it at all. i want him to return as well but hate seeing that crap. if he leaves it will be his and otawas decision to develop in the AHL rather than g forks, not because of "no love" :lol: our d core would be amazing if he came back but if he decides to leave which im guessing he will then its time to move on

    I wasn't talking at all about him getting bashed, I just meant that it would be great to have him on the blueline next year. Toews departure would/will leave a large hole, and Lee leaving will weaken the defensive core.

  14. I was extremely confident in JT's return prior to him being named to team Canada. After his performance I thought he was gone for sure. Being that it seems that a decision still has not been made I still am holding out a sliver of hope. It's not like there will be intense negotiations. I assume the Blackhawks have already said, "Here's the max we can offer under the new CBA, please sign here." It's not like the Blackhawks can really sweeten the deal anymore. That he hasn't signed yet, in my opinion, is confirmation that he is at a minimum weighing his options.

    You couldn't wipe the smile off my face for a week when the others announced they were staying. I can't imagine the crowd when the team comes out of the tunnel for the first game next year if JT is with them. If the whole crew returns for next year I propose that the entire crowd stands and applauds the entire first period of the first game in appreciations.

    As an aside, Lee isn't getting the love here, but it would be great to have the entire group return.

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